Wyatt fractal Starlight’s transphobic abuse

Vi- Grail
23 min readDec 20, 2023


My abusive mother, fractal, wrote a guide on how to abuse trans girls. It’s intended to be satirical, to identify the mechanisms of abuse for the purpose of identifying these behaviours. But what if it’s not satirical? What if it’s a perfect description of the tactics they used against Me? Let’s take fractal’s own advice on identifying abusers, and see if it describes their actions.

I enclose the link to the article re-hosted, as I want to preserve it in case it’s deleted after I publish this, and I don’t want to send Google’s pagerank crawlers towards My abuser’s site. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S_83BbTKl9Kti283Dys4v1SPQ0JjwAyS-MaxGQvqN-I/edit?usp=sharing

If you are unfamiliar with this whole situation, here’s what you need to know:

When I was 3 years old, I was adopted as a mentee by a member of a mystery cult that practiced forced integration. Under their guidance, I learned and explored My gender identity, My species identity, and My plural identity. I was indoctrinated into a religious worldview that portrayed reality as bad. fractal associated my transgender trauma with reality irrevocably. My antirealism since then has all been developed upon what fractal taught Me.

However, the fierceness with which I adopted fractal’s worldview was more than expected. I put off their friends by fighting for their beliefs too hard. In order to escape blame for turning Me into this unpleasant weapon of political ideology, fractal claimed that I had abused them. They have never told a single person how I did this. Neutral investigator Metroplex conducted a year-long investigation in which she concluded that there is no evidence I abused fractal, and nobody in the world can even give a single detail how I abused them. Not even fractal. However, this rumour spread, and as I began to campaign against rapists within the trans community for their abuse, they adopted fractal’s rumour and amplified it to discredit Me. fractal responded to all this by dating one rapist over their shared hatred of Me, and befriending the rest of the abusers.

I got PTSD. I have spent thousands of dollars on therapy. I turned down a full time job offer because I didn’t have the mental energy to stave off fractal’s flashbacks and panic attacks, and work a full time job at the same time. My reputation, health, and career have been devastated. It has even impacted My ability to transition to My preferred sex.

So does fractal’s article describe their treatment of Me?

Selecting a Victim

Most aspiring transmisogynistic harassers will seek out the art due to a particular trans girl in mind who annoys them in some way. Maybe she started acting Weird, maybe you’re just vehemently against her holding any power over you, maybe she just disagreed with you on a ship.

Ah. Yes. They indoctrinated Me into their religion, and I got too far into it. I started annoying them. They told Me, right before we broke up, that their friends had been forming negative opinions of them because of Me. Ruining My life presented every opportunity to escape all that. Because I was annoying.

With a deft manipulative hand, these tactics can work against most any trans girl you’d seek to upend, however, those who have past experience with attempts against them will be better equipped to handle your attacks. It’s best to seek a victim who is ignorant of the modes of transmisogyny, especially if you are specifically attacking her in a space that has no past experience repelling similar attempts. The number one way a victim might be able to fight back against your attempts to slander her is knowing the true intentions and methods of what you are doing to her, and you cannot let this be common knowledge if you want success in your endeavors.

Yes. I had absolutely no experience with this kind of abuse before I met fractal. I was new to the idea of being Myself in online spaces. It took Me several months after I was accused of abuse to realise maybe fractal abused Me. During that time, I was convinced I must have done something wrong. I had total and utter trust in fractal. But nobody could tell Me what I’d done to hurt fractal. I spent a long time in denial of the reason for this: that I had done nothing wrong. I didn’t want to take the “easy way out”. I wanted to take accountability. I have always struggled with self-blame in this way. fractal knew it, we had conversations about it when we were together.

