VISO Token PreSale Is Over: A Recap

VISO team
2 min readOct 25, 2017


The first phase in getting ready to implement our project came to an end yesterday, October 24, as we wrapped up the last day of the VISO Token PreSale, meaning we can do a quick recap of what has been achieved so far. The Token PreSale was a success. Our thanks goes to everyone who’s taken interest in our project and contributed funds.

The raising of the funds got off to a slower start than we’d anticipated, but things began to go well as the event drew to a close, enabling us to collect the target amount. Now that we know that our project has interested many users across the world and that we can count on their support going forward, we’re well on track to launch an ICO.

The month was very productive overall. We participated in a variety of events as the Token PreSale went forward, getting to know a number of interesting people and acquiring a wealth of new information and ideas. We no longer doubt that our project is doomed to succeed and that we will contribute in a major way to the cause of making cryptocurrency part of the everyday life of individuals the world over.

The next stage in the project’s development will kick off November 1 and run for over a month. The results will determine the scenario under which the project will evolve after that. Please be reminded that we expect to collect a minimum amount of $3mn during the Token Sale. But the greater the amount that we manage to raise, the sooner the users will have access to the feature set our system offers.

We’re now faced with the task of preparing for the Token Sale as best we can. We’re confident about the success of this event and anticipate to get down to the project’s active implementation stage one of these days. VISO holds the future of the cryptocurrency world. Join us now!



VISO team

VISO is a payment system that combines cryptocurrency and generally accepted payment cards and terminals into a single environment.