Why Take Mobile App Maintenance Seriously?

Vishal Unjiya
4 min readJul 21, 2020


Mobile applications have become a go-to for everything. Nowadays, most businesses prefer to have a mobile app that can help them reach out to their customers. The audience widely accepts the mobile apps for businesses because of its innovative features, great market campaigns, and user-friendly interface.

mobile app maintenance services

To continue providing the best services and attract the flow of users, new features must be added at specific intervals. Besides this, the businesses should also see that the apps are bug-free and are updated regularly. To provide an advanced, mobile app maintenance services become essential after the launch of an app. In this blog, we will have a look at different types of mobile app maintenance and reasons why one should take mobile app maintenance seriously.

Types of Mobile App Maintenance

  1. Adaptive Maintenance

To keep the system updated, few changes are made in the application in adaptive maintenance. The changes include adjustments in a working environment like hardware or operating system.

2. Emergency Maintenance

When any problem arises in a mobile app, the immediate maintenance services offered to offer a seamless app experience are known as emergency maintenance.

3. Perfective Maintenance

Any changes in the source code to offer new functionalities and features that can address user requirements, perfective maintenance services are provided.

4. Corrective Maintenance

To repair the faults and defects of the mobile app on a daily basis, corrective maintenance is used. Here errors related to design, application logic, and code are solved.

5. Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is something that stops the errors from occurring. It includes code restructuring, documentation updating, and code optimization.

Why is Mobile App Maintenance Services Necessary?

Every mobile application needs an eye on maintenance, be it a commercial app or enterprise app. There are many reasons for it. Here are some of them.

  1. Overcome Downtimes

Downtime is a common thing in this competitive world. Even big giants like Amazon have suffered revenue loss due to downtime. To face a downtime is very difficult as it directly affects the revenue of the company. To overcome this, the team of mobile app experts must come up with the idea to start their business again with some new ideas. They must be able to handle such situations and detect downtimes instantly. This problem’s cause must be found to avoid heavy losses in terms of the company’s revenue.

2. Avoid Cyber Threats

Cyber threats are the most profound concern for any business app. Businesses secure their apps and websites with prime protocols. But sometimes, the hackers can breach the security protocols of the app. To avoid any such situations, the app maintenance team helps businesses protect the mobile app all the time. The mobile app developers also need to keep themselves updated with the latest security measures.

3. User Preferences

With more and more apps being introduced in the App Store, there might be chances that your business app loses the hold of the user preference. Therefore, user preference plays a vital role as it keeps on fluctuating. The mobile app development team must make sure that they address the problems users are facing. Otherwise, users will find an alternative to your app.

4. Keep an eye on the App Store

If you want that your business app is in the list of Apps in the App Store, then it is essential to follow the terms and conditions given by the app store. The app maintenance team must know about the updates and the changes the app store provides. If the app developers of the app maintenance team are not attentive to the app store’s updates, then the mobile app might even get blacklisted.

5. App Monitoring

When we talk about mobile app maintenance, it is not a one-time task. App maintenance is a continuous process. Frequent monitoring of the app and its bugs can help you provide smooth business services through your app. To keep the app bug-free, the constant tracking and using different types of app maintenance when required is necessary.


Mobile app maintenance is a continuous process. The team of skillful app developers must make sure that the app is bug-free and updated. If the app is not upgraded or the bugs are not fixed, there are chances of getting blacklisted. To avoid this, the developers of the app maintenance team can consider the above-listed points. If you are a business owner and want to get an app developed for your business, or want app maintenance services, feel free to contact OpenXcell.

