20 Recently Asked Python Interview Questions for Data Engineers

Vishal Barvaliya
2 min readAug 27, 2024

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Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

Preparing for a data engineering interview? Here’s a list of 20 Python interview questions that are frequently asked:

  1. What are Python lists and how are they different from tuples?
  2. How do you create a dictionary in Python and access its values?
  3. Explain list comprehension and provide an example.
  4. How can you read a CSV file in Python using pandas?
  5. What is the difference between `loc` and `iloc` in pandas?
  6. How do you handle missing data in a pandas DataFrame?
  7. Explain the use of the `apply()` function in pandas.
  8. How can you merge/join two DataFrames in pandas?
  9. Describe how to group data in pandas and perform aggregation.
  10. What are NumPy arrays and how do they differ from Python lists?
  11. How do you perform element-wise operations on NumPy arrays?
  12. What is the use of the Matplotlib library in Python? Provide an example of a simple plot.



Vishal Barvaliya

I write about Data Engineering, Data Analytics, Data Science, and Big Data. LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/vishalbarvaliya/