United States Independence Day Celebration in El Salvador: Strengthening Bilateral Ties | UnitedStatesIndependenceDay | ElSalvador | Salvadorans | CulturalExchange | BilateralTies | Celebration | Diplomacy | USEmbassy | DiplomaticRelations | PublicConcert | CulturalDiversity | UnitedStates | InternationalRelations | FireworksDisplay | PeopleToPeopleConnections |

Jul 4, 2023


In a public show coordinated by the U.S. Government office in El Salvador, north of 300 Salvadorans accumulated to observe U.S. Autonomy Day. The occasion, held at the Centro Internacional de Ferias y Convenciones (CIFCO), exhibited areas of strength for the ties between the US and El Salvador. The celebrations included unrecorded music exhibitions, food trucks, and a light show, making a lively and euphoric air.

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