Why Vision DAO and how does Vision DAO work?

4 min readJun 17, 2022


We’ve reimagined the public chain from the ground-up to focus on our existing Vision platform, and are proud to present Vision DAO — A Distributed Autonomous Organization (DAO) for Vision Meta, where users can Initiate proposals, express your creativity and seek consensus and acceptance.

Make decision-making more equitable

We believe that a DAO which automates most of the work done by corporate boards and senior executives, while having no centralized authority to influence its functioning is the way forward. Any major decision regarding the progress of the public chain would be taken on the basis of participant votes, with users having a higher stake naturally having a bigger say.

Thus, Vision DAO aims to be a non-partisan, fair platform for public chains, users and reviewers to collaborate for mutual benefit based on the concept of X To Earn.

From a Project’s Perspective

If you represent a Web 3.0 project aiming to build on Vision, Vision DAO is a perfect marketing vehicle for you to drive engagement and growth.

1) Set your Objective

Whether you want the community to conduct an on-chain transaction on your dApp or to post a simple tweet, we’ve got you covered.

2) Receive Results

Once the campaign is live, it will run until the DAO distributes all of the allocated project $tokens to users who have completed the tasks set by you. You will also receive a continuous stream of proof that your task is being executed by our decentralized workforce.

From a User’s Perspective

Once you participate in our platform, you immediately become eligible to receive simple, on-chain or creative tasks based on parameters set by Vision running the campaign.

1) Make rational decisions

Ideas and suggestions related to the development of Vision can be displayed here, and the final result can be obtained through open voting rights.

2) Complete Tasks on Time

Once a user accepts a task, they would need to complete it within the stipulated time and submit them for review, in order to be eligible for rewards.

3) Earn Rewards as Indicated

Once the DAO reviews the submission, the reward is automatically credited to the user’s wallet with no manual intervention required from either the projects or Vision. While this work currently needs further development, this is the direction for our improvement.

Strengthen community cohesion

Vision relies on communities to unlock conversations that drive public chain growth and adoption. With many projects coming up on Web 3.0, there is intense competition and pressure on the public chains to adhere to timelines and deliver a good product. What Vision DAO does is, it automates and amplifies your community messaging through activities decided by you, while letting you focus on your core aim of creating and building your product.

When several people initiate conversations or complete on-chain activities, other interested people are more likely to gain confidence in it, and possibly invest or be a part of that public chain.

Both project Marketers and Digital Influencers would agree when we say that digital growth is all about the numbers, and these numbers are an outcome of a homogenous mix of organic and incentivized tasks to drive engagement.

Not having enough on-chain activities can be a critical issue in terms of branding a public chain, as it is likely to obtain a lower ranking on websites such as dAppRadar that offers analytical statistics about these public chains.

However, most public chains are clueless about how to go ahead planning the right marketing mix. Would high spending translate to better conversions? Would it be better to simply have a large number of airdrops and giveaways on the platform? Or would it be wise to hand over the marketing duties to a specialized agency?

With Vision DAO, we no longer need to worry about these questions. As a DAO, Vision DAO allows Vision Meta to create a Community where they can:

A) Leverage the community talents and skill sets to accelerate Vision2

B) Set token-denominated incentives for the community members who add value to the ecosystem

Why Vision DAO?

As mentioned above, Vision DAO is a platform that has something in it for everyone. The platform offers its users the ability to earn rewards with zero investment or risk and real rights to make decisions on Vision, however, earning rewards is still to be developed.

Also, by virtue of being a DAO, the possibilities of scaling up Vision DAO into something much bigger are endless. As an early adopter, you stand to gain more. So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and subscribe to be the first one to know about our launch.

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Official Website|Twitter|Discord|Developers Hub




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