DOCBOT | EVA AI | Healthcare UX case study | Fitness & Healthcare | UX Research

Visioux Design Studio
11 min readApr 9, 2024



Personalized Wellness Assistant: Designing a mobile application that leverages AI and user behavior analysis to provide personalized health and wellness recommendations, integrating features such as real-time activity tracking, nutritional guidance, and mental well-being assessments for a holistic approach to individual health management.


  1. Understanding the problem statements
  2. Framing the 5W’s and 1H questions
  3. Secondary Research ( quantitative and qualitative) |
  4. Primary Research | Empathize
  5. Analyzing the data
  6. defining problems
  7. Ideating solutions
  8. Wireframing
  9. UI design
  10. Usability Testing


To get a basic layout of the situation, a business and research problem statement were defined.


The current market lacks a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking personalized health management, resulting in ineffective approaches and inconsistent results. Existing wellness apps often fail to address individual needs, leading to frustration and a lack of sustained engagement.

Our business aims to fill this gap by offering a mobile application that leverages AI and user behavior analysis to deliver tailored health and wellness recommendations, including activity tracking, nutritional guidance, and mental well-being assessments. By providing personalized solutions, we aim to empower users to achieve their wellness goals effectively and sustainably.

What did I understand from this?


Personalized Wellness Assistant


challenge of maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle


increasing prevalence of unhealthy lifestyle habits


Exploring how a mobile app, using AI and user behavior analysis, can help individuals achieve and sustain a healthy lifestyle by providing personalized health recommendations

What did I understand from this?


Understand the audience:-

  • Their behaviours
  • Their problems
  • The factors that influence their decisions


  • Help the business improve
  • Help the users in an efficient way


To get a better understanding of the problem statement I framed questions to help me figure out the various areas pertaining to this topic that needed further research.

  1. WHAT are the problems faced by users that we need to solve ?
  • Patient Privacy — ( by agreeing not to share or sell users data that may affect their privacy)
  • Struggle to maintain consistent engagement in app — ( Introducing app widget in home screen , sending notifications regularly )
  • sufficient support to keep users motivated and accountable. — ( providing sufficient appreciations for the customer )
  • users struggle to create personalized plans to achieve their specific goals — ( providing personalized diet plans as per their fitness )
  1. WHO are the users ? ( Target Audience )
  • Fitness Enthusiasts who want to maintain healthy lifestyle
  • individuals seeking to improve and maintain their health and wellness through personalized recommendations and guidance.
  1. WHEN did this problem arise? WHEN did the users start using these platforms?
  • It was an Already Existing problem , when we got access to internet and mobile phones we introduced health platforms.
  1. HOW often do the users use HEALTHCARE platforms
  • Users may use healthcare platforms regularly, like every day or every week, for different reasons. for this include the metrices like sleep monitoring, daily workout , screen time etc.
  1. WHY do users prefer healthcare apps over traditional methods?
  • Easy to monitor / track health related data on your mobile itself.
  • Cost-Effectiveness
  • Time saving ( Digital Device shows whole thing rather writing it down by yourself or going for a checkup in hospitals )
  1. Where will the user data collected by the app be stored and processed?



  • Convenience and Accessibility-offer 24/7 access to health information, remote consultations, and self-management tools
  • Data Tracking and Insights — track their health data and gain valuable insights for discussions with healthcare professionals.
  • Cost-Effectiveness — free or offer affordable options for managing health conditions.


Convenience and Accessibility: Healthcare apps provide users with convenient access to medical information, services, and resources from the comfort of their homes. This accessibility eliminates the need for physical visits to healthcare facilities for routine tasks.

Personalized Health Management: Many healthcare apps leverage AI and data analytics to provide personalized health recommendations, covering areas such as nutrition, fitness, and mental well-being. This tailored approach encourages users to actively manage their health.


  • Data Sharing Anxiety: Users might be hesitant to share personal health data due to privacy concerns.
  • Misinformation and Inaccuracy: Inaccurate or misleading information within the app can lead to confusion and potentially negative health outcomes.
  • Maintaining Motivation and Engagement




It is important to conduct primary research in order to ensure that real data taken directly from users are considered. Cross-questioning is possible in primary research. It helps avoid dilution of data as we have control over how the data is collected and used. There is more involvement of the researcher, ensuring the data collected meets the needs of the designer and it will help avoid assumptions from being made.