Multiply-marginalized trans girls are especially potent victims, as people are primed to cast away those further from the societal “norm” of experience, which trans girls are inherently already far beyond. For example, a neurodivergent trans girl in one way or another is a perfect victim, especially if her neurodivergences manifest in a way that makes her ambiguously Weird. Many communities are always itching at the chance to shove away their weirdest members, and you can levy this to your abuse’s advantage with very little effort if you pick your victims carefully. The cluster B types are especially vulnerable to this, as if your victim has ever lashed out or split on someone, you can lean into people’s preconceived ideas of “narcissists” or “anti-social” people being Inherently Evil to layer on even more attacks on your victim.

OH FUCKING WHAT. Okay, so I’m going through this article and reading it (beyond the first couple paragraphs) at the same time I write it. I had no idea fractal would be so direct. I have narcissistic personality disorder. A cluster B disorder. I’m called a narcissist by so many people. When I was with fractal, I told them about how My friends had cast Me out for “becoming a narcissist”. I’m neurodivergent; diagnosed autistic and ADHD. And if you’ve read anything else I wrote on this blog, you know I’m ambiguously weird. This paragraph is just a perfect, spot-on description of Me. Everything in it, except the antisocial line.

Consider also picking a trans girl you can double up on lightly-disguised racist tirades against

We finally come to the first paragraph that doesn’t really apply to Me. You see, while I’m a goddess and earned a lot of hate from fractal’s fans for that, so is fractal. So even though I was a perfect target, fractal couldn’t go on any racist tirades. I was actually defended by fractal to their deiphobic friends, back when we were together. But I very much doubt that’s the case now.

But even for a “less marginalized” trans girl, while it might take some more work, you can turn the very same mechanisms you’d use against multiply-marginalized victims as excuses for your less marginalized victims. Don’t worry about the hypocrisy, you’re here to destroy an innocent victim’s life, you threw that morality out the window as soon as you started. It takes some more searching, but if you can just find something to take out of context to frame your victim as exactly the same kind of bigot that you’re willing to be, she can be an even easier victim than the ones mentioned before, as you can borrow a page from the fascist playbook and turn the language of social justice against the very people it was created to aid. Hell, working to frame your victim as enacting the very same transmisogyny you’re trying to ruin her life with is one of the most effective approaches, as you can get the very beings who might protect her on your side if you play your cards right.

Oh, never mind then. Hypocrisy isn’t an issue here, according to fractal. So it doesn’t matter that fractal is a similar race to Me. Language about exploiting the language of social justice hurts, though. fractal always used to tell people about DARVO, the tactic of accusing your victim of being an abuser. Nobody saw it coming when they used it, because they’d cemented themself so thoroughly within the image of a progressive educator. Accusing Me of violating consent was the big item here, because consent was such a big thing in fractal’s social circle.

In fact, I learned about kink hypnosis and the consent protocols for it from fractal. On one occasion, I hypnotised a mutual friend without getting explicit consent. We had done consensual hypno play beforehand, and this time, I only checked that she was happy to be hypnotised before I did so. I didn’t check that she was deliberately willing. You see, I was copying fractal. I asked them both permission to observe the next time fractal hypnotised her. When they did, and I asked how they checked for consent, they realised they hadn’t. I’m a lot more careful than fractal now, because I realised that fractal’s precautions which I learned from weren’t good enough. but fractal didn’t care about that. About their own behaviour. About hypocrisy. They only cared that I hadn’t been as diligent as I should. So they used the language of social justice to outcast Me for being a new member of the community, when they decided to throw their cultist away.

Mode of Attack

Oh boy, second chapter. And presumably a fresh horror of flashbacks describing the techniques of My abuse. It’s been 3 years and I still struggle to breathe and think clearly as I write this article. It’s kept Me from pursuing justice when justice was all I could think about. And if you are fractal’s friend and you think I have already pursued justice a lot, you’re wrong. I had to think about this every week, sometimes every day, for years. Constant flashbacks. I did not act about what happened nearly so much as I panicked about it, debilitated. Unable to do anything to help Myself, unable to fight or let go. I just did bits and pieces of both.

