The full Virtualia experiment by 2030

The Virtualia Team
15 min readJun 3, 2022


Examining a few features of the Virtualia spirit through fiction will help us understand the future of the ecosystem. So, let’s follow a fictional story on what would be the future with Virtualia in the 2030s.

Virtualia by that time has invested heavily in blockchain infrastructure that includes dealing with massive, authenticated 3D NFT assets to fuel our augmented virtual worlds, thematic virtual multiverse worlds, metaverse-like gaming experience, and interactivity with smart objects that provide additional information to the Virtualian when walking physically in stores. In addition, they received live and targeted recommendations made artificial intelligence fashion agents and advanced personal concierge, through their AR Virtualia glasses and lenses that have GFlops computing power, large enough to connect to the Virtualia network through 4G+ on rural towns, 5G on cities, and some time on 6G on most advanced tech centers. Offline connections are possible thanks to Simcard geo-positioning with telecommunication towers and internal sensors of the devices in very remote places. Furthermore, most regions of the Earth are covered with satellite links from several trillionaire private companies.

Aside from the regulated accounting workload, a new hybrid accounting has been proposed by Virtualian quantitative engineers and accountants for hybrid companies such as Virtualia and for all those connected stores worldwide integrated into the network based on real-time data. We count about 30 million connected stores on Virtualia Shop and 100 million 3D products on the Virtualia app. Virtualized stores take advantage of the network effect by sharing offline logistic systems and storage capacity to provide same-day delivery.

Game consoles and the average home desktop reaches several hundred of TeraFlops computing power while the high-end is in the PetaFlops range. That high-powered computing will be available everywhere as well with Exascale cloud computing access being mainstream and independent blockchainized network edge to process raw data coming from IoT devices.

Digital supercomputers have reached commonly the Zetta scale but a revolution in quantum computing started near 2025 with a robust breakthrough on both instability due to extremely low temperature and a lower ratio of physical qubits per computation qubits. However, those are limited to national cybersecurity supercomputers and only a few data centers have gained an international license to be used by the private sector and the public market. However, technology is not enough to break the blockchain yet, but efforts are being made to make them more resistant in the future.

The Virtualia network relies more and more on smart grid datacenters powered by both intermittent and more stable renewable sources to avoid cycles in energy supply and a spike in prices affecting the market in 2022–2025. Furthermore, a lot of effort is being made by a consortium of private companies to share the same resources to lower the initial investment on construction, at the initiative of the Virtualia foundation pushed by Virtualian citizens after an international referendum has been cast in early 2025 leveraging our democratic voting system used intensively on all virtual worlds since 2023.

You can now shop immersively remotely at home in any shop in the world, being a world-famous or just a local artist selling its handmade products. Besides, shops are displayed in the augmented mapped world of Virtual Shop, so it is easy to touch the screen and walk in the street in 3D. They can shop in and go out to the next shop with their remote friends around the world, chat live and share 3D clothes with their body scanned self. Your partner often goes to Virtualian Fashion Stores as you can take a drink on a creatively designed sofa while browser with Virtualia Glasses through the store available cloths in 3D. Ambient music and thematic rooms are very common across the globe. Virtual holographic humanoid AIs help you do better choices or propose outfits from online virtual stores nearby to visit by walk or to put on the cart for same-day delivery. Some demanded clothes take several days as they come from other continents, but you have tested the cloth on your virtual body scan self and validated by your friends. You are pretty confident that it will fit very well in reality as drop cases have dramatically lowered since this application went viral in 2023.

New brands are launched by Virtualia on other markets that propose a complete change in behavioral shopping. Therefore, Virtualians will experience shopping like never before!

Consumers also like virtual stores

Most of your friends like to discover realistic fictional cities on VirtualiaWorlds multiverse. In addition, those worlds offer massive thematic shopping centers like having all the best avenues in one single city, as a virtual construction of real streets but without the pain to jump from one capital to another.

Multiverse also offers a high-tech shopping experience in the virtual space shuttle or the new hype being Martian clothes and tech on MarsColonia world.

A lot more to offer than simply a virtual 3.0+ shopping experience

The full Virtualia 3.0+ Shopping Experience by 2030

5G networks have been key in the massive adoption of Virtualia among the public. Gigabits of 3D assets are accessible within seconds, and real-time 4K rendering is common.

Additionally, our real estate listing and marketplace offers people a fully immersive experience to buy and sell real assets and luxury items such as cars, watches, yachts, private jets, art, clothes, home furniture. Users can see if those items fit on their body, their room, anywhere they want to place it through our AR lenses or glasses recently, or more commonly through a tablet or smartphone screens since 2023.

