Decrypting the Future of the Visio Platform

5 min readAug 23, 2017


The Beauty of the Blockchain Movement and the Financial Empowerment it Provides

Most cryptocurrencies provide a way to establish financial empowerment to the individual. A means to provide a secure way to establish decentralized economies and provide users with a more private and corruption free system to store their wealth. This is a huge economic advancement and one we at Visio firmly believe is drastically important for the human race to have as an option in their personal portfolio.

A lot of cryptocurrencies have embarked on this journey to help the world economically, and its a great time to be alive for all of us that have found this amazing world of the blockchain. Did you know though that there are some projects not only bringing economic growth to the world but also developing further reaches to decentralize other areas of censorship issues holding a tight grip on the population? Well Visio is one such crypto!

Visio is working hard to be one of those crypto’s that not only gives users a solid cryptocurrency to free their wealth from centralized control but to also provide a second system to bring those of us who share content a distributed system to bring our content in a safe and decentralized manner.

The Decentralized Distribution That Visio Will Provide

The central concept of the Visio Platform is to establish a global database, synchronized via blockchain and offering access to data, functions, tokens, etc. through the distributed IPFS network.

There is no centralized database. Each VisioNode will run as a web server with its own IPFS gateway. This means that each user will be able to save their simple web to blockchain, restore it to each node, and provide data to anyone in the IPFS network via the built-in Content Management System (CMS).

The result will be a decentralized global database and a distributed network that delivers content through nodes without a central server. Each node can be used for different purposes with a different data subset. The entire system, including users, content, rights, will be managed by the community.

(CMS) will be able to work with groups as well. So the content owner can be a group. When a group receives a donation, it can be shared by the group owner/manager. This is just another of the many groundbreaking features of Visio platform, which make it an excellent choice for developing video, audio, files, etc.

Upon completion of the alpha version and internal tests, the project will be freely available in git and open sourced to the world.

The Visio Cryptocurrency

Not only will we have a robust and amazing system for content creators and their audiences but we also already provide a very secure and well developed cryptocurrency for users to begin their financial freedoms through Visio. Our system is now completely Proof of Stake (POS) so users can hold our coins and stake to earn staking rewards which further provides our blockchain and its transactions a very enriching form of security.

Not too far into the distant future will also come a masternode system. The logistics are still being organized but the concept will be very different from what most users who run masternodes have seen before. Masternodes on Visio will provide storage for the content that is shared to our Visio platform, this will provide content creators a home to safely distribute their work to their own audiences in a way they have complete control. Masternodes will also have a hand in making our crypto side to Visio very secure and in return be rewarded for their masternode investments. This kind of masternode system will also promote long term investors and we feel a value in that alone should provide strength to the whole of the Visio community and its very own blockchain.

The Future of Visio

Visio has a very solid team behind the scenes making the project stand tall with longevity. This project is a very personal one for our lead developer and the team surrounding him was personally hand selected in a way to provide integrity for the hard work he and his team is doing on a daily basis. In a short amount of time this team has delivered on every aspect they planned for their road map and even knocked a few things out earlier than expected. With the dedication behind Visio and the amazing solid supporting community in our Slack it appears the future of Visio is looking very bright!

We at Visio gather this will not work without the support of the cryptocurrency community. Its so ambitious that it will take more and more users to really drive this into a useful place for all. So users and investors are always welcome to join our Slack and give their honest opinions and advice any hour of the day. This is meant for a community of decentralized content creators and investors with long term integrity so their voice is always important for the future of Visio!

Right now we are in Pre-Alpha testing and happy to report this is ongoing and going very well. We are very focused on making sure the tech over steps any hype that could come across about Visio and in the end that same very tech should sell for itself on launch day. The confidence in this team behind Visio is infectious and we hope you come to bare witness the constant movement of work in our Slack and direction we are taking this ambitious project.

-The Visio Platform Team-

For more information regarding Visio you can find many resources about us at the following pages:

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Visio is a Decentralized Content Aggregation platform (DCAP) powered by Blockchain technology.