At this point, you’ve decided on your victim and are actively trying to figure out how to start. The first step is merely to have patience. If you want to actually make your life destruction stick, you need to wait for the right moment to strike the iron. If you don’t have what it takes to be able to wait her out without your conscience getting to you, you don’t have what it takes to destroy a life.

Oh. Really? This kind of implies that a lot of the time I was in a relationship with fractal was waiting to ruin My life. FUCK.

Secondly, of course, you need to decide on a mode of attack, the two major categories of which I’d classify as “Flash Flare” and “Slow Burn.” This decision must be made early and, critically, must be stuck to. Backing off on one and flip-flopping in the middle can kill your legitimacy at attempts of either. It can very clearly reveal your hand beyond the veil of “just asking questions” if you cannot stick to a specific plan, and can drive the allies you need on your side away if they start to realize that they’re the baddies.

Oh, okay. So one of these isn’t going to apply, and one might. Let’s find out.

Flash Flare / Callout Post

For the aspiring abuser who has less confidence in their own patience, a hard, fast strike out of the blue is probably the best course of action. This method, too, benefits from patience, but that certainly doesn’t mean it can’t be attempted at any time, just that it may be far easier if you wait for a perfect moment to strike.

The main factor of going for a fast and hard strike is finding some Controversial point to grow a harassment mob around. Maybe your victim said something you can ship-of-Theseus into sounding racist, maybe she chose to associate with someone already considered “problematic”, maybe she even just posted about some sort of kink or sexuality and you’re gonna bend that into her being a rapist or a pedophile. The last approach works best of all of these, as society is always primed to see trans girls as pedophiles; the TERFs already did the work for you on that front. But even if any sexual allegations aren’t your centerpiece seed, they can do wonders as an extra spice, a perfect excuse for “if you support my victim against me, you’re supporting pedophilia” attacks.

Oh. Yeah. Remember that thing I said about the hypnosis? Damn, I gave the abuse method away before I even finished the article, didn’t I? Yeah, any discussion of fractal’s abuse would be redirected to My supposed abuse. And if you asked how I abused fractal? You’d get no answer. It would be turned to My alleged problems with consent. The hypnosis, where I only checked happiness and not willingness. fractal said I didn’t respect consent, because I tried to talk with fractal’s partner Rose (a moderator in the server where it happened) about her harmful realism when she didn’t want to. Political messaging to a community leader turned into a sexual allegation through the language of consent. Yes, fractal used exactly what they’re talking about here.

Of course, pedophilia isn’t the only thing you can kill a trans girl with by the accusation, you can take special advantage of people being extra willing to attribute any wrongdoing to a trans girl. She made a comment against prisons once? You can frame her as a fascist sympathizer based on “but the fascists should go too!” and no one will check! You don’t even have to have any vague remote excuse, just making ‘evidence’ up for your crusade is a beautiful way to stack on the hatred, and pulling accusations from every category helps solidify your accusation of your victim as Inherently Sinful, like society already primes everyone to want to do to any trans girl they see. That last point is one of the most crucial here, if you want this to stick, leaning into christian sin culture helps a lot, as framing your victim as “unclean” in some way or another is a perfect way to isolate her.

Yep, My panic just flared up again reading this. This also happened to Me. The vague accusations of abuse that were never explained. Religious reasons to hate Me, sexual reasons, political reasons. Gathering any ally who had any negative impression of Me and piling it fucking on. Yes, I was portrayed as inherently sinful. Remember the months I spent seeking rehabilitation or atonement? Nobody in the community would speak to Me, as I begged to be told how I could fix My mistakes. My flaws were seen as inherent. To associate with Me was to sin against fractal. Metroplex told Me stories about how she was looked down on by the community for remaining My friend. Just like fractal says; touching Me made her unclean.