Also, the virtual real estate market is booming with a lot of people being rich in early 2023 through the hype around VirtualiaWorlds. Now it is common to sell and buy virtual luxury assets at an order of magnitude just lower than real ones. A new economy has been merged with virtual real estate agents deployed around our Virtualytics real estate marketplace, but as well on several other fields such as education, concerts, arts, and culture.

On top of everything, 6G wireless networks with satellites are starting to be deployed worldwide in 2030 and would allow global coverage across both urban and rural areas by 2040 taking the full potential of AI-powered AR lenses and glasses that Virtualia is investing in heavily.

A clear market happens with anonymous, offline, and remote consumers on which Virtualia seems clearly focused on providing clear advantages compared to competitors. Besides, a lot of people live now in rural areas focusing on better connection with nature, disconnecting time to time with urban lives and tech to achieve a better working balance.

Remote working has been possible in virtual shops through the Virtualia network thanks to multiple decentralized applications being developed by Virtualian engineers and the community of modding. Also, new jobs such as human personal assistants are demanded as a group of people still want a human-based relationship. In addition, as most sales come from 3.0 virtual shopping, remote working is well accepted for staffing virtual stores. A lot of people, not only skilled craftsmen, are selling digital goods and virtual services as well through our Virtualia NFT marketplace. Our advanced algorithm to match virtual job offers with demand by providing a lot of data through advanced virtual dashboards, an upskilling program through virtual enigma games, and learning on TeechAI, enable a constant improvement of the skill set of the Virtualian workforce and high efficiency to easily find a job that suits your living style being in town or rural. Hence, a lot of people are attracted by connecting to Virtualian services. Users can switch to be anonymous, traced, or fully AI-assisted during their shopping experience.

As such, it is well known that most of the Virtualia team is 100% remote, working anywhere in the world, with taxation calculation and administrative paperwork being prefilled by our AI accounting team, productivity metrics, and availability across departments and time zone have been resolved by algorithms. 3D Video conferencing is commonplace within the company since day 1. In fact, all keynotes and PR interactions with the founder have been done remotely in 3D since 2023. Colleagues work in a virtual 3D environment we have been partnering with partners like

It has been proven a much better quality of life from those loving this remote working life while being super connected to the Virtualian world when needs are. Another portion of the team prefers human contact over rural silent spaces and is working on office satellites to avoid unnecessary traffics jams in city centers. Remote working and car-sharing when necessary to travel is recommended by the company. A lot of effort to support rural and urban regions is made with local start-ups to find optimal ecological use of personal cars.

Finally, a massive partnership is done with an electric automaker to provide to all Virtualian staff an EV powered by solar panels if they decide so. Therefore, non-consumed energy is reused to power local Virtualian smart grids in exchange for Virtualian coins or fiat currency depending on the local regulation.

A philosophy of large spectrum and positive social impact

The gap between poorest countries and rich economies, between blue-collar workers and top 1%, SMEs and trillionaire companies will increase so much that a lot of effort is being made by Virtualia to close the gap during the decade.

Several developments have been implemented at a large scale so far:

✔ Virtual teaching through TeechAI available in the local language, thanks to the translation of a community of Virtualian local teachers and the help of NGOs, becomes possible at a very affordable price. Additionally, remote offline learning with augmented reality overprinted old books and old smartphones are provided to millions of young people in poor countries around the globe. We find a new life to millions of 2020s devices thrown away by western countries. An early collection of those items happens around 2025 when the obsolescence of old phones pushes consumers to buy more recent high-tech products.

✔ Virtual experience to travel worldwide remotely with ambient music, live social voice chatting while drinking a cocktail in your garden or room is possible with Virtual Escape. Suggestions will be provided by AI algorithms. This allows the poorest or trip amateurs to travel around the world at a very affordable price. Some people use the application to preview the next travel destination. Furthermore, they can also visit 3D hotels and villas that have been added to the Virtualia map. Best trips are provided by our Avenues app partner.

✔ The Friends of Museums and Art network is deployed over thousands of art galleries and cultural spaces around the world, such that a poor person can visit now for free the Louvre Museum and walk in with an old, reused VR headset handled by local NGOs. This becomes a hype among youngsters and older people in many poor unfortunate countries. Besides, new talents are discovered thanks to a 3D recorded teaching on quadrichromy pastel painting techniques, paper fabrication, sculpture on ice or metal for instance. They find new subsistence living thanks to sales on Virtualia virtual stores. Verified ratings and reviews on their work on the blockchain enable them to build trust worldwide and sell their products to customers wherever they are.

