New Year New Features — Visualize CloudFormation templates!

3 min readDec 31, 2014


As we enter the new year, we are happy to send out our gift to you for 2015, we couldn’t be more excited about it and are sure you’ll share in our delight to know that you can now visualize your Cloud Formation templates within VisualOps!

We have spent much of this year communicating with our users via email, at events, over video chats and more and this has been one of the most requested features yet.

Simply drag and drop your CloudFormation template:

This new feature means we now have complete integration of CloudFormation within VisualOps. Allowing you to import your existing Cloud Formation templates to visualize them using VisualOps as well as exporting them for eventual compatibility. (Note that monitoring and configuration -states- features will be lost in case of export, due to CloudFormation limitations).

To further display our commitment to bringing you the best, most up-to-date and exciting tools in cloud computing, we’d also like to present to you the release of our Puppet and Chef modules.

These modules will allow you to run your already existing Chef and Puppet recipes on your instances, which will then be managed by VisualOps.

To give you a simple introduction, here is how you would create a test file in “/tmp/testfile”, and then verify its content.

The content of `/tmp/test.pp`:


file {‘testfile’:

path => ‘/tmp/testfile’,

ensure => present,

mode => 0640,

content => “I’m a test file.”


While running it will look like this:

If you already have a running Chef/Puppet server you can also use the puppet agent or chef client modules to connect to it.

Do keep in mind that these modules are direct bindings to the CLI agents, and allow you to use all of their arguments. *

We’re looking forward to hearing how you find using these new tools and features and are committed to bringing you even more in 2015 and beyond!

* Please, refer to Puppet/Chef documentation in addition to VisualOps documentation for more details.

