6.22 Vision AMA Review

12 min readJun 23, 2022


🎉Key words:Vision Chain United AMA

AMA:Welcome to WEB3.0, VISION Ecosystem officially set sail

Host: John F. Dong @johnfdong Philippine Content Creator

🔊Speaker:Vision Chain

HashTiki @hashtiki The first NFTs library based on the Hashboom open source

BichonFighter @bichonfighter a dual-token blockchain project based on NFT+GameFI+DeFi

AlunaGu @Aluna_yingbao Web3.0 Chinese KOL with 990k followers

CaesarChad @realCaesarChad NFT Trader and Commentator

Time: 2022/6/22 20:00(UTC+8)

AMA process

1.The host introduced VISION and the project partners

2. Roundtable Theme: When the market is bearish, how can product-oriented WEB3.0 break the game

3. Announcement

4. Q&A

1. Introduction

Host:Hi, I am today’s AMA moderator John F. Dong, I am very happy to participate in today’s meeting and discuss WEB3.0 related topics with VISION, HashTiki、BichonFighter、AlunaGu&CaesarChad. Before we proceed, I would like to let you know that there will be a giveaway of 1000 VS tokens, Hashitiki and BichonFighter will give away 10 airdrop NFTs respectively with a total of 10 winners. Stay tuned and know more about these airdrop giveaways later on. So, let us begin the AMA and let’s start with VISION.

VS:hi, I am Josh, COO of VISION North America. It has been almost a year since VISION was established. During this period of time. We build Vision Chain from scratch, we have successively launched the main network, wallet, browser, and cross-chain bridge, and achieved the basic advancement of the Metaverse public chain. Not only products, but also in terms of ecosystem expansion and brand building, we have jointly developed with ACH, Bitkeep, Snapshot, Elementos, Mannheim and other projects. The current VISION has a good reputation in terms of users, communication and brand awareness, but I believe this is just the beginning. We are about to enter a new stage of rapid development.

HashTiki: HashTiki is the first NFT collection that empowers the metaverse ecosystem. They are 256*256 pixel images generated through a random combination algorithm representing the inheritance of a totem culture. Hashtiki consists of 8000 NFT totem collections.

Hashtiki is an open-source totem culture materials database affiliated with HASHBOOM. Hashtiki symbolizes the status of DAO (decentralized autonomous organizations) in the metaverse gaming world.

Hashtikis will initially serve as important illustrations of the cultural heritage of totems. As Hashtikis develop and disseminate, they will become a unique status symbol in the future metaverse ecosystem or character in a game scenario. We can picture such a place created by different NFT material libraries.

Tiki can be used as an avatar for either self-collecting or gifting. As NFTs, these TIKIS can be characters, NPCs, and even your enemies in the future metaverse games.

BichonFighter:Hi everyone, I am Jacky, the COO of Bichonfighter project,BichonFighter is a GameFi & Metaverse project.Based on DeFi 2.0 concept and virtual reality technology, we are committed to build a sustainable, playable, more realistic economic system and decentralized-governance game and virtual world for gamers and pet lovers, our project is in the initial stage,We have started developing games and Metaverse applications since last month, and just finished NFT design and attributes distribution, pre-sale event will be held next week, so far we have reached strategy partnership with DeFi 2.0 protocols and well-known GameFi communities,We will soon enter the next stage of development, cooperate with more ecosystems partners and get more people know us.

AlunaGu:Hi this is Aluna, Thank you for inviting me, I have been a crypto KOL since 2017.

The market is very uncertain and I have it just a normal cycle after witnessing quite a few.

Recently a friend of mine told me SocialFi is a scam. I assume the bad image started after the Luna incident. However, remember a lot of things were labelled as scams when they were at early stages, for example, the internet.

The future is bright, problems will have solutions. Up or down, we will continue building!

CaesarChad: Thank you Aluna for having me here. This is Caesar. I am a specialist in Metaverse Technology and Crypto Community building, having worked with Google, IBM, Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot, and Bitconch, amongst other firms.

