Shed overweight @ 3Kgs / Week

3 min Workout

Viswanath Subramani
3 min readNov 7, 2017

We all see hundreds of 30 seconds to 3 minutes workouts all our lives while on the internet. But, guess what? This one works! Why you ask? It’s because this is a proven full-body workout. A warning: this is not for a complete lazy-ass. If you fall into the category of overweight people, lazy, yet want to lose weight and ready to put in a minimalist effort to shed that piece of extra weight, then this is for you! I over weighed a while ago; being an exerciser myself, I had consumed too much fat & sugar which increased my body mass while not exercising. This lead to an increase in my BMI more than 25. But hey, I just dropped around 4 Kilos recently using this method and that makes me share this script with you.

AFAIK, this is the most minimal exercise Young Adults and Adults can do to really see a progressive change in their body shape. And of course, healthy metabolism is a byproduct. Anyone can do this. You do not need any equipment, no gloves, nothing but you. That said, try to wear a comfortable tee and shorts which can suffer stretches and also have your mobile beside to keep track of time. Cool then, let’s dive in.

Squat workout for beginners

The 3minute Work-Out Script
Step 1:
Set the Timer to 1min — Perform JumpingJacks (or Skipping if you have a skipping rope already) for a straight 1min on your own rhythm. Take rest for the next 30sec.

Step 2:
Set the timer for 1 min — Perform Squat for a straight 1min on your own rhythm. Take rest for the next 30sec.

Step 3:
Set the timer to 1min — Perform Knee-Pushups for 30sec straight. Take rest for the next 15 secs. Perform Knee-Pushups (or Pushups if you are comfortable) again for 30sec.

Relax. Resist the temptation to shower or drink water immediately. Let your heart rate get back to normalcy.

1. These exercises can be done at any time when your stomach is empty. Now, what do I mean exactly?

Food after consumption takes minimum 1.5 hrs to go through the intestine. First, the food travels within the small intestine, and then the large, after which small intestine cleans up itself. That is the time you will want to freshen up with workouts or yoga in general. This is why morning or evening is a good time to practice. Also, this mixes well with our body clock cycle. Yep, it’s Twenty-eighteen. But among the other million species, our clock cycle too is dependent on the Sunrise & Sunset pattern. We sleep/wake/eat in a routine fashion based on the Sun, which is otherwise called Time.

2. When I said ‘on your own rhythm’, it essentially means on your own pace which you feel comfortable in.

The more you practice, you will naturally tend to increase your pace because that will be your comfortable rhythm then.

3. BMI = Weight (Kg) / Height² (m)

BMI under 18.5: This is considered underweight and possibly malnourished.

18.5 to 24.9: A healthy weight range for young and middle-aged adults.

25.0 to 29.9: This BMI range is considered overweight.

A BMI over 30 is classified as obese.

4. Yes, it amounts to 4min15sec in total. But I have not included resting duration in the workout purposely. Sure, thanks for pointing out. 😊

It’s time to go shed that extra weight you carry with you unnecessarily! 💪

