An Introduction to Digital Stenography

Viraj Yadav
3 min readOct 29, 2021


Stenography is the art of encoding secret information into multimedia carriers such as images, audio, and videos. The ultimate goal is to hide the fact that embedded data exists. The ultimate goals of digital stenography are robustness, undetectability, and the size of the hidden data. Top cyber security courses online are also introduced.

Stenography was created in the digital world to keep information safe from prying eyes as Antivirus. It is taught in information security courses. It’s a great way to get the job done, but neither technology nor people are perfect, and both can be broken. It is for this reason that multiple layers of security can be added.

Mostly due to their widespread use on the Internet and the ease with which stenography tools that use data formats can be used. The future of Internet security and privacy on open systems like the Internet will be shaped by stenography technologies. Stenography is a technique for hiding important data inside another file so that only the parties who are supposed to receive the message and antivirus are aware that there is a secret message present.

Stenography is regarded as a complete solution for open system privacy. In today’s digital world, stenography can be applied to a wide range of data formats. The most commonly used data formats by top cyber security courses online are-

· .txt

· .doc

· .bmp

· .gif

· .jpeg

· .mp3

· .avi

· .wav


If the original cover is unknown, good stenography is undetectable or at least very difficult to detect even by antivirus. As a result, stenography places a premium on robustness which you can learn from Top cyber security courses online. It’s also not enough to have a secure stenography system. It must also have a large capacity for the cyber developer.


Stenography’s main applications are for secret, invisible communication between two people in an open communication system and malware.

1-Where strong cryptography is impossible; it will be required for secure and secret communications.

2-Even knowing that two parties communicate can be crucial in some situations, such as military applications.

3- Information hiding techniques could be very beneficial to medical image and EID card systems.

Stenography is currently used in online voting systems and online banking operations.

Digital Watermarking vs. Stenography

Information concealment is divided into two subfields into cyber security training courses: stenography and digital watermarking. Stenography is a technique for concealing important information. Sending a message with invisible ink is an example of Stenography. This concept can also be used in audio to hide echoes that are difficult to detect in the context of malware.

Unlike Stenography, watermarking focuses on the security of the information being hidden or protected. The goal of watermarking is to make the watermarked data irreversible. Stenography is a two-way communication method that is usually used in a one-to-one relationship. Cyber developer hides data so that another person can decode it.

Stenography Techniques

1-Image Stenography

· LSB (Least Significant Bit)

· DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform)

2- Audio and Video Stenography

· LSB Coding

· Phase Coding

· Spread Spectrum

· Echo Hiding

3- Steganalysis Techniques

· Detection technique in Text Stenography

· Detection technique in Image Stenography

· Detection technique in Audio and Video Stenography

4- Evaluation

· For Text Stenography

· For Image Stenography

· For Audio stenography

· For Video Stenography

Stenography is a method of ensuring data privacy when communicating with others. The cyber developer must incorporate a level of security as well as privacy. Stenography, especially when combined with cryptography, is a powerful tool that allows people to communicate without eavesdroppers even realizing there is a method of communication in use. Cyber security training courses provide infinite opportunities in the field of digital stenography. The methods used in stenography have advanced significantly over the centuries, particularly with the rise of the computer era.


Stenography’s three main design factors are undetectability, capacity, and robustness, which you can find in information security courses. More restrictions on the use of privacy-protecting technologies and malware are unlikely, especially at a time when there is widespread fear of terrorist and other attacks. The improved data hiding capacity will be visible in the cover image. It is possible to obtain it with cyber security training courses. It will provide good perceptual quality while also increasing security knowledge in digital stenography.