I attended Stanford and worked as a senior AI and Fintech developer at Google and IBM.

I joined Ethereum in 2016 and became one of the primary developers to the Ethereum Geth client after becoming interested in blockchain.

2. Roundtable

Host:Thank you for your sharing. I believe that everyone here has a certain understanding of you, and then we will officially start our roundtable today.

With the rise of the metaverse, WEB3.0 has entered a new stage. For a while, DAO, GAMEFI, and Metaverse platforms emerged one after another. However, when the market was bearish, the previously popular ones were abandoned by users and regarded as scams. What do you think?

VS:The purpose of VISION is to create a high-performance, commercialized metaverse public chain. This goal has never changed because our understanding to the metaverse is clear. The problems mentioned above are actually the plight of many project parties at present. Because the Metaverse is an independent and brand-new window of the real world, it desperately needs a carrier of content. In terms of entertainment and convenience, WEB3.0 lacks too much appeal compared to 2.0. But its independent core lies in creativity, extensibility, and subversion of a new economic model.

At present, the most difficult part to get through is still the production of content, because without high-quality content, it is difficult to attract retained users. At the same time, the lack of users leads to the scarcity of creators. The building stage of anything is a series of attempts, and of course there are rich dividends. So scams are common, but don’t take that away from a project that really understands and is willing to build on it.

HashTiki: I think the blockchain is a very comprehensive product of the times. It should not be bound by the market sentiment or the investment environment. It is a new concept and a new technological revolution.

People tend to innovate new projects in this industry during this process, which is likely to be positive feedback for the entire blockchain industry. Whether it is DAO, NFT, or Metaverse, all of which are web3 terms derived from the consensus of people with the development of the blockchain industry. This is an innovation itself. However, the bubble generated by innovation is an inevitable stage in promoting new technology, and its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.

BichonFighter:Ok,I will share my views of this problem from the perspective of GameFi and Metaverse,GameFi and Metaverse stands at the intersection of DeFi, games, and NFT. It takes the best of others and is self-contained.However,it also faced some difficulties,I think there are three biggest problems, Firstly,Poor playability of GameFi, Most P2E game lose sight of the core motivators behind gaming — playability and fun, secondly,Unsustainable,Poor tokenomic & utility design,Hyperinflation leads to the loss of users.thirdly,Lagging governance, most projects Focus on money-making strategies,users don’t contribute to the community,they don’t get spiritual satisfaction.They will leave as soon as the economic returns drop,In conclusion, the biggest problem is unsustainability and failure to create value for users.

AlunaGu:So far, I guess it ape club, even though they are in a racist trouble because of a video.the culture and the whole ecosystem and how it gets in the real world is fantastic.

CaesarChad: Cryptocurrency markets have already had both bull and bear runs, and it is expected that these cycles will continue in the future as well. Down times are undoubtedly difficult, but they are also typically the times when the most important initiatives are nourished and created. Applications and technologies that are disruptive and are introduced during a bear market are certain to find a market and be successful, regardless of whether the market is for stocks or cryptocurrency or any other company.

According to what I’ve seen so far, the Crash of June is a HUGE once in a lifetime BUYING chance. Huge monstrous opportunity where I can buy some real sounding application with very cheap price.

Host:Very well, thank you all for sharing these detailed insights as these surely gave us some new perspectives regarding the said topic.Now, let us talk about your most admired WEB3.0 products?

VS:Personally, I think Decentraland is the most refreshing thing so far. Most people should know it very well, so I won’t say more about the project introduction. I think Decentraland’s success lies in its brand quality, which innovates the metaverse business model.

Especially at this time last year, the world’s top 500 companies such as Pepsi and Nike have all settled in, and they have joined fans in joint activities, concerts, product launches and so on. This is undoubtedly the recognition of WEB3.0 from traditional business, and it is also the direction of VISION’s efforts.

HashTiki: Recently, many decent web3 projects have emerged in endless streams. 10KTF may be one of my favorite projects. As a virtual store in the Web3 era, it links the real and virtual worlds. It bridges the gap between users and the WEB3, which is also what Hashtiki is trying to do.

