Vishal Shinde
2 min readDec 20, 2016

What IS a Product Manager?!

To all the product managers out there – Let's face it – you would have been asked this or a version

of this many times. Maybe by your seniors, colleagues, generally anybody who hears it first time.

It goes like this - What is a product manager?

Well some say they are -

- The CEO of the product! (Interesting.)

- They define the 'what next'. (How different is that from a manager though?)

- 100% Responsibility. 0% Authority. (But 100% influencing Power.)

- They say NO! (Yes?)

- They are at the intersection of Business, Tech & UX (They do have an overview.)

They might be all the above or none.

But don’t over think this.

It’s not the Product Manager - rather the PRODUCT that needs to be understood.

SO – What is a Product?

A Product is an assistant hired by the user to get a job done.
The user will 'hire' your product if it has -

1. Value

Does it solve a problem?

2. Convenience

Is it where your user is? Is it easy to use?

3. Trust

Does it incite trust? Does it fulfill the promised value enough to be paid for & to be shared with


Answer yes to all of them & you are on the right track.

And if it can -

1. Create an emotional appeal

2. Provide a greater perceived value than the competition

3. Give excellent service to the user

- THEN you have a winning recipe on your hands.

That’s all right, but tell me — ‘What IS a Product Manager?!’

Product Managers develop products using their influence to create value, provide convenience & incite trust – the best that they can for the benefit of their users.

Now then – back to the Product.

Image Credits: Japanese anime ‘One Punch Man’.

Vishal Shinde

Product Manager, Internet & Blockchain Enthusiast, Artist & Anime Fan