The VISIO Family Would Like You to Become A Part of Our Blockchain Journey Ahead

3 min readAug 24, 2017


280 Amazing Blockchain Enthusiasts Now With Us on Slack!

Visio has grown so steadily over the last month and we really have to thank everyone for standing by our platform and making Visio what it is. This journey to decentralize how we distribute content is insanely ambitious but with the strong support we have seen its now just a matter of time that idea becomes a full fledged reality!

Our Slack community is the hub and nerve center of operations for Visio. Within its walls are many amazing blockchain enthusiasts just like yourself who spend each day investing time in each other to laugh, enjoy some community togetherness, and all work as a united group of individuals to do what we can to bring the Visio vision to reality.

Inside our Slack community we get regular updates from the team who is also very open to ideas from the community as we move forward in Visio. This is a crowd working together for one common goal and its truly something to behold as we keep adding more members every day. We feel that Visio should be not only top notch in its tech but also top notch in equality for all those apart of this community and let everyone have a voice as the progress moves ahead. So we hope you will find a moment to grace us with your involvement and become apart of the movement to help Visio become a leader in content decentralization.

Join Our Slack Here:

A Very Ambitious Project, A Very Ambitious Community

Visio has only given a small taste of disclosure towards how massive this project truly is. Our development team has a knack for not only delivering but also adding so many new features to this that we even kind of sit back amazed how ambitious this team has become. Our Slack is a major hotspot to witness the enormous scope of what Visio will become and one of the best places to learn the true nuts and bolts of the Visio platform as it is being developed.

With that said, it not only takes a very ambitious team to make things happen, its also the community behind that team that also should encourage the growth in the project. Our community right now is so proactive lately its astonishing and without them we would not be the Visio we have become already. We would like to thank everyone in the Slack for being united and a tight family. We hope to make you guys very proud soon because the big day is coming where Visio will be on the journey to the stars. We hope more join us on the journey and reap some rewards for the hard efforts and soul they put into the Visio team. Thank you for making Visio full of honest integrity and courage to push the limits of coding when the decentralized movement needs it the most!

-The Visio Platform Team-

For more information regarding Visio you can find many resources about us at the following pages:

Our Official Website:

Visio Slack Community:

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Visio is also available on the following exchanges:






Visio is a Decentralized Content Aggregation platform (DCAP) powered by Blockchain technology.