Vishal yadav
4 min readFeb 6, 2022


Table of content

1. Why you should save semen?

2. Benefit of brahmcharya

3. Is there any disadvantage of brahmcharya

4. How to get rid of porn addiction

5. How to get rid of wrong habit of wasting semen

6. How to get super power ?

7. Science of the young old man


What is greatest loss ? do you know that ? what is brahmcharya ? why you shold save semen ? is there any benefit? Can I get super power ? how can I increase my life time? How I always being young ? and many other question and there is all your answer in this book I see at this generation how all the data is consuming in only pornography and sexual activity we all know how india is a great country this is a country of culture and sprituality but now do you believe that india is on no 1 in watching porn . I feel ashamed how our youth is going in wrong direction towards pornography . it killing our culture , leadership quality , their vision, make difficult for them to be in relationship , and brain washing . there are many people who want to free from this negative habits but they failed so my mission is to help them in getting rid of this negative habit.

Why you should save semen?

The greatest loss in world is loss of semen . semen is very powerful energy. In semen there is potential to give birth to a baby think how powerful this energy is , if you save semen it develop your confidence , develop leadership quality, develop power it make you powerful , increase strength, increase muscular strength , develop thinking process, you are able to think clearly , and you feel something very powerful which is not possible to explain in words . you feel complete.

But if there is so may advantage why people still waste semen ? and the answer is because no one told them , In ancient india there is tradition in which every one follow brahmcharya for at least 18 to 20 year than they decide if they want to marry or they want to follow brahmcharya for life time

Somehow this culture is vanished and now you can see what happened

We have to teach children about this topic correctly at right age If you hide this knowledge than your child learn all this from wrong sources which is not good for them and the no 1 reason why rape cases is increasing is this bad addition of our youth this habit not good for their mental health unfortunately our all youth is in this wrong direction some are lucky enough to know that this is wrong and try to get rid of it but they can’t find help so I am writing this book for all of those who want help and I hope this book motivate all the youth to get rid of this habit and find right direction in life .

Think you are seeing the same thing again and again why ? what is the profit of having senses , brain, thinking power, intelligence ? if you are doing the same thing that animals do eat , sleep and sex

Be human take opportunities of being human you are very lucky you are human you get this opportunity use it for good find the real purpose of your life do research , learn new things and I will tell you how you can get rid of this habit because I can feel how difficult for you to do this . what is your purpose of your life ? go find that there is a purpose of your life that’s why you are here go read books do research on youtube , google use this sources for your good not fore bad

If you really want to know than answer will find you. you can read my book also and there are many great writer you can read there books there are lot of ways .


There are lots of benefits no there are unlimited benefits they are as follow

1. You feel positive

2. You feel motivated naturally

3. You have more energy

4. Your body develop muscles so it make easy to make perfect physique

5. You have more physical power

6. You have more mental power

7. You become attractive and every one specially girls feel attracted towards you

8. You become confident

9. Your aura increases

10. You become more pure

11. Your intelligence increases

12. You thought pattern change

13. You think clear

14. Your decision making power increase

15. You start looking more handsome because of your aura and attractiveness

16. You become smart

17. Your problem solving quality increase

18. Your understanding increase

19. If you are love god or on spiritual path than your journey become easy because you become pure and your understanding increase you naturally understand everything easy

20. Your capacity to learn increase you naturally learn things easily.


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