BichonFighter:To be honest, I like our own project best,Because we have a very big vision,to build a more realistic economic cycle in the Metaverse, like Decentraland just mentioned, it will be virtual destination where players can own land, build home, trade, play games, hangout, social gathering, and shop. Enterprise can purchase or rent Web3 land to build and host their own Metaverse business kingdom, gallery, lounges, stores, or anything else users heart desires. VR goggle compatibility AND mobile phone exploration! With Limitless design capabilities: Unlike other Metaverse “Cartoon” & “Blocky“looks,it can host realism and futuristic styles.

It has native DeFi and Crypto integrations enhancing its power.

CaesarChad: Working on tech-savvy projects has always been a highlight of my career. I’ve been researching numerous cutting-edge layer 1 blockchain possibilities so far. Because I believe that the most significant and widespread use case for blockchain is enabling ordinary people all over the globe to be able to transmit money over the world, create cross-border firms, save their money, and so on.

If you want me to choose a good project to invest in, I’d recommend Vision Chain. This project proposes an enhanced version of the POS algorithm and also creates an EVM compliant engine for Metaverse. All of this job requires a significant amount of technical effort. And I believe that these efforts will pay off handsomely in the future bull market.

3. Announcement

Host:Interesting! The development of WEB3.0 is still really very early, and I believe there is still a long way to go. For our next question, what is your current focus right now?

VS:The brand building in the early stage of VISION has been completed one after another, and it is currently in the stage of ecosystem expansion. We will enter the DAO governance stage and cooperate with GRANTS, Ambassadors and more project parties. At present, our Ambassadors have been released, and enthusiasts who are interested in participating in the VISION ecosystem are welcome to join.

In addition, we will conduct SPREADMINT staking rewards this week, and it is expected that there will be 100,000 VS incentives.

HashTiki: The considerable difference between Web2 and Web3 is replacing an idea of monopoly and redistribution.

Try to think about this, 10KTF, Gucci, HashTiki. What is the relationship between the three?

The answer is that you can customize and wear authentic GUCCI fashion for your Hashtiki at the tailor shop of 10KTF. Of course, you can also try NFTs other than HashTiki for customization.

There can be two cooperations in this process, one is the cooperation between 10KTF and GUCCI, and the other is between 10KTF and HashTiki. The former partnership (web2.0) is a joint brand authorization cooperation in real life. It is a type of official authorization, content determination, and execution cooperation. In most cases, B2B is a top-down type that requires a permission form of cooperation.

The latter cooperation method (web3.0) is entirely different. It requires no permission. 10KTF makes fashion for HashTIKI but does not need to obtain the permission of HashTiki. As HashTiki is open source and belongs to the community, it is bottom-up. When the customization completes, Hashtiki’s project team doesn’t need to do anything about it.

For friends familiar with blockchain, it is not difficult to understand. This has been fully explained in the Defi industry. We make it a Defi Lego. We can try to understand brands and projects as protocols. The relationship between 10KTF and Hashtiki is essentially the link between the two protocols, and NFT, the TOKEN under the protocol is the link’s body.

BichonFighter:We are also in the stage of ecosystem expansion,currently,We have reached strategic partnership with the DeFi 2.0 concept protocol,which is called Developer protocol,based on “protocol controlled value”and“liquidity as a service”,We will work together in low-cost and sustainable liquidity, also We have reached strategic partnership with another derivatives DeFi protocol which is call derify protocol, and of course we have an very important strategic partnership with Metaverse engine ,Vision blockchain.We also welcome more eco partners and capital from meta universe and Web3 to join us

CaesarChad: Recently, I am attracted to the Soul Bound Token. Soulbound tokens are non-transferable, publicly viewable NFTs that reflect a user’s unique credentials, commitments, and memberships. He said that the concept for SBTs came from World of Warcraft, a major multiplayer online game. There are soulbound objects in the game that are given to players who have fulfilled a certain mission. The soulbound objects, unlike other things given to the user, cannot be sold in the gameverse. Because SBTs are still in their early phases, there is no definitive response to the question.

