Unveiling the Power of Data: A Deep Dive into Nike Shoes with Power BI

Vishnukanth k
2 min readJan 14, 2024



In the dynamic realm of data analytics, I am thrilled to unveil my latest project — an interactive Power BI dashboard that delves into the fascinating world of Nike shoes. Leveraging a meticulously transformed dataset using Power Query, and enriched with the analytical prowess of DAX functions, this project provides a detailed exploration into Nike’s diverse shoe lineup.

Data Transformation with Power Query:

The journey begins with data transformation using Power Query. The dataset, sourced from Data World, undergoes a thorough cleansing and structuring process. Power Query’s robust capabilities enable me to handle raw data efficiently, ensuring accuracy and reliability in subsequent analyses. This step is crucial in setting the foundation for meaningful insights.

DAX Functions for Analytical Depth:

To elevate the analytical depth, DAX functions come into play. These functions empower the dashboard with advanced calculations, trend analysis, and performance metrics. Whether it’s dissecting sales patterns, understanding popularity trends, or exploring correlations within the dataset, DAX functions contribute significantly to the project’s analytical richness.

Interactive Power BI Dashboard:

The culmination of these efforts results in an interactive Power BI dashboard that goes beyond conventional visualizations. Users can dynamically explore Nike’s shoe data, identifying popular models, uncovering trends, and gaining actionable insights. The dashboard, available on GitHub (link: [GitHub Link]), offers a seamless experience with user-friendly features, allowing enthusiasts and analysts alike to engage deeply with the data.


This project epitomizes the synergy between Power Query’s data transformation capabilities and DAX functions’ analytical prowess. It not only provides a comprehensive analysis of Nike’s shoe data but also serves as a testament to the power of leveraging these tools in the realm of data analytics. Dive into the fascinating world of Nike shoes, explore the GitHub repository, and witness the convergence of technology and footwear trends. Let’s continue to unravel the stories hidden within the data! 👟📊 #PowerBI #DataAnalytics #NikeShoes #DataTransformation #DAXFunctions #DataScience #GitHub #InteractiveDashboard

GitHub Repository: Nike Dashboard GitHub

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