Regardless, once you find some seed, composed of as many vaguely Controversial things as you can find or create, now is time for the actual strike. As mentioned, this does well to have patience on, as a more recent bout of Controversy around your victim will make people less suspicious of your motives. You can certainly drop the callout post bomb on her at any point, but if you do it at any random time, it is far easier for your victim to call attention to “why are you drudging up past grudges out of the blue”. This is, of course, exactly what you are doing, and you do not, under any circumstances, want people to realize that.

Yeah. The random callbacks to past actions that could be portrayed as harmful when anyone new asked about the drama. The abuse of Roxy, My ex-wife, exacerbating its schizophrenia with tales of how I was surely abusing it, six months after I left that community.

Once you have dropped this callout post bomb, you do, of course, have to defend it. Transmisogyny is a powerful force to pull upon, but it usually isn’t easy enough to just do only one attack. For one, try and get yourself a couple allies who are willing to amplify your attacks. They need not actually know your more sinister intentions, arguably they’re even more effective if they think they’re doing actual justice. One way to try to get allies on your side is to encourage everyone near your victim to abandon her, lest they be just as “problematic” as you’ve claimed she is. If your victim is in some relative position of power (say a moderator role or even mild informal social influence), you can also try and build up a martyr narrative of her being the real attacker here. Make appeals to some “silent majority” that supports you and are oppressed by your victim, no matter how fake or nonexistent any “silent support” may be. No matter what resistance any of your victim’s support network gives, stick to it ardently, build up a whole small movement if you can. Hell, try and get a harassment forum to join you if you’re really confident.

My vision is fogging up from the trauma here. I just talked about Metroplex being pressured to abandon Me, and here’s fractal talking about it as an abuse tactic. fractal created a movement. A got a whole fucking hate cult from fractal’s rumours on draconic sanctuary. Roxy was warned about Me before we even met, the meme that I’m abusive was a virus, deliberately spread and empowered by fractal and their allies.

Of course, most importantly of all is to stick to it, lest you compromise your own credibility even further. No matter what consequences this has on your own network, no matter any quibbles your conscience may have about hurting people, no matter how evil you feel, if you want to destroy your victim’s life, you have to stick to it to the end. Don’t give up the fight, don’t give up the attack, until you’ve either won and she’s been driven out to probably kill herself from your actions, or until you’ve been driven out instead for your harassment. You weren’t ever going to be able to do your intended life destruction without putting your social standing somewhat at risk, so that’s the consequences of failure, and cutting your losses will make you even less trustworthy if you make any future attempts.

I tried so many times to understand what I’d done wrong. I asked through Metroplex for peace when she told Me that the headmate fractal was dead, and I was rejected. No, it did not let up. I wanted to kill Myself so many times. Even after Metroplex said I wasn’t abused, fractal didn’t let up. Kept fighting. For years. I could not find peace no matter how hard I tried, whether I fought as a pacifist or a warrior.

Slow Burn / Whisper Networks

But wait… that also sounds like what happened to Me.

Of course, if you have a lot more patience, and don’t mind it taking a while to truly destroy your victim’s life, taking a slower approach puts you personally at far less risk and can be far more effective. While attacking her in the long term from the shadows, you can push a lot more subtle and sinister points against your victim without having as much potential for her to push back against you.

Oh no.

The most important thing to focus on with a slow burn approach is knowing that you cannot pull it off alone. Assembling a whisper network is required, as without a group of collaborators, a single person spreading rumors barely has legitimacy, even for the vulnerability of trans girls. The recruitment for this is necessarily a slow process, one that requires waiting for opportunities. Perhaps someone you see has suddenly picked up a grudge against your victim and you can pull them in with your own ammo to turning that into full-blown hatred. Disgruntled ex-partners of your victim are brilliant for this, as it’s very easy to convince them that “we weren’t good partners for each other” is the same thing as “she is inherently abusive and I need to get rid of her.” Play up the pain of your allies-in-recruitment, no matter how petty, and try and direct it towards desiring harm of your victim.

