Valuing NFTs — An Abstract Framework

Viral Videos as NFT
1 min readAug 9, 2021


Valuing an NFT is a challenging process. Particulary something that’s part of Internet History — such as meme or a viral video.

Sometimes, it’s the story that resonates and connects emotionally. Other times it’s hard calculated numbers using sophisticated modeling techniques.

A simple lens is developed to ensure the collectible passes these basic filters. Viewing valuation through these 3 qualitative lens — the DAAC model— Digital Art, Asset, & Collectible, is a good start.

Ask yourself:

1. Is it high-end Digital Art — was the piece created using propreitary digital tools and techniques?

2. Is this a Digital Asset — was the viral appreciated by audiences, how big of a viral hit, received press/awards etc.?

3. Is this piece a Digital Collectible — did it strike a chord with you? Will buying (+ holding) this moment in time appreciate in the long run and why?

From our perspective, most NFTs check off one or two of the three. The rare ones does all three!



Viral Videos as NFT

Thoughts on viral videos as NFT collectibles — a new asset (sub)class!