✔ A new range of applications coming from virtual reality and holographic technology comes out the box from the Virtual Labs (more than 100 are under development as of now). Furthermore, such tools are also used in the financial market industry, such as risk, actuarial finance, accounting, and trading to visualize in 3D, powerful dashboards across the desk based on AI digested raw data in real-time coming from multiple sources.

✔ A range of 3D printing applications is deployed massively in the poorest cities of the world and intensive research investment is done to lower the cost of large-scale 3D production to answer major societal problems. One of the first contributions has been possible by working with local NGOs and administrations, on deploying 3D AI smart automated pipelines quickly removable to collect and clean water, and to provide basic sanitation services and with sensors to retrieve real-time data on slum areas at the origin of most common disease and transmission that could be avoided. Several attempts have been implemented and an investment of billions of dollars has been sought. Furthermore, the first original solutions have been designed through BIM software, and ideas were collected through international schools of engineering, university, and high school students[1] in a million-dollar prize contest run by TeechAI.
Another application is the combination of virtual designing, augmented reality to see if it fits in real life, and AI suggestions to create parts of a product to be repaired such as a car or a table, as well as a hand on of home-made library of 3D assets. Orders are sent directly to one of our Virtualia 3D industrial printing machines where people can pay accordingly to the energy consumption as we do with supercomputer access in the research field.

VirtualiaWorlds brings both hybrid, multiverse, and metaverse worlds for entertainment, education, real business opportunities. As a result, newjobs are created such as virtual real estate agent, a new field in virtual simulations for quantitative engineers, analysts, risk managers, accountants, and creative content design teachers.

✔ Transparency and trust will extend across connected virtual stores in Virtualia Shop. Consequently, owners can retrieve in real-time financial statements and taxation. They can pay with Virtualia coins different services for marketing and getting known in the network as well as on the standard web. Besides, they can get now a 3.0 e-commerce website on the internet, up and running in two days with a workable inventory management system. Virtualians can log in once for all across all authenticated stores and pay using one wallet with all their personal information. The first login takes several steps to guarantee security but then once login, shopping, and many other activities are smooth and quick.

While the above advancement seems to be futuristic, all have been already designed, with limitations due to massive data, network, or security that will be resolved by 2030 for a worldwide scale but largely feasible at a small scale already in 2022. Therefore, Virtualia will deploy multiple beta tests at the end of the year that will pave the path of this future in 2030.

What would be a possible journey in the 2030s?

This story is inspired by a series of stories[2] that span several decades looking at the evolution of eight major technologies. Therefore, this story is adapted to the Virtualian experience we are building to give a taste of what it would be and was envisioned during internal brainstorming live sessions and recorded on videos. Read the stories below and enter a technology-dependent world in your imagination.

07 January 2035

You listen to your playlist through the Virtualia glasses as you walk toward the shopping mall to meet up with some friends there and test new outfits on a brand new Virtualia Fashion Store. These glasses are made by a world-known designer. Therefore, their advantages are that you have direct benefits if you are a member of the Virtualia network which you subscribed to post-ICO back in 2023.

You enter the very futuristic shop with design chairs and neons that let you think to be in a starship and direct over to the designated room for trying up new outfits. However, this shop doesn’t look like others. It is a place for your to hang out with the best-curated stuff available, entirely personalized to your preferences if you allowed the AI access to your tastes, free appetizers and drinks, new people to meet, and trained staff that are there to make you enjoy a good experience, the kind of what you get on a luxury shop. Of course, you can be assisted by your personalized

On top of that, AI fashion designers through the AR glasses or by some live professional designers are connected to the store at that moment.

Friends and other unknown people are sitting at one of the tables of the lounge space. Your Virtualian digital public profile appears automatically on the surrounded people wearing Virtualia Glasses if you allowed so. This is a good way to meet with new acquaintances around the table in this store, remember their names as you look at them, and add them to your friend list later as your public encounter can be recorded. In fact, anyone passing by can receive a daily notification of who they met and when if they allow so. This was essentially used by the youngest generation as a way of dating.

For those having not yet ordered a pair of Virtualia Smart Glasses, you decide to go for the traditional handshake. It is generally still welcome to do so with everyone even if your encounter is recorded digitally. Just that catching the name is now easy.

As your friends, you open your smartphone to connect to the store, connect your body scan and play around with the 3D outfit catalog of the new store. As you have already body scanned yourself via different videos you submitted in your digital profile on Virtualia, you can now see the outfit on the front of your smart glass, over different angles, and projected anywhere in the store. Furthermore, automated animation add-ons you paid allow you to see yourself with custom-made reactions for the fun you share with your friends or to try specific posture if the overall look would fit your personality. In addition to that, you can also change colors and some shapes based on different options available for that cloth. Once you are happy you decide to share it with your girlfriend. She receives a notification, downloads the 3D model, and sees your body scan fitting it, and sees it in augmented reality over the living room via her smartphone while she is seated on her desk at work.