Yes, yes, YES. Yes, fractal tried to induct GoatSara and Entrapta (the rapists I mentioned) as part of their network. They indoctrinated Roxy. Even befriended STM the MAP over a hatred of Me (for those unaware, Minor Attracted Person is what pedophiles call themselves when they want to join the LGBTQ+). fractal already had a whisper network when we met, and holy shit was it turned against Me and grown with all My enemies. The information was disseminated so far down the polycule that Roxy, a 3rd or 4th order metamour, had heard of Me and heard I was an abuse when we met.

Of course, your allies don’t just have to be those with personal grudges. Many communities have self-ascribed “anti-pedophile crusaders,” and these are a valuable resource considering how easy it is to make someone see a trans girl as a sex criminal. Recruit them by leaning into a narrative of how your victim “protects pedophiles in <community>,” which works especially well in fandom spaces with the presence of their “anti” faction. If you construct a narrative of your victim puppeting the community from behind the scenes, you can lean right into the fascist playbook of portraying your vulnerable victim as the puppetmaster.

I’m running out of the mental energy to describe how accurate everything in this article is. Everyone who liked Me was told they were brainwashed. Innocent third parties like Jen where told I’d “groomed” them, and their fabricated stories were used even when they disagreed. Everything portrayed Me as the abuser, as the sexually abusive domme, everything. I don’t have the words to describe how accurate this is because it’s just the words fractal wrote. Not the pedophile stuff, but everything else.

Assembling your allies together is a slow process, but as you do that, it gives you more power to levy stronger influence. You can, for one, subtly encourage your allies to slowly push away your victim, start slowly excluding her. Trans girl victims are often very liable to blame themselves if people are driven away from them, so if you play your cards right, your victim won’t even notice if people slowly start abandoning her on your or your allies’ urging. In order to get this sort of thing to stick, it’s important to lean into the “just asking questions” nature, to hide the full extent of what you’re doing. You’re not “smearing a trans girl as a pedophile”, you’re Just Asking Questions about the “Problematic” things she’s up to. The fascists often speak of “hiding their power level” in their rhetoric, in order to convince people who might not be as on board with the open evil, and you’d be wise to take their lead to keep allies who might think they’re still doing justice on your side.

Liable to blame Myself? How can fractal write a so perfectly accurate description of Me and how I was treated and not think twice? Again, just all of it. “Problematic”, people who think justice is on their side… I don’t know if it was “just asking questions” to begin with, it all happened behind closed doors… whisper networks.

Of course, if someone else ends up attempting some sort of callout post against your victim independent of your little whisper network of attack, which for a more famous trans girl is more likely than you’d think, you can incorporate this into your attacks. Be just one more person signal boosting the claims, subtly levy your already long-prepared whisper network to lean into “she was already Problematic, and now she does this? why are you still friends with her,” but don’t fully lean into the flash flare at the cost of your whisper network. If the callout post fails, you want to still have a whisper network maintained even with your open attacks on your victim, now armed with new ammo of whatever was drudged up for you by someone else.

It just escalated more and more the more people like GoatSara and Entrapta attacked Me. My name was dirt. Some people have forgotten, but in many ways it still is.

A whisper network is very much the long game, and it can take years for it to see full effect, but the way it can make your life destruction stick is unmatched. Slowly isolating your victim from any support and slowly convincing those around her to drop her as a friend tends to stick far harder after you let your maintenance fade. After all, someone who abandoned your victim in a flash flare of passion at the callout calling her Evil might repair it, but someone who you’ve caused to naturally drift away from your victim might never want to repair it. Your isolation can be complete if you play the long game, and likely drive your victim to take her own life from the loneliness, at very little risk to yourself.

