Amazon AWS goes down and takes half internet with it

Varun Trivedi
2 min readFeb 28, 2017


The internet giant Amazon’s S3 web-based storage service is struggling with some issues which leads to break down for some of the apps, websites and other services that are partially or fully relied upon them.
Amazon S3 is widely in used for providing hosting of images, application backends and even some entire websites.

This has lead to breakdown to some of the major websites like — Quora, Sailthru, Business Insider, Imgur, Medium, Dribbble, invision, Trello and many more. All this websites are facing number of issues like falling offline, missing images or even left running.

Upon this issue Amzon Web Services team said a few moments ago that “This isn’t an outage but rather a case of increased error rates. We’ve identified the issue as high error rates with S3 in US-EAST-1, which is also impacting applications and services dependent on S3. We are actively working on remediating the issue”.

Some of the big companies and products which are affected by this issue has made some statements on Twitter.

Twitterati went crazy and has some fun on this issue.

During the live presentation they have discover the issue with Amazon S3.

Recently Amazon updated its status page for AWS to say “We’re continuing to work to remediate the availability issues for Amazon S3 in US-EAST-1. AWS services and customer applications depending on S3 will continue to experience high error rates as we are actively working to remediate the errors in Amazon S3.”
More on this story as it developes.



Varun Trivedi

Co-Founder and Marketing Head at Chamestudio Pvt Ltd. Content Head at @iconscout.