Few-Shot Learning: Introduction

Vipul Ahuja
3 min readJun 17, 2023


In the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, one of the significant challenges is training models with limited labelled data. Traditional machine learning algorithms often require a substantial amount of annotated data to achieve high accuracy. However, in real-world scenarios, obtaining large-scale labelled datasets can be time-consuming, expensive, or even impossible. This is where few-shot learning comes into play. Few-shot learning techniques enable models to learn from only a few examples, bridging the gap between traditional machine learning and human-like learning abilities.

What is Few-Shot Learning?

Few-shot learning is a sub-field of machine learning that focuses on training models to recognize and generalize patterns from a small number of labelled examples. Unlike traditional learning paradigms that require a massive amount of labelled data, few-shot learning algorithms aim to learn from limited data and generalize well to unseen samples.

The essence of few-shot learning lies in the ability to extract relevant information from a small set of labelled examples, often referred to as the “support set” or “shot.” This support set contains a few instances of each class the model needs to recognize. Additionally, few-shot learning algorithms employ a “query set” or “probe” consisting of unlabelled samples that the model aims to classify based on the knowledge gained from the support set.

Methods and Techniques

Several approaches have been developed to tackle the challenges of few-shot learning. Let’s explore a few prominent methods:

  1. Metric Learning: Metric learning methods focus on learning a similarity metric that can effectively compare and classify samples. Prototypical Networks, for instance, learn to compute a prototype for each class using the support set and classify query samples based on their similarity to these prototypes.
  2. Meta-Learning: Meta-learning, also known as “learning to learn,” involves training models to acquire knowledge or learning strategies from multiple tasks. Meta-learning algorithms aim to generalize from a set of similar tasks to quickly adapt and learn new tasks with limited labelled data. Methods like MAML (Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning) and Reptile fall under this category.
  3. Generative Modeling: Generative modeling approaches generate new samples from the support set to augment the training data. By generating additional data, the model can capture a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying data distribution. Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are commonly used generative models in few-shot learning.

Applications of Few-Shot Learning

The applications of few-shot learning span across various domains and industries:

  1. Computer Vision: Few-shot learning has been successfully applied to object recognition, image classification, and semantic segmentation tasks. It enables models to recognize new objects or categories with limited training examples, enhancing their adaptability to real-world scenarios.
  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): In NLP, few-shot learning allows models to learn to understand and generate language with minimal labeled data. This is particularly useful for tasks like sentiment analysis, machine translation, and text summarization.
  3. Healthcare: Few-shot learning can help in medical image analysis, where the availability of labeled data is often limited due to privacy concerns. Models trained on few-shot learning can quickly adapt to recognize new diseases or anomalies with a small set of labeled examples.
  4. Robotics: In robotics, few-shot learning techniques enable robots to learn new tasks or objects efficiently, reducing the need for extensive manual programming or data collection.

Future Directions

The field of few-shot learning is continuously evolving, and researchers are exploring new techniques and methodologies to improve performance and address its limitations. Some areas of active research include:

  1. Advanced Meta-Learning Algorithms: Developing more efficient and effective meta-learning algorithms that can quickly adapt to new tasks and generalize better from limited data.
  2. Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning: Extending few-shot learning techniques to leverage unlabelled or partially labeled data, further reducing the dependency on fully annotated datasets.
  3. Domain Adaptation: Exploring techniques that allow models to transfer knowledge across different domains, enabling few-shot learning on diverse and previously unseen data.


Few-shot learning has emerged as a promising field, pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved with limited labeled data. By harnessing the power of meta-learning, metric learning, and generative modeling, few-shot learning techniques provide a pathway to developing more adaptable and intelligent machine learning models. As research progresses and new methodologies are discovered, we can expect few-shot learning to find wider applications across industries and facilitate more efficient and flexible AI systems.

