Why Should You Be Hired For This Internship? Expert Answer

7 min readAug 9, 2020


Are you preparing for an internship interview? If yes then one of the most likely questions you should prepare for is why should you be hired for this internship?

Why should you be hired for internship?
Why Should you be hired for this internship? Winning Answer

I know, the question is annoying. But here is the deal:

This question is your best chance to make your pitch for the internship

Based on my own experience with internships, I have been asked this question in almost 100% of the internship interviews that I have done and I have successfully answered this question every time.

In this article, I am going to help you prepare your winning answer to “why should you be hired for this internship?”

My Internship winning answer to “Why Should You Be Hired for This Internship?”

Back in 2013, I was interviewing with a telecom company for a summer internship. Towards the end of the interview, the interviewer asked me why should we hire you for this internship? My answer helped me secure that internship.

Here is how I answered that question

Why should we hire you?

Interviewer: why should you be hired for this internship?

Response: “Thank you for the question, sir. I believe I should get hired for this internship because I have a strong record of learning things quickly & completing the project on deadline. I have demonstrated my skills of quickly grasping new things and completing projects in my previous 2 internships.

Being a fresher, I have a deep interest in pursuing a career in the telecom sector. This internship will give me the unique opportunity to work with experienced telecom professionals and learn from them. This will shape me as an industry professional by giving me a chance to learn, acquire skills & upskill.

This combination of what I bring to the table as a candidate and my ambition to become a telecom professional makes me an ideal candidate for this internship”

This answer helped me clear the interview and I got the internship. Luckily enough one year later, I could crack the final placement interview with another telecom company because of the experience I gained in this internship.

How to Construct a Winning Answer

  1. Research about company and internship profile
  2. Experience in completing similar internships and projects (if applicable)
  3. Technical skills relevant to the internship
  4. Behavioral/soft skills
  5. Achievements relevant to the internship
  6. How will the internship benefit you?
why should we hire you for internhship?
Why should you be hired for this internship?

Winning Answers to “why should you be hired for this internship?”

You can take the help of the following model answers to why should you be hired for this internship. I strongly suggest that you only refer to these answers and prepare your unique answers

Every candidate is unique in terms of experience, skills, education, nature of the internship, etc. This uniqueness should reflect in your answer.

Winning Answers to “why should you be hired for this internship?”

You can take the help of the following model answers to why should you be hired for this internship. I strongly suggest that you only refer to these answers and prepare your unique answers

Every candidate is unique in terms of experience, skills, education, nature of the internship, etc. This uniqueness should reflect in your answer.

Sample Answers for freshers

Answer 1

I am a fresher and I am very keen on doing this internship. This internship will allow me to demonstrate my skills in a professional setting and also learn new skills.

I am a quick learner and a multitasker. I have done several assignments in college which needed me to learn and apply new skills quickly and juggle between multiple priorities.

I believe this ability will enable me to complete this internship project successfully within the designated timeframe and with the best quality of work

Answer 2

I have already gained a lot of theoretical knowledge about (mention your domain) and now wish to test that knowledge in the practical setting. This internship with a reputed company like yours gives me a unique opportunity to pursue this objective.

I have always been a great admirer of the work your company does. If I get a chance to complete this internship, then it will be a dream come true for me

I am a fresher and I can look at things with a pair of fresh eyes. I believe I have a strong ability to apply my mind to a task and complete it with the best quality and within time.

Answer 3

I have gone through the nature of this internship carefully and have understood the skills that it demands. Having worked in several college committees as co-ordinator I believe I have all the skills (you can specify respective skills) required to complete this internship.

This internship will give me a great opportunity to work and apply my knowledge, skills in a professional setting. I will further develop and learn new skills.

I am certain that this internship experience will go a long way in shaping a professional out of me

Answer 4 (Marketing Profile)

I am passionate about marketing. I have learned a lot in my course, but I know it’s not going to take me anywhere until it is tested in the real world. Your company is well known for its innovative marketing campaigns and practices. As a marketing enthusiast, it will be a dream come true if I am given this opportunity to work with you as an intern.

I have tried and implemented a few marketing tricks in my class projects/assignments which were appreciated by my professors. I believe this internship will give me a great learning opportunity from senior marketers.

Learnings from the internship will help me shape my career as a Marketing professional.

Answer 5 (Why should you be hired for this Internship? HR profile)

I believe I have good people skill and that helps me identify what qualities does a person have. This makes me very good at assigning specific tasks to people who can deliver them. Using this skill, I have successfully led various events & organizing committees.

Being an MBA in HR I believe I am perfectly qualified for this internship in the HR domain. I have learned the necessary theoretical knowledge and excited to test out what I have learned in real life.

Your organization which I have been following for some time is known for its emphasis on people. That’s why I can’t think of a better place to learn more practical knowledge in the HR domain.

This is why I believe I am a perfect fit for this HR internship.

Answer 6 (Why should you be hired for this Internship? Web Development)

I have gone through the internship profile and understood the skills required to complete it. I have the skills required to complete this project. I have also done a few web development projects as a hobby/freelance.

This internship project will give me an opportunity to further hone my skills in web development.

It is in this light that I believe I will be a perfect fit for this internship project.

Sample Answers for candidates with experience

Answer 1

Thank you for the question, sir. When I read about the internship profile, I immediately thought I am the right fit for this opportunity. I have all the skills and abilities required to successfully perform the tasks described in the internship description.

I have experience in accomplishing projects/internships previously. I have done projects with 2 companies earlier where I was required to perform similar tasks. With my quick learning ability and application of mind, I completed both the projects successfully within the deadline.

I believe that I bring relevant skills and similar experience to the table which makes me a better fit for this opportunity

Answer 2

I strongly believe in doing any task with excellence. My academics and previous internship/projects are a strong demonstration of that.

I take great pride in the fact that I have completed my previous internships/projects with distinction. This experience in similar projects with reputed companies will greatly help me in achieving desired project goals in this internship.

If given an opportunity to work with your company as an intern I have no doubt that I will be able to replicate the success of previous projects and complete the projects with the desired results within time

Answer 3

I believe my track record of completing similar projects previously makes me a better candidate for this opportunity.

This internship requires one to juggle multiple priorities and coordinate with various stakeholders.

In my last internship, I have performed a similar role. I was required to coordinate with at least 4 different teams and manage multiple tasks. With my skill to manage stakeholders and multitask I was able to complete my earlier internship with distinction.

I strongly believe that I can replicate the same performance in this internship as well

Originally published at https://www.thecareerjob.com on August 9, 2020.




An MBA with more than 5 years of experience in pvt sector. Reinventing myself as content marketeer