Mohamed Elzomor- Virtzy Brand Ambassador Spotlight

6 min readAug 14, 2017


“One thing that you need to understand, is to just simply never give up”- Mohamed Elzomor.

Mohamed Elzomor, an elite personal trainer and now also a #Virtzypro, wrapped up a fun interview with those words, while holding his sweet 3-month old baby girl. His face lit up as he told us about the triumphs and tribulations of his journey to becoming a Celebrity Personal Trainer. Now on his daddy duty, he carved out an hour to spend with the Virtzy team to share his amazing story and let other up-and-coming trainers know that the road to success is never easy but it is always worth the struggle.

The industry of fitness and training is very competitive. So how, in a field with so much competition, can anyone expect to thrive. And how can clients searching for their perfect trainer know where to look and how to choose one?

When your legs are shaking while your forehead is dripping with sweat and you think to yourself “I can’t do one more rep or I will collapse,” it’s in that moment that you need a personal trainer who knows how to keep you motivated and strong. Mohamed does just that for his clients. With his commitment to holistic wellness and the meaningful relationships he forms with clients, Mohamed is able to improve not only his clients’ physical shape, but their mental state as well.

In a market currently so relevant, yet so saturated, trainers have to have an edge that makes them stand out and bring something new to the gym that clients will benefit from and believe in. Mohamed’s edge combines a mentally positive approach, his contagious determination, and the cutting edge Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) machine, which significantly increases the effectiveness of any workout. Through these pillars, Mohamed has built his personal brand and achieved more success than he once thought was possible.

Using his unique approach, Mohamed has acquired clients such as Steve Tisch, the owner of the New York Giants, John Legere, the CEO of T-Mobile, and Pamela Baxter, the CEO of Christian Dior, just to name a few. As Mohamed learns and grows, so does his impressive list of clients and accomplishments. And for him, the road to success has only started, as he strives to accomplish a lot more in the upcoming few years.

Like many successful people, Mohamed began in the personal training field much by chance. From initially being transferred into a weight training class in high school, to walking door to door in New York looking for a job and eventually being hired by his first gym, New York Sports Club. Mohamed’s journey into training has developed upon the various pushes and pulls of life and his steady discovery of his love and purpose in the personal training field. After a hiatus from training for a couple years and working as a club promoter, Mohamed found that the nightlife routine was not fulfilling him. Getting back into the swing of things, he got a job at Lucille Roberts and then eventually at Sports Club LA where he really started to solidify his dreams.

At Sports Club LA Mohamed changed his own path. He took on a new, positive mindset and aimed for the goal of becoming one of the top ten trainers in the gym. At the end of 5 months, he was the top trainer at Sports Club LA. Following this, Mohamed created the Transform Program, an in-house program for other trainers to help improve their sales and sessions. After three months of meeting three times a week, all six trainers were in the top ten trainers in the gym.

These accomplishments and results have to do with Mohamed’s mindset and mental training that has helped him and others believe in themselves to accomplish the specific goals they set. Filtering your thoughts to attract what you want is the key to opening doors for yourself and climbing the levels in your field.

Combining this mental attitude with the exclusive EMS machine, Mohamed has been able to market himself in a way that stands out from other trainers and build an elite class of clients. The EMS machine is a vest that clients wear while they do a normal workout. The machine benefits you by contracting your muscles for you as you workout, allowing you to hit about 90% of your muscles as opposed to 25%. Mohamed is one of the few trainers in the country who has access and certification for this machine. It has built a lot of connections and been a key marketing tool for his brand.

It can be hard to start out in any field, but it helps to learn from those who have been at the same starting line at one point. Mohamed has three nuggets of wisdom to share with any personal trainer, whether just beginning or in pursuit of revamping your brand.

1. Get educated and practice.

Mohamed shared that his first client ever was a physical therapist. When he went to check her pulse with his thumb, she asked “when did you start?” because every physical therapist knows that the thumb has a pulse of its own. Nonetheless Mohamed learned a valuable lesson that it is crucial to study and learn so that you can know what you are talking about and be a credible professional in your field.

2. Visualize what you want.

This is a large part of Mohamed’s practice as a trainer. He shares that you have to visualize where you want to be in extreme detail- your perfect business, clients, schedule, etc. Then mimic in your life how things will be once you achieve certain goals. Once you do this, you will be confident and motivated to achieve your goals, big and small. You will never make it to the top if you don’t first believe you can.

3. Look the part

This step is about practicing what you preach. This is especially important for personal trainers, but can apply to any field. If a client doesn’t see that you take care of yourself, how can they trust you to get them in shape and stay motivated. You have to look as if you follow your own routine in order to be credible and gain trusting relationships with clients.

Mohamed has found success in the personal training business, but not without facing challenges along the way. He shares that the field is extremely competitive which makes it hard to build relationships with other trainers. Mohamed also found it particularly difficult to find his niche and begin building his personal business.

Recently, Mohamed Elzomor has become the newest Brand Ambassador for Virtzy. Virtzy is an online platform created to empower Beauty and Wellness Professionals to run their businesses better and grow their brands; where they are able to create a professional profile to showcase their talents and skills, connect and network with other professionals and attract the right audience that searches exactly for their services.

Mohamed loves Virtzy because he says today it is all about having an online presence, specifically with social media. Until Virtzy, there was no such platform for trainers like himself and other beauty professionals to have a place to network and where clients can still see your work. No other platform has combined the professional landscape of LinkedIn with a social media flare like Virtzy does, and Mohamed says it is genius!

We are excited to have Mohamed on board at Virtzy and help him continue growing his brand along with our other Virtzy Pros.

To see what Mohamed is up to and view his Virtzy profile, download the app here! If you are a interested in becoming Virtzy Brand Ambassador, sign up or shoot us a quick email at or




Connecting Beauty and Wellness Professionals and helping them build their brands!