12 Days 100 Hour TTC Yog | Day 18

Vishesh Agarwal
7 min readMar 20, 2023


The day I fell ill

Look at me, I look positively Ghastly (trimming finally today)

Today was more of a in bed day and I knew it was needed, I wasn’t taking it. Mother nature and brother body tried giving me hints, I ofcourse did not listen. And then, just like any stubborn child, I was yanked into doing so. So recovering from stuffy nose and sore throat. This is my typical routine. Every 3 months or so, usually during a weather change, I go through this. There is usually a trigger and this time it was the 3 hrs of rafting. And it hurts each time. Cause I have sinusitis issues as well and when that gets blocked, very uncomfortable position to be in. Earlier, I used the support of medicines and within 3 days I used to be fine (I read my body and feed myself the basic meds instead of going to the doctor, who will end up prescribing me pretty much the same thing). Slowly, I have moved away from it and I now heal myself with home remedies:
- Steam with Eucalyptus Oil
- Warm water throughout the day (addn. — Cinnamon, Ginger)
- Always blose my nose out and cough out all the mucus, else the pulling in shoots straight to the head
- Covering myself up, ensuring cold wind doesnt enter my body
- Kadha or some concoction before sleeping
- Eating light, sleeping/resting more
Realization — And I dont know if this is just an occurence or I have stayed alone a lot over last few years but I have observed, I am mostly by myself when I fall ill, of any kind and I have learnt how to take care of myself. And in this process, learnt to do this for others too. Having a loved one around does help but I have accepted it. Cause I dont like people doing things for me, I’d want to or rather do it myself. May not be the best way to operate cause just as I give so much, I should be open to receiving too. I am trying :) Anywho, as of now, I am getting better. Will take a couple of days more. So this has been the highlight of my day and this time, there were lovely souls to help me around. Richa got me ginger lemon honey tea, Priya helped me with Cannabis Meds for knee pain, Pallavi gave me her thermos flask, someone gave me their kettle. So I managed :)

6:00 am — 12:00 pm

  • Woke up around 6:30, realized not in the shape to go to the class and this resulted in me missing my first every pranayama class. Richa also missed it cause her body was aching too. So terrible weather change here. Heat, cool, wind, rain and then the intense yoga. All are adding up and causing challenges for many folks here. Woke up again around 8:30 and no ways could I do Ashtanga. So I slept further. Woke up around 9, had an early breakfast and then went for the Yog Philosophy class
  • We went through the balance Niyamas and then went on to the other 8 limbs of Yoga, Aasana and Pranayama. Basic discussions around the same. Interesting snippets of Guru Sant Prakash:
    - Heard from someone that he was saying, “This Ray asks such questions, even the great teachers will not be able to answer them” :P And ofcourse it is true, cause she asks life questions, not bookish questions. Hence, only one is really learned and understands her question well can answer it. Guruji tries but ofcourse is unable to most of the time and he resorts to sages and books
    - During our Vashisht cave visit, Sant Prakash was dressed up in those orange robes and was looking like a monk. The pandit in the cave did not take much to his liking. Towards the end, when only myself, Priya and Guru Vishnu were present, the pandit said, “Ye log aa jaate hai bass baba ke kapde pehen ke. Ye saadhu nai hote, tourist guide hote hai”. We all laughed so much after that

12:00 pm — 6:00 pm

  • While writing this, I am realizing I need to sleep early so may wrap this up in lesser words. We then had our teaching practices class and I had to leave early cause I could not sit straight for long, was dozing off
  • Went to the kitchen, Rameshji was kind enough to serve me lunch 30 mins before so that I can go and sleep. He then showed me a wound that he had developed and he was still cooking with that hand. Made me feel like what is my cold even in front of this. Sincere request to all reading this, go up and talk to more such folks, who are helping you around you, in your homes, colleges. Your delivery boys, your house helps, chefs whomever. They all have their life also to share with you and they feel so happy/content when they are able to do so. I felt closer to him when he shared about his illness; sending him love and light towards recovery
  • Slept at 1:45 till about 4 pm. Realized I will not be able to do Hatha also today. Woke up, had interesting conversations with Sandeep, our man at the reception and like the operations guy of the school. We were just bantering around teachers and students. He was asking me who is serious about becoming a teacher and then sharing his story as well. He has been practising yoga for about 3 years now and I will be discussing with him his routine, on how he practices Hatha Yoga daily. He said he does multiple rounds of Surya Namaskar A, B and Hatha everyday to warm his body up and then:
    - 4 days Hatha (picking up one body part per day and ensuring warm up, mobility and aasanas, all are in accordance to that part. I am liking this way. Will talk to him more)
    - 2 days Ashtanga (Picks up one series of postures for that day)
    - 1 day rest

6:00 pm — 12:00 am

  • Had our anatomy class where we learned about sinusitis, what coincidence na (image below). And remedies to manage it.
    1. Steam + KapalBhati — 15 to 18 breaths each
    2. Steam + Kapalbhati — 10 to 12 breaths each
    3. Steam + Brahmri + Kapalbhati — 5 to 8 breaths each
    Will be doing this tonight
  • We ended our day with some beautiful mantra chants and the one that resonated with me the most:
    “Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pusti-Vardanam, Urvarukam iva bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya ma mritat:”
    1: Om, We Worship the Tryambaka (the Three-Eyed One),
    2: Who is Fragrant (as the Spiritual Essence), Increasing the Nourishment (of our Spiritual Core);
    3: From these many Bondages (of Samsara) similar to Cucumbers (tied to their Creepers),
    4: May I be Liberated from Death (Attachment to Perishable Things), So that I am not separated from the perception of Immortality (Immortal Essence pervading everywhere)
  • This mantra after chanting a few times puts me in a meditative state and I like my state of being after that, will be adopting it more
  • Then had conversations with Richa, had my chocolate and now in bed, writing this blog cozy under a blanket

- Breakfast -> Poha (Cause vermicelli pulao tha which I hate), Fruit Salad
- Lunch -> Brocolli Veggie, Black Dal, Rice, Salad
- Dinner -> Masoor Dal, Rice, Chapati

- Why dont I listen to my body quicker? Why the need to push it?
- Can I break my routine of falling ill even during weather change? Like is that really needed for my body?
-When someone else asks me whats happening in life, I usually end up sharing a lot. Especially when it comes to job, like whats happening. Cause if I dont, I feel like I am lying. And then it also becomes about not sharing with the world till that thing is done or accomplished, which is also true. So i am like torn here many a times
-Do I tend to stay away from or remove myself from conflicting/uncomfortable conversations, either with myself, more so when others are engaging in it? Very initial thought

- I need to listen to my body when it starts giving me hints. I do notice and yet, I push it some more and then it reminds me who’s the daddy :P
- Being in routine helps me stay away from my mobile and focus on other things. One thing I am going to do; keep a book around always. And when the urge comes to pick the phone, I will pick a book. Tried it today, helped :)
- Hanuman Chalisa — I will get back to this, now with a deeper understanding of every word (Priya is also doing the same and it is coming as a calling to me too)
- I have an immense love for information and I am realizing it more and more. Discerning that from Knowledge; how to use that information and work my body’s intuition, to decode that knowledge for myself is going to be key. Cause I am like a child many a times. This is also right, I like that also, they are also making sense etc etc. Information outside, Knowledge within!!
- I spoke about Anger earlier na and off late it has been coming to me a lot. Through posts or realizations or conversations with people. I want to explore my relationship with anger and how can I understand this beautiful emotion, better for myself and my well being. Ānandoham!!

