This Year and 22nd Century!

There’s got to be a Mission behind any Vision.

Viswanath Subramani
4 min readJan 6, 2018

“Developing self-sustaining model to humans that targets their survival requirements which includes Energy (electricity, food, water, etc.) & Stay (healthcare, incubation, etc.) therefore enabling them to buy more time for themselves to imagine, innovate, create and build stuff to accelerate the Human race in the Universe.“

Understanding the Time & Energy equation

When you give a person enough time in solitude, they may initially enjoy their time doing binge-watch, sleep, eat, again sleep or whatever, then they will want more of it, even more to only hit a saturation point, perhaps they may try different things and even more of those things differently, but eventually arrives at singularity where their mind stops and listens to themselves, once and for all. Singularity is where, they will find their true meaning in their uniqueness. Solitude will take him there, to that point where he finds himself; and clear as day as to what she wants to pursue in her lifetime. From that point onwards in time, new form of painting is born, new form of Sculpting is born, new Literature, new Sport, new Technology and may be an entirely new set of skills are born. Anything can happen with Imagination and Creativity combined with Engineering talent. This is how history was created by a few thousands who were able to buy such time for themselves and lived each and every moment in the present; Imagine what can be collectively achieved as a Human race when all of us can become one and such.

Tools like Education & Technology make way for the above

As of current trend in technology and growing awareness among people who are connected over the distance in the world of Internet, pushes us to think about a glorious future. .

The way it can unfold. .

Until 2070, there may happen massive inventions and innovations in technology and adoption of the same through extensive privatization. But the Governments would be the same in a sense to dawdle with 5 or more years behind. Well, this problem could be addressed by using Education as a fundamental tool. If enough people are educated by 2070, we will need no Governments. With technology becoming more and more open sourced and equally available, people who belong to the classic understanding segment may come in to learn more, create more quality stuff for free for more people. People who belong to the romantic understanding segment may help these models and products, reach an another billion people. People who belong to both the segments will be the founders of such Communal Institutions and eat last.

After 2070, technology may grow to replace Governments. There will be no need for Governments or Currencies anymore as basic needs are taken care of. Only social bonding, trust and values will need to be passed on from generation to generation. People get to grow exponentially intelligent and wiser with time to invent solutions for a ‘Happy living’. Gross Domestic Happiness replaces Gross Domestic Product to evaluate performance of any Nation. Distributed & Decentralized Technology with great Scalability, Robustness and huge Data Storage capability to accommodate the world’s data in terms of population (humans & other living species, IoT’s and other non-living things) which by itself is trustworthy needing no regulatory body (maybe an emergency procedure or a panic drill from time to time) will surpass the need of Govt control.

Solving the problems of 21st century and making way for 22nd already

For all of this to happen, there will be a basic need of Trust. Trusting the humanity in us. Being humane, helping yourself and people around you. To throw down the rope (which you were fortunate to have this lifetime) for the next person upon climbing the mountain. That is the only way to progress alive and progress fast and steady. Like said, there are loads of problems we need to address like Environmental issues and issues in the Societal framework of todays, namely, discrimination based on gender, caste or ethnicity, orientation etc., We can see breakouts and revolts happening in small scales, here and there all over the world for such rights. In comparison to what it was like when we were born, the change for good is happening fast. More people are coming out to share their unfortunate experiences to get the message out, alert others and create such awareness to eventually bring about stricter laws and regulations. At the very least we can hope work is being done in the internal framework of society. But, from the outside of our framework, we have threats from both Natural disasters & Man-made in the form of War threats/Terr-orism and threats caused by other non-ecofriendly practices. Like how our body hosts our Soul, the world hosts the all kinds of Species entirely, our actual neighbours. (anyone would awe if told that we would be dead in 13 days if there were no bees buzzing around but wouldn’t care enough). We need to learn to treat our natural home with respect and make corrective actions or be insanely bold to face consequences.

Honey Bee — says “Bee Happpy!”

In summary of our mission, the biggest challenge of the 21st century is to provide quality Education, quality Healthcare and true Peace, all be made available equally to all humans; for these are going to be FUNDAMENTAL requirements as we progress in this era. They are essential for the prosperity of our species and the planet as a whole. All of the previous stated problems, like said earlier, is only possible by educating more and more people, creating enough awareness and make people resonate in harmony for a bright future.

Let’s join hearts to work for many more progressive and peaceful new years to come!

