Home Staging: Buyers’ Agent Perspective [INFOGRAPHIC]

Penny Carlisle
3 min readOct 16, 2019


Home staging helps you create the vision of a home you and your buyers will want — one that resembles every detail that they can imagine.

When you buy an outfit for an occasion, you should already have an idea in your mind or a picture of the outfit that you want to wear, and you should already imagine yourself wearing it too. If you don’t do these, then you’re in trouble! You’re looking at stressful last-minute wardrobe changes that will drive you crazy!

The same goes for home staging.

Most buyers already have an idea of their future home, very much so that when they find the home that they’ve envisioned in their heads, they’re very quick to seal the deal. So getting to design a space exactly as what buyers have in mind makes a very critical advantage to your listing. So how do you nail it? How do you materialize the vision that your buyers have?

But even before getting your buyers hooked, you have to get their agents’ attention. A buyer will communicate their vision to their agents and their agents will keep their eyes out for anything that fits that. So if you can reel the agents in, you can command their buyers’ attention.

This is where effective home staging comes in

People choose to purchase a home that appeals to them, so home staging helps the seller to impress their buyer. This means that the first impression has to be perfect and has to meet, or better yet, exceed the standard of the buyer. This impression helps the buyer to connect with a home and purchase it. And it this same impression that a buyer’s agent gets to see and if that sits well with the agent, then you get to have an audience with their buyer.

Check out these statistics from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) on buyers’ agents’ view of home staging:

  • 40% of buyers’ agents cited that home staging had an effect on most buyers’ view of the home.
  • 83% of buyers’ agents said staging a home made it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as a future home.
  • Staging the living room was found to be most important for buyers (47%), followed by staging the master bedroom (42%), and staging the kitchen (35%).
  • 25% of buyer’s agents said that staging a home increased the dollar value offered between 1–5%, compared to other similar homes on the market that are not staged.

More details on this infographic below!

Virtual Staging as a Critical Advantage

Virtual Staging simplifies the home staging process. All you’ll need are high definition photos of the space and accurate measurements of the home. Afterward, you can sit back, relax, and let the virtual stager do their magic.

What’s great about virtual staging is that you can request details from a buyer’s agent so you can stage a space based on their buyer’s vision. This flexibility gives you the chance to cater to more customers as opposed to just sticking to one vision for a space.



Penny Carlisle

Virtual Staging Expert @Zipp3D— lover of all things interior design, passionate in real estate photography