Must Listen To Podcasts For Developers

Viren Bhagat
2 min readAug 11, 2017


I’ve been developing for a little more than a year now. I’ve had some ups and downs, had to take a couple of breaks from learning, but I’m here today. From my experiences, in order to become a developer, its important to immerse yourself in the community. It can be a range of things: working with other developers, contributing to an open source project, writing technical blogs, making screencasts, attending meet ups, and the list goes on. Some of these might be overwhelming depending on your experience but there is one thing I’d like to recommend for all levels: listening to podcasts. In whatever free time you may have, listening to podcasts can be a very beneficial and enjoyable experience. It is a great way to pick up new things you may not have come across otherwise from knowledgable hosts and guests. Here are a few I listen to and would highly recommend.

Code Newbie


Code Newbie (self explanatory name) is a wonderful and welcoming community. Released every Monday, the host, Saron Yitbarek, will speak to a guest about their coding journey. It has a very diverse range of guests, and I feel it is a great listen for motivation to hear other success stories. Through this podcast, I’ve attended a meet up and a amazing conference hosted by Code Newbie.

Developer Tea


Developer Tea is a podcast which has a range of different technology topics. It is a little shorter in length as it is listed as “designed to fit inside your tea break.” Host Jonathan Cutrell sometimes interviews different people in technology (CTOs, developers, etc.), discusses topics like certain technologies or issues you may face as a developer, and sometimes has episodes based on listener questions. Based on titles, not every episode may be appealing, but this short(er) listen can help you in your career someway.

JavaScript Jabber


JavaScript Jabber is weekly podcast about JavaScript, front end development, careers, and the community. Being a web developer, I spend a lot of time working with JavaScript. This podcast is created by, who have great content specific to other languages and frameworks (iOS development, Ruby, Angular, etc.). They always seem to have very knowledgable and interesting guests on their show. It is a good listen and you will definitely come away learning a lot after each podcast.



Syntax is a relatively new podcast (only about five episodes in) brought to you by Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski (creator of Level Up Tuts). From watching tutorial videos online, both hosts are very well-informed and great educators of web development. As mentioned, its quite a new podcast but they discuss many different aspects of web development (tools, frameworks, libraries, freelancing, etc.).

TL;DR: Make a little bit of free time to listen to podcasts, you will learn a good bit.