Defining users helps us get insight into the type of audience (target group) that utilizes the product. It gives us a basic understanding of the way the product is used in terms of the frequency, duration, location, etc. It helps us design a solution that corresponds to the needs and wants of the users as well as the business.

Target Audience : ( Age Group, Gender Ratio,

  • Individuals with Health Conditions

Problem you are researching about Finding who are the Audience for our Application Targeted Age Group 18–25 and 25–45 Gender Ratio you want to research 50:50 (male :female) Occupation of the group Office Workers, Fitness Enthusiasts User type young global citizens

Quantitative research

Questions for Survey ?

  1. How often do you track your health data (e.g., steps, sleep, heart rate)?

(Every day / Weekly / Occasionally / Never)

  1. What are your primary health goals? (Improve diet / Increase physical activity / Reduce stress / Manage a chronic condition / Other)
  2. What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle? (Improved appearance / Increased energy levels / Reduced risk of disease / Other)
  3. What are the biggest challenges you face in staying healthy? (Lack of time / Difficulty with motivation / Inconsistent routines / Unhealthy eating habits / Other)
  4. How comfortable are you using technology to manage your health? (Very comfortable / Somewhat comfortable / Neutral / Uncomfortable / Very uncomfortable)
  5. How often do you experience stress or anxiety in your daily life? (Daily / Weekly / Occasionally / Rarely)
  6. What coping mechanisms do you currently use to manage stress or anxiety? (Exercise / Meditation / Relaxation techniques / Talking to a friend / Other)
  7. Would you be interested in using mindfulness exercises or guided meditations within the app? (Yes / No)
  8. How comfortable would you be with the app connecting you with mental health professionals for consultations? (Very comfortable / Somewhat comfortable / Neutral / Uncomfortable / Very uncomfortable)
  9. How important is it to you for the app to provide resources on mental health awareness and education? (Very important / Important / Neutral / Somewhat important / Not important)

Qualitative research


A session guide is a brief questionnaire made to be prepared for the user interview.

Research Objectives:

Explore users’ perceptions and attitudes towards utilizing AI technology for healthcare assistance.

. Identify potential usability issues, concerns, or challenges users may encounter while interacting with the AI assistant healthcare app. Gather insights to improve the app’s features, functionalities, and overall user experience. Research Methodology:

Participant Selection: Participants will be selected based on criteria such as age, gender, health condition, and experience with healthcare apps to ensure diverse perspectives. Recruitment will involve reaching out to potential users through online platforms, healthcare facilities, and community organizations.

Data Collection: Qualitative data will be collected through semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. These sessions will be conducted remotely or in-person, depending on participant preferences and feasibility. Sessions will be audio-recorded with participant consent.

Interview Guide: The interview guide will cover topics such as:


| Elderly User with Chronic Condition: An elderly user (age 65+) living with a chronic health condition such as diabetes or hypertension. This user type represents individuals who may require ongoing support and management of their health and could benefit from personalized recommendations provided by the app. | Busy Working Professional: A working professional in their 30s or 40s, balancing a demanding job and personal responsibilities. This user type represents individuals with limited time for healthcare management but who value convenience and efficiency in accessing healthcare resources and information. | Tech-Savvy Millennial: A tech-savvy individual in their 20s or 30s who is highly engaged with digital technology and accustomed to using healthcare apps for various purposes. This user type can provide insights into preferences for user interface design, feature prioritization, and integration with other digital platforms. | Caregiver for a Family Member: A caregiver responsible for managing the health and wellness of a family member, such as an elderly parent or a child with special needs. This user type offers perspectives on the app’s utility in facilitating caregiving tasks, coordinating healthcare appointments, and accessing relevant resources and support. | Individual with Mental Health Concerns: An individual of any age living with mental health concerns such as anxiety, depression, or stress-related disorders. This user type represents the growing demand for mental health support and emphasizes the importance of incorporating mental wellness features and resources within the app’s offerings. | | — — | — — | — — | — — | — — | | | | | | |

Questions for Interview?

