VISO company launches closed Token Sale

VISO team
1 min readOct 31, 2017


As previously announced, the Token Sale by the VISO Company is starting on November 1 and will run in a closed mode. Those interested in participating should first make arrangements with the company’s representatives.

The right to participate will be granted to all investors willing to contribute at least $5,000. You can apply for the event from our official website (

Going forward, everyone will be able to take part in the event. The closed Token Sale procedure is intended to enable those who contributed funds during the Token PreSale to convert the purchased PreVITO tokens into VITO tokens.

Our thanks goes to all participants of the Token PreSale. Thank you for being with us as we make our way towards the implementation of our unique project!



VISO team

VISO is a payment system that combines cryptocurrency and generally accepted payment cards and terminals into a single environment.