“You look pretty amazing she smiles”.

Satisfied, you say to one of the staff: “I love it”. He gently replies to you saying: “This is a unique model given your size fit, color, and shape you selected”. “Please wait for a week to be manufactured and receive it at home or you can order other outfits we have regarding your size. The AI assistants state there are 12 outfits right now on our stock. Do you want to visualize them in 3D quickly to review them?”

“Yes, why not?” He shows you a QR code that you scan with your smartphone. Now you can check and swipe with your glasses if this will fit well by looking yourself in augmented reality in front of you.

“That one would be great. Now I will order the model 1214E”. You provide the code name while the staff types the code over a tablet and sends an order to the backend store. An automated machine goes and picks up the model in the below warehouse. 1 min later, it arrives on the desk, ready for payment. You decide to pay with your credit card and receive some Virtualia coin as fidelity and a lottery number for monthly discounts on Virtualia Network. Therefore, you just have to walk toward the check desk and take the newly ordered outfit.

You meet up later with your girlfriend in front of an art gallery. Then you decide to enter. The virtual art exhibit, called “New York telepathy”, is projecting unique digital art over the different panels of the walls. This gallery art was suggested by your FoMA application on Virtualia given the different criteria you entered. Each panel is entirely white but is connected to the digital profile transmitted from each visitor’s smart glasses, and then generates the artist’s view of a three-dimensional image taking public information of that person in a futuristic New-York street, hence the telepathic thematic. You nailed it.

Six Months Later: Saturday, June 15, 2035, 4:00 p.m.

You and your future wife are looking at your recorded images from your smart glasses with automated blurring face capture of public, except your girlfriend that is whitelisted in your preferences.

You laugh a lot. “That was a fantastic date,” She hugs you showing you a ring.

7 p.m.

During your evening, you and your girlfriend decide to rent a movie from one close Theatre present on the Virtualia FoMA app. Afterward, you both set up Pompei as the destination and see projected over a wall the movie in 4K.

In addition, you also set up your VR headset for a 2h movie with background noise as If you were in a living theatre.

You hit play on and can pause anytime. As you opted for the lower cost ad-supported version, you see custom ads something you can decide to jump in exchange for a small fee in Virtualia$. Sometimes, you decide to click on the ad cart button, and it adds up to your digital wallet on the Virtualia Network.


You wake up and then connect to the smart refrigerator with your mobile, checking the refrigerator panel for what’s for breakfast now, the AI gives you some suggestions for this morning with the available food and juice. Thereupon, you update the weekly list to be ordered automatically by the smart refrigerator for the next batch on Saturday. You also order some food for delivery at noon from a local restaurant using your earned Virtualia coins. Hence, you are fresh and ready to work remotely today.

You work for the Virtualia Bank branch that developed a financial services dApp, providing an alternative financing option to a lot of Virtualian consumers, virtual companies, and stores on the Virtualia Shop Network by cutting out the middleman. In addition, for a low monthly subscription, consumers can now use the company platform for decentralized short-to-long term loans of whatever size, according to their available credit limits, personalizing the payment terms. Your remote work is actively monitored by AI based on screen and mobile activity and provides 15 min screen break every 2 hours. Additionally, extra-hours are paid by a quarter of an hour.


From this envisioned story regarding Virtualia in the 2030s, we can conclude that it will provide excellent services to people in all areas of life such as shopping, working, exploring different places, eating, interacting with others, and the list goes on. Now Virtualians, if they want to, can work remotely while everything is digital and based on 3D models.

[1] Also named by Virtualia as the fresh hyperconnected noosphere


We are open to capital investment

We are looking from 300K€ (1 product to market) to 50M€ (whole ecosystem). Contact us at

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1- Stay tuned to our Medium article campaign (over 100 articles) by subscribing @The Virtualia Team

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4- Read our first introductory article, our second article on the spirit of the Virtualia ecosystem, and the third on our vision of the future facing technological challenges with Exascale supercomputers, AI-human like interactivity, nanotechnology and 3D printing, and blockchain P2P payment.

5- Join our community discord server to discuss around 3DVRAR and what we do at



The Virtualia Team

Virtualia is an ecosystem of mobile, web applications and virtual worlds built around a blockchain leveraging AI, VRAR, IoT, 5G, and space satellite imagery.