Week 1 Project: My MCBS Story

Isaac Green Works
2 min readMay 4, 2017


Before I started the MCBS program, I tried to find my footing in New York at Pratt Institute. I had always thought I wanted to study film, because I grew up loving cameras. I would make Youtube videos as a child and I knew creating just felt right to me. But after loads of stress and impending student loan debt, my passion started to wither. Then, suddenly, my Aunt passed away and I decided to move back home to support my family as we grieved.
Because of that, I anxiously searched for a school to transfer to in my home state of Florida. After being rejected by FSU’s film school, I was blessed with the opportunity of discovering Full Sail University. I had always loved Orlando for the magic and the theme parks. I was motivated to work at Universal Studios one day- or just to be a part of something big and special. Because of this, my life took a full turn for the unexpected. Because of Full Sail and the VEM class, I realized that I’m a better fit for the MCBS program.
All of the uncertainty of the different majors and paths was a good measuring stick for my own worth and talent compared to those around me.
Until finally, then I transferred into the MCBS program to better fit my overall skill set. This felt like a big monkey off my back, as I had finally made a secure decision for my future without sacrificing my creative ambitions.
I had studied graphic design and Photoshop since the sixth grade, so coming back to a more general digital media course in some senses felt like home.
And ever since I decided to pursue my passion for media, I’ve been soaking up all the information I can about media and the industry’s functions.

Stacey Williams Ng’s story helped mine because she explained the power of connecting with someone emotionally. If you can connect to them in a purely human way, you seem much more genuine and they are much more likely to receive your other talking points if they realize and see you as another friend or ally. Even if they could just relate to your feelings or situation, or if they could get a laugh out of you, this is another step in the door of your persuasive argument. Even though this may be informal information, in a formal setting it could help greatly- in a sense where your audience can identify with you and feel more comfortable.