  1. Can you share your experience with managing your health or interacting with healthcare professionals?
  2. What factors do you consider most important when choosing a healthcare provider or service for your medical needs?
  3. Have you ever used a healthcare-related app or online platform to access medical information or book appointments? If so, how was your experience?
  4. How do you typically research healthcare providers or medical services before making a decision?
  5. Do you prefer receiving medical care from experienced healthcare professionals or are you open to trying new or emerging providers? Why?
  6. Can you recall a memorable experience you’ve had when receiving medical care or interacting with a healthcare professional?
  7. What role do reviews and ratings of healthcare providers or services play in your decision-making process?
  8. Have you ever faced any challenges or difficulties when accessing healthcare or interacting with healthcare professionals? If yes, could you describe them?
  9. Considering your experiences, what would you say is the most important aspect when choosing a healthcare provider or service?
  10. How do you usually approach the decision-making process when seeking medical care or exploring healthcare-related services? Could you elaborate on your decision-making criteria?


  • Analysis of research data is a process of examination, organization and comprehension of the data collected from the user interviews.
  • It includes understanding the non-verbal cues, attitudes and behaviour patterns of the user.
  • Taking a note of the reasons for the actions taken by the user in various formats.
  • Condensation of the data into points that help make sense of the load to data collected.


Empathy maps are visual representations of acquired qualitative data in terms of what the user says, does, thinks and feels. It maps insights into personas. It helps empathize with the user.

After a lot of understanding of the data collected, these are the maps I made.


This stage is used to organize the data analyzed into a format that can be easily interpreted using personas (characters) that represent each user set.



At this stage I will be pin pointing the areas that need to be improved and frame HMW (How Might We) questions to address them.

As a busy person can’t focus or lack of Timing regarding fitness

Q. how can we solve to achieve any task at a lesser amount of time

As per my work pressure i have issues of anxiety and Uncertainty

Q , How we can provide a mental relaxation section to such persons , how we can solve

Q , lack of time consuming for task creation ❗

  • Users with busy schedules might find it tedious or time-consuming to set up workout plans, log activities, or input detailed data.
  • The app might have a complex interface or require extensive effort to create tasks and track progress.

Q , lack of guidance ❗

  • Users might feel unsure about which exercises to choose, workout durations, or proper form.
  • The app might lack clear instructions, educational resources, or personalized recommendations to guide users towards their goals.

Q , inconsistent and lack of motivation ❗

  • Users might struggle to maintain consistent engagement with the app due to a lack of motivation or clear goals.
  • The app might fail to provide engaging features, progress tracking visualizations, or motivational rewards to keep users excited and on track.


The following are the various ideas I came up with for the HMW questions that were framed.

Problem 1: lack of time consuming for task creation ❗

Simplified UI -

This means creating a user interface that is easy to understand and navigate. It should be clean, uncluttered, and use intuitive icons and menus. This allows users to quickly find what they need and complete tasks without getting lost in complexity.

Problem 2: lack of guidance ❗

Personal Assistance Ai -

An AI (Artificial Intelligence) assistant can provide personalized guidance and support within the app. It could suggest exercises, answer questions about form or technique, and track progress over time. This can be a valuable tool for users who lack guidance or feel overwhelmed with making choices.

Problem 3: inconsistent and lack of motivation ❗

Gamefied Elements and community -

This involves incorporating game-like features to make the app more engaging and motivating. Think of points, badges, streaks, or challenges that reward users for completing tasks and achieving goals. A built-in community allows users to connect with others, share experiences, and compete in friendly challenges, fostering a sense of support and accountability.


A wireframe is basically a blueprint of the screens that will be designed in the next stage. To start the process, I made a brief mental model of the screens I wanted to include.

After that, I went ahead and sketched out my ideas on paper. This is called a paper wireframing.

Next, I headed to Figma to get my ideas flowing into a digital medium. I started out by making a list of the components I will be using.

After that I tried replicating what I jotted down on the paper into screens on Figma. And trust me this took way too long to figure out. These are high fidelity wireframes.


To view whole UI Screens & Prototype visit :




Visioux Design Studio

UI UX Design and Development Services for Web, Mobile Applications: We help Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Startups.