Technology, and Consequences of Exponential Growth

4 min readJan 29, 2019

For a great part of the human history we have assumed human mind as more or less a rational machine. But several studies have changed that belief. And although we are still to take advantage of this knowledge, at least we have begun to accept the irrationality of human mind. (not brain, as brain and mind are different, brain is the hardware part, and mind the software, or the working part).

A very important loophole in our understanding of the world is 'confirmation bias'. Simply put- you readily seek/get attracted to knowledge that you already believe in. For instance- if you are a somebody who believes that earth is flat, you will get attracted toward any bit of information that confirms your already held belief. And you will also like people who believe what you believe in.

And slowly you put yourself in a kind of loop. Where over and and over you like the ideas that you already like. And you have created a kind of bubble for yourself, consciously.

This simple theory can explain the phenomenon of tribalism, terrorism, and several minor/ major conflicts.

The point is that this is something our mind is inherently biased towards. But this bias is also extremely valuable as it helps create fanclubs to big institutions to large nations.

But for an intelligent mind to stay in a bubble is not a good idea. As no group, tribe, political side, right or left, or institution has any monopoly over wisdom and ideas.

Unless you take a step back and observe things objectively you end up being the part of crowd (the IQ of a crowd is relatively very low). And anything of value is mostly done by individuals.( except French Revolution, but then you can also trace that back to individuals like John Locke, etc.).

Most of the things that public is worried and discusses about is not as important in the long run.

The idea is not to get caught in a web but to look and understand things rationally, and not just what is apparent, but what might emerge in upcoming time.

A day is long, but a decade is short.And some ideas in the long run matter more. And the most important idea to discuss is the way future is going to unfold. As that’s where we are going to live, and work.


SpaceX and NASA- Mars can become habitable soon. Maybe our knowledge of intersteller space can lead us to find new habitable worlds. (Conversely some other worlds might find us with some nudge from our side)

Most of sci-fi is becoming real. All aspects of life is affected by technology.

With hyperloop technology 'transportation' is going to be faster and more effecient than even aeroplanes. An underground way of travelling, by creating vaccum in tunnels. Very high speed, but low energy consumption.

You can print a real car and so much more through ‘3D printers’.

Hologram technology- It will enable people to virtually travel and reach any place instantly.

Genome Editing - you can have babies who turn out to be superhumans. With infinite power.

Artificial Intelligence(AI) - computers, and machines who think for themselves. An AI of Google not unveiled officially yet, can read all the books in the world in just 6 seconds.

Old people are given some AI as friends who spends time with them and understands their problems, knows when to speak and when to just listen.

With Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR, AR) entertainment is going to change. As it gives an exact simulation of reality. With no screen barriers. There are numerous other important uses of VR and AR.

All these have direct consequences in our life, sometimes positive, sometimes even negative.

Technology speeds up exponentially, and it is not feasible for our imagination to capture and sometimes even understand this speed, as our imagination works linearly. But technology should be understood, regardless of one's field as there is no part of life that tech can't reach or hasn't reached already.

It not just solves problems with more speed and efficiency than conventional means. But this is what we also use to understand and analyze almost any problem.

The bigger picture is always more interesting, more consequential, also more challenging. As new technologies emerge, it require us to be ready to take advantage of it or go obsolete or pay a price.

Lot to learn.. and Lot to be gained from.☀️🌟

