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Embracing Ramadan Day 25: An Unwavering Mind



It’s the 25th of Ramadan, the halfway mark. The initial surge of enthusiasm may have settled, replaced by a quiet determination. There are times when hunger is sharper, the distractions stronger and you realise that you only need to do it 5 more days. Amidst these challenges, a sense of accomplishment also washes over us. We’ve traversed a significant portion of this holy month, and the lessons learned so far resonate deeply.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) spoke of unwavering focus during Ramadan, a state where our minds remain steadfast in their devotion to Allah (SWT). In a Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said,

“Whoever does not abandon false speech and foolish actions during Ramadan, Allah has no need of his hunger or thirst.”

This Hadith serves as a stark reminder that true fulfillment lies not just in abstaining from food and drink, but in taming our thoughts and actions.

As we reflect on the past 25 days, let’s consider how we’ve nurtured this unwavering mind:

  • Intention and Action: We revisit the intentions set at the beginning of Ramadan. Have we stayed true to our goals? Perhaps we initially aimed for increased patience. Have we encountered situations that tested our resolve? Did we emerge stronger, and more understanding? Reflection on our intentions and subsequent actions allows us to course-correct if needed and celebrate the progress made.
  • The Power of Prayer: These past weeks, have our prayers been oases of serenity amidst the daily grind? Did we prioritize focused prayers, seeking solace and guidance from Allah (SWT)? The quality of our prayers is a powerful indicator of our unwavering focus.
  • Mindful Sustenance: Suhoor and Iftar have transcended mere meals. Have we approached them with gratitude, savouring each bite and reflecting on the blessings of sustenance? Mindfulness around food, even during fasting periods, strengthens our connection with the Allah SWT.
  • Minimizing Distractions: In a world overflowing with digital noise, have we succeeded in creating a place for quietude? Have we minimized distractions during prayer times and sought out spaces for contemplation? Limiting distractions allows us to delve deeper into our inner world and strengthen our focus.
  • Quran as a Compass: The Quran has been a source of guidance and inspiration. Have we carved out time for daily recitation, even if it’s just a few verses? Have we pondered the meanings, allowing them to shape our actions and decisions? The Quran serves as a compass, keeping us focused on the path of righteousness.
  • Giving Back: Ramadan is a time for heightened compassion. Have we engaged in acts of charity, big or small? Has volunteering our time or offering a helping hand strengthened our sense of community and purpose? Giving back fosters an outward focus, reminding us of our role within the larger society.
  • Seeking Knowledge: Have we actively sought knowledge to deepen our understanding of Islam and its practices? Reading Islamic literature, attending lectures, or participating in online discussions can illuminate the significance of Ramadan and fortify our resolve.
  • Community Support: Have we surrounded ourselves with positive influences, a community of fellow Muslims who share our goals? Sharing experiences and struggles with others provides encouragement and keeps us accountable. A supportive community strengthens our wavering minds.
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Self-Compassion and Perseverance

We are human, after all. There will have been moments of weakness, days when focus waned. The key is to acknowledge these stumbles with self-compassion, seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT), and recommit to our goals. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said,

“The strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than the weak believer, although there is good in both.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 46, Hadith 52).

This Hadith reminds us that the journey towards unwavering focus is a mark of strength and dedication.

The remaining days of Ramadan hold immense potential for further growth. By continuing to employ these strategies and engaging in reflective practices, we can solidify the gains made so far. Let us remain steadfast in our devotion, for the unwavering mind we cultivate during Ramadan will continue to serve us long after the crescent moon of Eid graces the night sky.

Day 25 Ramadan 1445 H

yesterday’s story here: Embracing Ramadan Day 24: Keep Moving Forward, One Step at a Time

  • 📜I am planning to do 30 Days writing for the entire Ramadan Month
  • ☕ If you enjoy my writing and want to support me, you can Buy Me a Coffee here.




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