Experimenting with GPT-4 Turbo’s JSON Mode: A New Era in AI Data Structuring

Vishal Kalia
3 min readNov 20, 2023



The recent OpenAI Developer Day brought to light an exciting feature for GPT-4 Turbo — enhanced support for generating valid JSON output. This advancement promises a new level of integration and efficiency for AI applications.

Understanding JSON Mode in GPT-4 Turbo

GPT-4 Turbo’s JSON mode, activated by setting response_format to { type: "json_object" }, ensures valid JSON output. This feature addresses previous challenges of generating JSON, such as improperly escaped characters, and facilitates data structuring.

The Power of Structured JSON Output

With the new JSON mode, developers can instruct GPT-4 Turbo to return structured data, vital for consistency and reliability in applications involving web development, data analytics, and machine learning.

Utilizing JSON Mode

Here’s how to use GPT-4 Turbo’s JSON mode in Python:

import openai

def get_gpt4_json_response(prompt):
openai.api_key = 'your-openai-api-key' # Replace with your OpenAI API key

response = openai.Completion.create(
response_format={"type": "json_object"}

return response.json()

prompt = """Generate JSON about Bill Gates: { "full_name": "", "title": "" }"""
json_response = get_gpt4_json_response(prompt)

Exploring Variations with Python

Let’s dive into the flexibility and robustness of GPT-4 Turbo’s JSON mode through various Python examples:

1. Generating an Array:

prompt = "Generate JSON with an array of 3 facts about the internet."
json_response = get_gpt4_json_response(prompt)

2. Nested JSON Structures:

prompt = '''Generate JSON about the solar system with keys: name, planets (array of objects with keys: name, description)'''
json_response = get_gpt4_json_response(prompt)

3. Managing Token Limits:

prompt = "Generate a detailed JSON with 50 key-value pairs about global climate change."
json_response = get_gpt4_json_response(prompt)

Handling Output Token Limitations

When using GPT-4 Turbo’s JSON mode, it’s vital to manage max_tokens and check finish_reason:

  • Managing max_tokens: This parameter limits the number of tokens (words and characters) in the model's output. For complex or detailed prompts, increasing max_tokens ensures the generation of more comprehensive JSON structures.
  • Checking finish_reason: The finish_reason attribute indicates why the model stopped generating text. If it stopped due to reaching the max_tokens limit (finish_reason is 'length'), the JSON might be incomplete. In such cases, either increase max_tokens or refine your prompt to require less output.
response = openai.Completion.create(
max_tokens=150, # Adjust as needed
response_format={"type": "json_object"}

if response.choices[0].finish_reason == 'length':
print("Warning: Output may be incomplete due to token limit.")

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How complex can the JSON structures be?
A: GPT-4 Turbo can generate complex, nested JSON structures, depending on prompt structuring.

Q: What if the output exceeds the token limit?
A: The JSON output may be incomplete. Adjust max_tokens and inspect finish_reason for completeness.

Q: Are precise prompts necessary for JSON output?
A: Yes, the prompt must clearly instruct the model to produce JSON, including the word “JSON” in the message.


GPT-4 Turbo’s JSON mode marks a new frontier in AI integration. This feature opens up efficient avenues for structured data generation, enabling smarter and more intuitive AI applications.

Engagement Call: I encourage you to share your experiences or tips on using GPT-4 Turbo’s JSON mode in Python or in any language. Your insights can greatly benefit the readers of this article!