Existing blockchain ideas, such as decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), play-to-earn, and move-to-earn, all began small but have now gained widespread use. If soulbound tokens follow suit, they may become the next big thing in the crypto world.

Host: Alright, thank you all for your responses. I honestly learned a lot just from hearing all of your insights. Now, let’s proceed for the AMA’s Q&A time!

4. Q&A

1.Host: What is VISION’s recent cooperation based on?

VS: It has been publicized for the past two months.

In terms of infrastructure and channel development, we have cooperated with well-known projects in the industry such as ACH, BITKEEP, and Snapshot. They believe that VISION is a new metaverse public chain, although it has been established for a short time. However, in terms of products, functions, and user communities, it has begun to show its initially influence.

In emerging hotspots, we have cooperated with innovative and potential projects such as HashTiki, BichonFighter, and AlunaGu. We value each other’s plasticity and future development, and believe that after resource integration and ecosystem expansion, we will achieve better results.

2.Host:HashTiki, what is HashTiki’s DAO?

3.Host:BichonFighter, Just today, you mentioned the three drawbacks in the current GameFi industry. How will BichonFighter solve them?

BichonFighter we are focusing on game playability design, BichonFighter has developed a very rich application scenario, including role-playing, virtual space, PVE, combat, card collection, covering various preferred player groups, making the project interactive, interesting, technical, and confrontational.and we will continuously optimize the financial mechanism to build a stable ecology for sustainable development base on DeFi 2.0 concept, also we will establish fair and scientific governance ,transform participants into owners and managers of the entire community through the issuance of tokens, and achieve full connection between players,to gather players and assets。

4. Host:AlunaGu, Can you talk about your outlook for the industry?

AlunaGu:I think in the future is bright,but I think when there are problems there will be solutions.

So about down, we’ll be continue building and it takes time, but when the right time is coming and we will show something to the world and we’ll have the next this kind of bull market and we’ll see how and as long as we’re building as long as we put our efforts, time it and we have like right leaders and I think we have this kind of promising and bright future,and if you want to specify it, just like I told you it would be really I don’t know which one, but it will be really good AAA GameFi and there will be a SocialFi that will be used a lot. Maybe well next time we’ll do our AMA in this new SocialFi instead of Twitter, right? And I think maybe except MetaMask TP Bitkeep will have a new, not a one or maybe more this kind of wallets for different uses? Yeah, because that’s what I’m working on so I know these three. There will be like new winners, new crisis, but for us maybe for other for blockchain public chain or for this kind of DeFi or for other more economic there will be more. There also will be some like new revolutions, but no I can only tell what I’m good at and what I know so far, so I just have the fast and keep building in the more you explore, the more confident you will have.

And I hope I will have more this kind of people who believe in building and not just just money making or taking to have this kind of healthy ecosystem to help each other.

That’s it.

Host: Josh, can you explain more about vision DAO?

VS: With many projects coming up on Web 3.0, there is intense competition and pressure on the public chains to adhere to timelines and deliver a good product. What Vision DAO does is, it automates and amplifies your community messaging through activities decided by you, while letting you focus on your core aim of creating and building your product.

With Vision DAO, we no longer need to worry about these questions. As a DAO, Vision DAO allows Vision Meta to create a Community where they can:

Leverage the community talents and skill sets to accelerate Vision2. Set token-denominated incentives for the community members who add value to the ecosystem.

Alright, today has been a fruitful AMA and I believe that everyone in the group has learned something new from our today’s guests and speakers. Again, thank you to Vision Chain United, HashTiki, BichonFighter, Ms.Aluna Gu, and Mr.Caesar Chad for attending today’s AMA. Again, I’m your AMA host, John F. Dong. Thank you very much and have a good night!

🎉🎉Btw,don’t forget to Click HERE to cek the play recording!




Finance and Games as services oriented leading Metaverse Chain