Types of Usability Evaluation in Interaction Design.

Harica Srinivas
2 min readJun 16, 2020


Have you ever thought about interaction design is also as important as user experience design in evaluating a prototype? Learn more about evaluating a project here.

Usability evaluation is a theoretical way to appraise the product’s usability. It is handled by one or several usability experts.

Quality and relevance of results are directly linked with experts’ competence.

Each usability expert develops own approach to interface evaluation and has own views on how deeply to investigate this or that interface element and how to set priorities.

Depending on the goals the Expert Evaluation falls into

1. Quality Evaluation

2. Heuristic Evaluation

3. Cognitive Walkthrough

In this article, we will first learn about Quality Evaluation

This strategy assists with distinguishing conceivable issue zones of the item and assess their effect on ease of use from subjective strategies. Endless supply of the investigation, the expert makes proposals of approaches to dispense with the difficult zones.

1.Functional layer

The expert recognizes every functional blunder, which makes it muddled or incomprehensible for him (and for any client) to experience all situation steps

The expert records the framework’s capacity to process blunders

Effect: Efficiency, Productivity, Functionality, Safety

2. Structural layer

The experts record all blunders and traps of the structure and route, which meddle with situations application

Effect of the structure on the selection of situations is recorded

Effect: Productivity, Satisfaction, Learnability

3. Content layer

The expert records all topic blunders happening in the substance if they are unimportant to the picked TA

The specialists likewise judge on messages consistency with interface constraints

Accessibility of inciting messages and their importance to the help area is additionally twofold checked

Effect: Efficiency, Satisfaction

4. Compositional layer

The expert checks the area of utilitarian, data and realistic components on site pages and judge on their importance to the general gauges of interface plan improvement including in the agenda

Effect: Efficiency, Productivity, Satisfaction

5. Visual layer

Overview of the effect of visual and realistic components on the client keeping measures of craftsmanship and plan, with extents, colouristic, affiliation symbols/pictures and the solidarity of style

Effect: Productivity, Satisfaction, Learnability

When all blunders are recorded, the specialists investigate their effect on the item’s convenience and make proposals while in transit to dispense with them.

Usability testing can be utilized in an assortment of ways during your task lifecycle. In spite of not having the option to emulate genuine use, ease of use testing is as yet the best technique for guaranteeing your site underpins clients in accomplishing their objectives rapidly and without any problem. At the point when organizations address the issues and desires for their clients, they are bound to build up effective assistance.

To be continued…

Please check the continuation here https://medium.com/@vipparthymeenakshi/heuristic-evaluation-for-usability-testing-in-ui-design-d12626375447