That’s how I felt, 9months after fractal started the allegations against Me. I couldn’t keep a partner, I tried with Roxy and fractal told it I was abusing it. I was hopeless. That’s when I started going to therapy. If I hadn’t…

Ammunition and Justification

Ugh… more of this article. Two thirds done now, holy shit do I feel beat. All My worst memories, just written down here as advice. This isn’t satire. Satire is obviously incorrect. You don’t read Onion articles all the way through and believe they’re true. This is an autobiography.

Now that you’ve decided on how exactly you’re going to go about destroying your victim’s life and likely driving her to suicide, you have to actually collect your ammunition to put your plan into action. No matter if you’re going for a slow-burn or a quick huge callout post, you have to actually have justification for your irrational hatred of your victim, or else no one else is going to go along with you easily. It certainly does not have to be true, but it definitely functions better if you can ground it in something people are willing to believe.

Yep. Nothing new here, just more reinforcement of what fractal did.

As mentioned previously, society already has everyone you’re going to try and recruit primed to view trans girls as sexual abusers in hiding, so accusations of sex crimes will function perfectly to discredit your victim. You’d do well to find some seed you can frame into an allegation of sexual assault or grooming to start with, as that is going to be the easiest one to get going. Perhaps your victim has a disgruntled ex who you can convince of their false victimhood, or perhaps your victim once talked to a minor who you can convince that they were groomed. However it is, while it helps to have a supposed “victim” of your victim to justify your attacks, you certainly don’t need someone real. A vague “multiple people have told me she abused them” can go a long way, as the vagueness makes it nigh impossible to fact check, and casts doubt on anything your victim says against your attacks, as you can frame her own retaliation as abuse itself.

Jen. Sonya. Told by others they were violated. Sonya, with the hypnosis. Jen, because I called her pretty once when she thought she was unlovable. Sonya believed it. I believed it for a long time. Jen didn’t, and neither did I. But the word “grooming” was used, sexual assault was used, and there was a whole ton of vagueness. Like I said, fractal never told a single soul how I was supposed to have abused them.

Of course, you don’t even need even a made-up “victim” to accuse your trans girl victim of sexual impropriety. If your victim is into any sexuality at all, she’s likely to have some kink or another that is vaguely Controversial enough to accuse her on. Never mind that it’s between consenting adults, if you frame it as thoughtcrime, if you frame it as sin, it’s very difficult for your victim to actually defend against it. One particularly effective mode to attack with is any caregiver/little dynamics your victim might be into, as it is very easy to twist “your victim likes diapers” into “your victim likes fucking children” as a ship-of-Theseus argument. Targeting littleness works especially well because it is a kink that usually comes from parental abuse that manifests into fawn trauma, and you can take advantage of your victim’s trauma making her try to appease anyone that hurts her to neutralize any ability she has to fight back.

I’m in no way a little or into diapers, so this isn’t applicable to Me. I recognise it as part of fractal’s personal hangups about the fact that their underage headmate is into diaper porn. The only part of this paragraph pertaining to Me is the fact that My BDSM kink was targeted. It’s easier to believe a domme is an abuser. Let’s move past the kink section.

Of course, while attacking your victim’s sexuality might be almost the perfect platter of ability to attack, there’s many, many other modes of attack you can take. For example, if your victim picked up some new religion of some variety, something she’s excited for and found very important, it is trivial to frame her as an abusive cultist for enthusing about it. Remember from before, communities are usually itching to get rid of their ambiguously Weirdest members, and “she’s an abusive cultist trying to convert you” puts words to any subtle ableist discomforts they might already have with your victim’s neurodivergences.

Yep, this. I was fractal’s cultist, part of fractal’s cult. And I did try to convert people. So it was… extremely easy for fractal to portray My political campaigning as religious prosthyletising. In a certain way, it was. When people got too annoyed by it… fractal just lied about the fact they’d ever supported it, let alone created it. They blamed it all on Me, and outcast Me for it.

