GPT-4 Magic Unleashed: Transforming AI responses with Few-Shot Prompting

Vishal Kalia
3 min readFeb 16, 2024


AI responses with Few-Shot Prompting


In the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence with GPT-4, few-shot prompting emerges as a transformative technique, enabling AI models to adapt swiftly to new tasks with minimal examples. This method not only enhances the model’s accuracy but also its contextual relevance, making it a cornerstone for rapidly customizing AI outputs to specific tasks or styles without the need for extensive retraining.

Regular Prompting vs Few-Shot Prompting

What is Few-Shot Prompting?

Few-shot prompting operates under the umbrella of in-context learning. It involves providing the AI with a handful of carefully selected examples to guide its understanding and responses. This approach leverages the model’s inherent ability to learn from context, enabling it to perform tasks or generate content aligned with the provided examples. The essence of few-shot prompting lies in its capacity to quickly align the model’s output with the desired task’s nuances, fostering a seamless adaptation process.

Examples and Applications

Consider the scenario of interpreting customer feedback. By presenting the model with a few examples that categorize reviews as positive or negative, it can accurately classify a new, unlabelled review. For instance:

- Example 1: A customer praises an online store’s service, marked as [Positive].
- Example 2: A complaint about delayed food delivery and poor service, marked as [Negative].

Given a new review complaining about a dining experience, the model, guided by these examples, would correctly categorize it as [Negative].

Optimizing Performance with Few-Shot Prompting

The efficacy of few-shot prompting hinges on several factors:

  • Quantity of Exemplars: The performance correlates with the number of provided examples. While a greater quantity generally enhances accuracy, there’s a threshold beyond which additional examples yield diminishing returns.
  • Quality of Exemplars: The relevance and precision of the examples are paramount. High-quality examples lead to more accurate outputs, underscoring the importance of selecting exemplars that are both accurate and closely related to the task.
  • Input Distribution Similarity: The resemblance between the examples and the actual input plays a critical role. For optimal results, the exemplars should mirror the nature of the input queries as closely as possible.
  • Prompt and Label Format: The way inputs and labels are structured in the prompt significantly affects outcomes. Formats should be consistent and match the task’s requirements to avoid confusion and ensure clarity for the model.


In the context of a restaurant review analysis task, using examples that closely match the type of feedback being analysed is crucial. For instance:

- Positive Example: A review highlights quick service and a pleasant atmosphere, tagged with relevant aspects like [Speed][Atmosphere].
- Negative Example: A critique of bland Flavors and high prices, tagged as [Food][Price].

When presented with a review critiquing a tech company’s service, the model, trained with restaurant reviews, would classify aspects such as [Staff][Price][Food], illustrating the importance of relevant and task-specific examples.


Few-shot prompting stands at the frontier of AI personalization, offering a versatile tool for adapting AI models to diverse tasks with remarkable efficiency. By understanding and leveraging the nuances of this technique, developers and researchers can unlock new potentials in AI applications, driving forward innovation and customization in the field.

Engagement Call

I invite you to dig into the world of few-shot prompting and share your insights or experiences. Whether through Python, JavaScript, or any programming language, your contributions can illuminate new pathways for leveraging this powerful AI capability. Let’s explore together how few-shot prompting can redefine the boundaries of what AI can achieve with GPT-4.

