How to Choose The Right Machine Learning Algorithm

Vishakha Chavan
8 min readAug 8, 2022


How to Choose The Right Machine Learning Algorithm

Software system weaknesses and machine learning-specific difficulties are major issues. Poor comprehension of the topic or illogical code may be at blame.

Machine learning engineers and data scientists should handle these challenges in real time. The MLOps architecture must be able to detect weaknesses, monitor the whole infrastructure for indicators of danger, and warn ML engineers and data scientists of problems. For complete machine learning monitoring, you’ll need a full-service solution.

Machine learning production models should be monitored for data drift, concept drift, bias, and declining performance before they harm the company or its consumers. It’s challenging to track industrial machine learning. Monitoring gets more difficult with additional criteria, data, or models. This is a given in commercial machine learning.

This article will help you understand some of these problems and figure out the best course of action to ensure the continued precision of your machine learning models.

Monitoring Machine Learning Models

Machine learning (ML) models simulate data to reduce prediction and action errors. After being trained on static samples during development, machine learning models deployed in production make judgments based on dynamic, ever-changing data. The gap between static training data used during development and dynamic data utilised after deployment reduces a production model’s performance over time.

Machine learning model monitoring refers to techniques used to examine and guarantee the proper functioning of ML models. ML model monitoring gives insight into what’s occurring in production with your models and how they interact with fresh data. The model’s functionality is also evaluated.

Data science and statistical analysis are used to monitor machine learning models in production. Monitoring machine learning models serves various purposes:

  1. Detecting abnormalities, bias, system faults, and instability early.
  2. Understanding what caused model performance to decline
  3. Researching underlying issues causing new issues, and more..

An ML application is not only the model itself but also the data, the algorithms, the infrastructure, and sometimes even the services that are provided as a result of the application.

Examining your model and asking key questions is the first step in establishing an effective monitoring strategy.

Data: What type of details do you need? To what extent does it succeed? Insufficient information is available on the volume level.

Algorithm: Which kind of model is it, a deep learning model or a prediction model? Should the algorithm be regularly updated?

Infrastructure: How about describing the platform that this model is using?

Business: When does your business celebrate a victory? Does the model correspond with the company’s key performance indicators? What KPIs mean the most to you? Just how reliable is your most fundamental conviction?

Domains: Find out what is happening in real time with the users of your ML app.

Choosing Your Machine Learning Solution

Investigate the features of the solution you’re considering for your ML project to ensure it will meet your needs. Make sure the ML model solution you choose has the following functions to assist you keep an eye on your models:

Model versioning: Machine learning systems need to be able to track and retain the performance history of each monitored model across time, taking into account the primary metrics of each model. the purpose of gauging its long-term effectiveness.

Real-time monitoring: Which is critical for models used in production since it reveals the model’s current state and allows for immediate problem identification.

Data behaviour: Things like out-of-the-ordinary numbers and other data irregularities must be taken into account. The term “data behaviour” is broad enough to concept drift and prediction drift. Changes in metrics and deteriorating model performance, system inspections, including the pipeline, CPU/GPU use, and other elements.

Monitoring Alerts: Monitoring systems should also alert you when a model’s performance falls below a certain level. So, you can fix problems as soon as they arise, minimising their effect on the company. Webhook integration should allow these alerts to be sent to services like Slack and Jira.

Visualization: In order to keep an eye on things, dashboards are a must. It’s helpful to simplify and clarify things so they may be easily understood. In ML monitoring systems, a list of names and numbers is inefficient and hard for stakeholders to understand. However, graphs, charts, and other visual aids would make the connections between these figures much simpler to understand and explain.

Metrics for Operational Efficiency: Capacity tracking and monitoring for the ML infrastructure. Your model’s performance will be limited by the resources available to it, including central processing units, graphics processing units, random access memory, storage, and network input/output operations. Any machine learning model that is operating at or near its limit needs regular maintenance to ensure it continues to work correctly.

Metadata retention: Maintaining production versions and hyperparameters of your models may be possible with the help of different ML monitoring systems, which can be thought of as metadata storage. This facilitates re-creation, explanation, audit, standard adherence, issue isolation, and resolution.

Collaboration: Sharing your findings and alarms with your team is essential when using ML monitoring tools, so make sure your system allows for this. It should serve as a hub where groups may communicate, collaborate on model building, and check in on progress. The ability to see a model in real time simplifies the exchange of information, the identification of problems, and their resolution.

