From Doping to Display: How Russia Weaponizes Sports and the Olympics for Propaganda Purposes

Toni Mikkola
2 min readMar 26, 2023


Russia’s use of sports and the Olympics as propaganda tools has become increasingly evident in recent years.

One of the most prominent examples of Russia’s weaponization of sports is the country’s state-sponsored doping program, which was implemented to provide its athletes with performance-enhancing drugs and then concealed from international authorities.

In 2019, the World Anti-Doping Agency banned Russia from participating in international sports competitions for four years as a result of this program. However, Russia has continued to participate in some events under the name “ROC,” or Russian Olympic Committee, and has used these events as a platform to showcase its athletes and project a positive image of the country.

In addition to the doping scandal, Russia has also used the Olympics as a way to project its power and influence on the world stage. For example, in the lead-up to the 2014 Sochi Olympics, Russia spent an estimated $51 billion on infrastructure projects and preparations for the games, using the event as a way to showcase its economic and technological capabilities.

Similarly, Russia’s hosting of the 2018 World Cup was seen as an opportunity to promote the country and its leader, Vladimir Putin, on the global stage.

However, Russia’s disregard for international sporting regulations and sanctions has become increasingly blatant.

During the 2018 Winter Olympics, the Russian men’s hockey team won gold while playing as the “Olympic athletes from Russia” due to Russia’s ban from the games for the state-sponsored doping program. During the medal ceremony, the team disregarded the mandate that the Olympic theme be played instead of the Russian national anthem by exuberantly singing the anthem. This moment highlighted the ineffectiveness of IOC sanctions and demonstrated how Russia continues to use sports as a propaganda tool to advance its political goals.

Overall, Russia’s weaponization of sports and the Olympics are part of a broader strategy to project its power and influence on the global stage. The blatant disregard for international rules and regulations has cast a shadow over its athletic achievements and calls into question the integrity of international sports competitions.



Toni Mikkola

Troubleshooter in IT, Dad, Trader, Reservist. Interests: defence, geopolitics. НАФО ᚾᚨᚠᚢ