Viswa Ghosh
1 min readAug 28, 2016


I understand the logic that Trump regurgitating what the American white lower classes think and say. What I cannot understand is how does the American white lower classes believe that Trump will work for them? After all, Trump is a born millionaire and did not even have to work hard for those millions. Trump personally has more in common with the Wall Street than the white lower classes who are being robbed and stripped every second by the Wall Street and the DC lobbyists. (also read Clintons)

Is it so easy to fool the white lower classes? It wasn’t in Europe when the Internationale was written in France.

Why didn’t these same white lower classes recognize ‘their own’ with the Occupy Wall Street? Why didn’t these same white lower classes recognize Bernie as their own?

OR, is the white lower class so thoroughly mass mediated that it cannot think for itself any more? Cannot differentiate a friend from a foe?

I get the feeling that we are re-living portions of unwanted 17th ~ 19th century European history. The post-WW2 America held tremendous promises for all. That shining beacon is no more.