Explainability: One of the most essential goals of model monitoring is to enable you to understand how your model is doing in relation to the metrics being tracked. No matter how challenging it may appear, ML production teams need to be able to offer context for patterns detected in a model. The organisation benefits from more diversity as more people are able to understand the ML model’s predictions.

Now, here are the essential considerations when you are about to choose a machine learning algorithm:

Type Of Problem

To address a specific challenge, researchers use a wide variety of Machine Learning techniques. Knowing the specifics of the issue and the kind of algorithm that can solve it most effectively is crucial. Machines may be taught in one of three ways: with human oversight, independently, or with the use of reinforcement. Regression, classification, and outlier detection are the three main subfields of supervised learning that we’ve previously discussed. When you have a clear idea of the nature of the issue you’re attempting to solve, you may choose an algorithm that has a good track record with similar problems. In an article, I demonstrated how the approach might be used to many distinct machine learning conundrums.

Training Time

It is difficult to generalise how long an algorithm takes to execute. Generally, the length of time needed for training is proportional to the size of the dataset and the desired level of accuracy. You must also calculate the impact that training time will have on the project. If you’re working on an app-based project but don’t have infinite funds to train your model, consider switching to one that requires less. However, lengthier training times may be possible if you are doing research and want to test the limits of your model. The time spent on training should be weighed against the potential benefits or drawbacks to the project.

Size Of Training Set

The algorithm selection process relies heavily on this factor. Classifiers with strong bias and low variation perform better than those with low bias and high variation on a limited training set since the latter would overfit the data. However, low bias/high variation classifiers tend to prevail as the training set size increases since high bias classifiers struggle to produce reliable models. It is crucial to constantly keep the bigger picture in mind, especially when dealing with overfitting. It is crucial to consider how much training data is needed since certain algorithms are simple to overfit.


The precision needed varies with application. As a result, processing time may be significantly reduced when an estimate is enough. To add to that, approximation techniques are notoriously bad at overfitting. Normal practise involves deciding on an acceptable level of accuracy. If your client requires 80% accuracy, for instance, you may safely cease fine-tuning the hyperparameters. Why?

To start, you’ll be able to train the model more and make it more accurate while using less computing resources. Alternately, you may simplify the model. Explaining Multi-Layer Perceptron to a client is a lot more difficult than explaining linear regression in a commercial context. If a less complex model achieves the same level of accuracy as a more complex one, the simpler model should be utilised.

Number of Features

The amount of attributes in a dataset may be excessive in relation to the number of data points. This is a common occurrence in both textual and genomic data. With so many variables to consider, it’s easy for machine learning algorithms to get bogged down, rendering any time spent in training fruitless. The performance of a support vector machine (SVM) is, for instance, sensitive to the amount of features that are used. Therefore, a Neural Network or any alternative approach may be preferable if your dataset includes a large number of characteristics.

Eliminating unnecessary features is another approach to dealing with a large number of them. Limiting the amount of features is another goal of dimensionality reduction techniques. You should consider the impact of the quantity of features on your model when you choose a machine learning technique.

Number of Parameters

The performance of the algorithm may be modified by adjusting settings such as the tolerance for error and the number of iterations. Algorithms with several parameters often need iterative testing to determine the optimal settings. Changing a model’s hyperparameters to make it better takes more time the more parameters it has. This indicates that more iterations of trying different values for the parameters will be required for models with more of them.

When dealing with a large number of parameters, it’s crucial to remember that training time and algorithm accuracy may become more critical in order to find the optimal settings. When picking a machine learning algorithm, this is a crucial factor to consider.

Linear or not

Linearity is essential to the success of several popular machine learning techniques, including linear regression, regression analysis, and support vector machines, to name a few. These anticipations aren’t necessarily negative, but they do reduce the efficacy of other measures.

It’s common practise to rely on potentially harmful linear algorithms as a first line of defence. They are often easy to train because of their basic algorithms. And, as I’ve previously said, if the linear model suffices, there’s no need to resort to a more involved one. If “simpler” algorithms do the job in machine learning, remain with them.

Final Words

In the absence of extensive background knowledge, selecting an appropriate machine learning method might be challenging. In contrast, you may be able to solve this issue by answering a series of questions that require knowledge of various types of algorithms and the problems they were designed to address.



Vishakha Chavan

Data Science | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence | MLOps | AIOps | DataOps | Cloud | DevOps | Research | Women Techmakers | Google Developers Group