How Local Search Is Changing In 2022

2 min readJun 26, 2022


Regardless of whether you’ve been working on your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) for a decade or a year, knowing what’ll happen with local search in the future will be just as important to you. While experts predicted that nothing significant will happen in SEO in 2022, there are still some minor changes that you may want to know. In this article, you’ll see how local search is changing in 2022.

How Local Search Is Changing In 2022

Some of the guaranteed and potential changes in the local search scene and search engines are the following:

Page experience ranking update

In February 2022, the leading search engine in the world will update its page experience algorithm. While this news may seem critical and can make rippling waves in the SEO industry. The search engine giant assured people on the web that it won’t be a massive one. So, it seems that most veterans in the scene agreed.

Also, according to SEO and marketing agencies in Fort Lauderdale, like Digital Marketing Service Pro, as long as it won’t greatly affect mobile SEO, everyone will be mostly fine after the update. After all, the update is focused on adding page experience ranking signals to desktop search alone.

How Local Search Is Changing: Voice Search Will Still Dominate Local Search

It won’t be a surprise to find that voice search will people prefer method for finding local businesses. Products, and services in 2022. Ever since 2015, it has dominated mobile searches. In a few years, it’ll lead to search engine optimization.

Currently, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are making strides to make sense of all voice commands and searches. They’re getting better at ‘guessing’ and ‘predicting’ what users want. Also, instead of taking search terms literally, these AIs focus more on context when providing search results.

Optimizing your site’s frequently asked questions will help you immensely

To further up your local voice search game, you must ensure that your frequent questions (FAQs) are ready. Know that aside from searching businesses, products, and services using voice, most people use voice search to find information.

Thankfully, most keywords or search terms used this way are always in the form of questions. Which you can take advantage of. So, ensure that your FAQ pages cover most of the actual questions people will ever ask using their mobile device or assistant. So, a good way to see how local search is changing.

To ensure you’re putting up the most effective questions to improve your visibility in the search engine results pages (SERPs). So, take advantage of the three common types of local voice search done by people below:

Discovery: Where’s the nearest pizza shop near me?

Direct: Get me a pizza from.

Knowledge: What are the pizza toppings available in.




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