
What is Content Shock? | Vitamins Part 3

Past research shows that there are now more than 4 billion internet users all over the world. More than 3.2 billion of these people are active social media users.

This may seem like a good thing for marketers. More users mean a bigger audience for your brand, right?

We hate to burst your bubble, but this may not necessarily be the case.

Content Shock, as coined by Mark Schaefer, is an existing phenomenon that is rooted on two things: the astounding and exponentially expanding volume of online content that we have today and the audience’s limited capacity to consume them.

Yes, innovative technology in our audience’s lifestyle have increased the market’s capacity to consume content. However, this rate has been consistently overpowered by the rate at which content producers launch material online. Let’s take a look at these figures as examples:

  • Youtube: More than 500 hours of video are uploaded every minute (this is equal to 21 straight days of consumable videos launched every 60 seconds)
  • Instagram: As of June 2018, there were 400 million daily Instagram stories users (this is more than the US population as of 2018)
  • Facebook: 350 million photos uploaded on a daily basis

Just imagine how long it would take a person to view all this content in one sitting!

Content has turned into one of the most valuable tools for marketers. However, at present, content is already commoditized. And what happens when there is a surplus of content supply against the audience’s demand for it? As marketers, it will mean that we need to produce valuable content that stands out and makes audiences want to interact with us. We need to find strategically creative ways to boost organic consumption; and we need to explore tools that we can use to optimize results.

At the end of the day, the power to choose which content to consume is in our audience’s hands. Thus, we need to produce engaging materials that will make them want to invest their time and attention.

Vitamins by VCS is a series of vlogs/blogs that provide tips and hacks for growing a business and creating content for your brand. You can watch the full series by following us on Youtube (youtube.com/vitalstrats) or visiting our IG TV channel (instagram.com/vitalstrats).

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Vitalstrats Creative Solutions (VCS) is a creative agency based in Quezon City, Philippines. VCS specializes in content marketing, advertising, and video production. We use strategic creativity to help our clients grow their brands.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vitalstrats/
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