What is Medical Transcription and its process

Vitality Bss
4 min readApr 4, 2020


Medical transcription is manual processing work which is by voice reports dictated by physicians and other healthcare professionals into text format.

Healthcare providers, they convert voice-record and the voice files to text, typically in digital format. Electronic data is increasing rapidly so the requirement for compliance with Health IT and electronic health record (EHR) initiatives. Voice streaming is sometimes used so voice files can reach the MT department for immediate transcription.

Transcription was first used in the manufacturing industry. The first process that used transcription was Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP), introduced in 1975. The medical field adopted transcription because of electric typewriters, word processors and, especially, computers.

Speech recognition is reducing the need for manual transcription but speech recognition software is still not accurate enough to replace a human transcriptionist.

Medical transcription companies in India provide the best services. You can outsource all necessary transcription work to an agency like ours here at Transcription Outsourcing, where we have transcriptionists trained in creating and transcribing, may different kinds of medical documents. Let’s take a look at what makes medical transcription different, and how it can benefit you, your practice, and your patients.

Doctors, nurse practitioners, surgeons, and other healthcare providers have important, stressful jobs. They’re on their feet all day, doing everything they can to help the patients in their care. There’s a lot that can get in their way, however, and many frequently express frustration in getting so bogged down with paperwork that it limits their time with their patients.

The number one task that can suck up too much time from healthcare providers is transcribing notes. These notes can include everything from clinical summaries to surgery notes. Taking an audio recording and turning it into a written document that’s needed for their own records, insurance claims, and patient’s medical charts can take some providers a few hours per day.

Many healthcare providers end up spending an hour or more at the end of every day transcribing their notes, or they hire an expensive in-office medical assistant to help, and still find that sometimes the records are taking too long to do. They’re too expensive to do at this point, or there are inaccuracies showing up because they are using untrained people.

Best medical transcription companies in India involve a medical transcriptionist listening to audio files recorded by medical professionals and transcribing these files into a document while checking for errors. It plays a very significant role in the healthcare industry by saving physicians and other medical professionals a great deal of time and effort and allowing them to focus on patient care.

Medical transcription is needed for a wide variety of reports including history and physical exam reports, patient discharge summaries, emergency room reports, x-ray reports, operative reports, and chart notes. Let’s take a closer look at the medical transcription process.

There are so many companies provide medical transcription services and medical billing services in India.

Here are the Medical coding process

Step 1: Medical Professional Dictation

The medical transcription process begins when a medical professional records patient related information into a phone, hand-held digital recorder, or another digital recording device. It’s imperative that the medical professional uses a technologically advanced recording device in order that the standard of the recording and accuracy of the transcribed documents don’t suffer.

Step 2: Transmitting Voice Files

After the voice files are completed, they will be uploaded to a secure server in order that medical transcriptionists can download them and start transcribing them.

Step 3: Transcribing Voice Files into Text

During this step, medical transcriptionists will hear the voice files and use special foot pedals to replay the files. The medical transcriptionist will type exactly what they hear and save editing for subsequent step. within the event of an unclear or incomplete voice file, the medical professional who recorded it’ll be contacted and asked to clarify.

Step 4: Editing Transcribed Files

After the voice files are transcribed, they’re going to be thoroughly proofread and edited. Any errors or inconsistencies are going to be removed. At Fast Chart, we pride ourselves on our 98.5% accuracy rate, meaning medical providers that use our medical transcription services can enjoy accurate, structured, encoded, and shareable medical documents.

Step 5: Sending the Edited Files

The last step of the medical transcription process involves sending the edited files to the medical facility through a spread of methods like fax, modem, email, and Internet file transfer. It’s essential that these files reach the medical facility as quickly as possible.

In India there are some best medical transcription, medical billing and medical coding companies in Mumbai, they are expert and provide best services.



Vitality Bss

Vitality offers nationwide medical transcription services to both hospitals and clinic-based Physicians since 2000 in the USA.