Maybe your victim made some bad political take at some point, or at least something that can be twisted into a bad take. Lean into the bad-faith readings, frame anything that isn’t explicitly including everyone as inherently racist somehow. People are always itching for some excuse to see a white trans girl as basically the same as a white cis man, lean into that by degendering your references, call her “they/them” no matter her pronoun preferences. If you can take away the immediate perception of your victim as a trans girl, you can hide the blatant transphobia of your attacks in the padding of the language. If your victim is white, emphasize that, call her inherently racist, lean into any little thing that can be framed in bad faith as not being good enough.

Yeah, there we go. What did I just say? Ugh. Everything I say about fractal’s abuse shows up in here. Twist a disagreeable political take into a personal violation. I didn’t get the they/them treatment. Probably because I’m not a trans girl. I’m a trans nonbinary. So I got the she/her treatment. You know, fractal is the one who suggested I use capitalised pronouns. They used them all the time when we were together. After they decided to ruin My life? Never. Constant misgendering. They deadnamed Me so often Metroplex started repeating it, until I told her not to.

Of course, this all applies reciprocally for if you are attempting a transmisogynoir against a POC trans girl. You can lean into racist caricatures about violence, as people are always very willing to see someone they can consider as a black man as a feral violent murderer waiting to happen. Mix in transphobic anxieties about “invading women’s spaces,” and you can double up on the accusations of sexual impropriety from before, as people are even more willing to see a POC trans girl as a rapist on flimsy evidence.

Ugh, yep… The abusive god. It’s easy to see someone of My species as a rapist. fractal knew that, they helped Me realise My species identity, they shared it. It was easy to exploit it. Easy to see Me as a rapist.

Failure Modes

A new chapter. I doubt this will be very applicable. fractal rarely failed to ruin My life.

The most obvious risk is your victim catching wind of your blatant attempts at destroying her life, and warning those around her not to trust you. This can be supremely difficult to evade, which is why it was strongly suggested to try and choose a victim who is less aware of the modes of transmisogyny you are using to attack her.

Oh, well never mind. Like I said before, I didn’t know how to defend Myself when fractal started going after Me.

The other failure mode, and one that is less obvious from the outset, is your set of collaborators collapsing into infighting. Those who think they are doing actual justice rather than merely destroying an innocent victim’s life are very primed to jump at shadows, and any of your allies doing something they consider Problematic is liable to have your group collapse under internally-targeted callouts. This can be avoided by trying to prevent your collaborators from getting close enough to notice anything they might be upset by, in the same mode as an abusive cult preventing its victims from comparing notes. However, this kind of thing can overall be supremely hard to prevent if you’re not strongly careful, and I’d strongly recommend caution and adaptability to any specific circumstances accordingly.

And fractal also used this tactic. Told all their allies not to speak to Me. They created a rumour engine that the zoophile community jumped in on. Of course the different groups were segregated. When fractal tired of an ally, they’d be cut out of the central alliance, but their own allies would keep going after Me on their own.

If you’ve followed these steps well and wielded your own charisma against a trans girl, you have probably succeeded in your life destruction! Your victim is probably homeless, dead, or both, completely shredded from community by your harassment campaign to get rid of someone you’re scared of for no other reason than her being an Uppity minority who you didn’t like being around you! Good job! I hope you’re proud of yourself! Time to move onto the next victim, as at this point, I suspect you have a taste for the blood of the innocent, for which you can start this guide again and repeat ad nauseam until you get bored or exhaust your credibility.

Yeah, remember that full time job offer I told you about? How fractal made Me so disabled I couldn’t work full time. That came back to bite Me. Working casual means no job security. I’m in a healthier place mentally, but… I’m facing homelessness right now. My trauma has impacted My finances, My ability to train and improve My skills and My resume. My life is… in many ways ruined.

Congratulations, you destroyed an innocent life! Well done! I hope you’re happy with yourself.



Vi- Grail

Nonbinary Goddess explores philosophy, politics, and pop culture to find lessons that can improve people and help improve the world. http://soulism.net