Creating Your Brand Through Web Design

5 min readNov 21, 2020


By definition, branding is the promotion of a business or product by means of advertising and distinctive design. Until a few years ago, marketers would brand their products through strategies such as creative logo design, billboards, engaging in-store experiences, and memorable TV ads, but now website design has entered the picture, weighing as much, if not more than others. Why? Because in 2020, consumers’ first interaction with brands takes place online, and it plays a major role in whether or not they decide to do business with you. In this article, you’ll learn how to build your brand through web design in 2020.

According to HubSpot data, 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the layout is unattractive, and 57% would never recommend a poorly designed website on mobile. The website has become integral to a brand’s identity, and not paying enough attention to its design can render all other marketing efforts futile.

2020 has redefined the user’s experience with websites

The Coronavirus crisis has accelerated the shift towards digital transformation. The change has taken aback many business owners, who, before the pandemic, only had generic websites based on predesigned themes or basic websites lacking functionality. With lockdown and social distancing in place, physical stores and offices were closed, and everything moved online, making good website design crucial. From an appendix to businesses’ branding components, websites have now become the only source of representation. Whether you’re launching your website now or giving it a facelift to match the requirements of the new business scene, it’s essential to put just as much thought into the design as you would into a beautiful storefront.

Why does web design matter when building your brand?

The role of a website isn’t just to sell things. It’s also an essential element that can make your brand unique, and it speaks volumes about your company’s philosophy. So, don’t leave the design to chance. Every little choice you make sends a message, whether you’re aware of it or not.

A good website design determines brand credibility. Did you know that 75% of online consumers judge a company’s credibility based on the design of its website? So, even if you put a lot of work into your products and services, there’s a big chance that customers will perceive you as unreliable if your website looks sloppy and difficult to use.

A good website design sets you apart from the competition. Yes, there are many free website themes out there, but working with a web design agency makes much more sense in the long run because they can help you create a unique design that fully represents the brand that helps you stand out from the competition and gives personality to your brand. A brand is a symbol and sets certain expectations, so don’t go for the free stock option.

A good website design creates meaningful consumer interactions. In the physical world, you try to enhance the user experience by making your store or offices as welcoming as possible, and by instructing the sales staff to be kind and courteous. The website design reflects this hospitality in the online world. If the design is intuitive and fun to use, it will create positive consumer experiences that boost sales and client retention.

Elements that will help you build your brand through web design

So, now that you know why website design has taken over as the #1 branding element in 2020, what exactly should you pay attention to?

1 A logical, easy to follow the structure

In a physical store, products are arranged logically on the shelves and shoppers know where to go if they need help. The same applies to websites. Before thinking of colors, animations, and fancy widgets. Make sure your design is intuitive enough for the average user to follow and that sequences and hierarchies make sense.

2 Design uniqueness

To stand out, your design should have at least a couple of elements. That set it out from the millions of other websites out there. Whether that’s a unique idea or the way it was implemented. The best way to inject personality into your design. Is to think about what makes your brand different to begin with. Is it its customer support, playfulness, professionalism, ability to innovate? Once you establish that, a professional web designer will help you translate your unique strengths into visual form.

3 Colors to build your brand through web design

The use of color and color combinations is never random in web design. As you’ve probably seen in big enterprises, every color symbolizes something: red creates a sense of urgency, which is why it’s used for online sales and news websites, green represents nature and it’s used by eco-friendly companies, blue denotes professionalism and stability and it’s used by finance companies, and so on. If your company operates abroad. It’s also a good idea to check whether your chosen color scheme has certain connotations in that culture.

4 Emotion

Good website design isn’t just pretty. It also sends a certain emotion and, as a marketer, it’s important to explore the emotional impact of web design to create meaningful user experiences and prompt users to take certain actions. In the book Emotional Design, researcher Don Norman explains that there are three levels of visual design:

  • the visceral level (appearance)
  • the behavioral level (usability)
  • the reflective level (personal satisfaction, self-image, and remembrance)

The way you use colors and arrange elements on your website can make users feel more comfortable. Boost trust, reduce the bounce rate and drive more sales.

5 Design consistency to build your brand through web design

In web design, consistency matters for two reasons. Firstly, it makes browsing the website easier because the design elements don’t clash or send conflicting messages. Secondly, they make your brand memorable through the power of repetition. By coming in contact with the same type of design across multiple channels. So, users come to associate the personality of your brand with certain elements, and thus they remember you faster. After all, the principle of familiarity is crucial in marketing because. It makes people more likely to accept your brand and perceive it as trustworthy.




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