Road to Front-end Web Development

Igniters Club, VIT Bhopal
4 min readMay 19, 2022


~ Vidushi Pandey, Web Team

Web development, as the name suggests, is the building of new websites with your own design and layouts, as well as the maintaining and updating of existing ones.

Your road to Web Development begins with the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and perhaps a little JavaScript. Although they may appear complicated to a newbie, they are actually rather simple once you have a hold on them.

I started learning CSS and Html though having a little bit of knowledge of HTML it was easy for me.

My 1st advice to everyone is to use a code editor instead of writing programs in black and white Notepad. The best aspect is that you will not get bored, and learning will appear to be enjoyable. HTML fundamentals took me only a day or two to learn.

My 2nd advice is that when you think you have a good grasp on HTML, create a website on any random topic. It strengthened my confidence and made me want to explore more.

Moving on to the next section of understanding CSS, it is a method of designing a website that includes adding colors’, layouts, animations, and so on.

There are three ways to apply it: inline CSS, internal CSS, and external CSS.

To be honest, inline and internal CSS may appear to be simple and handy, but I would always prefer using external CSS. One of the most significant aspects of web development is making a site responsive (creating dynamic changes to the design of a website based on the screen size and orientation of the device being used to view it). You may have little issue learning it, but I recommend that you not to rely on a single source and instead seek assistance from a variety of sources.

Another simple technique for using CSS without fussing with measurements and devoting more work to style, positioning elements, and making it responsive.

Debugging in CSS; Damn Lazy

To address all of these issues, CSS Frameworks are used, which allow you to effortlessly style your webpages. Bootstrap and Tailwind are two popular frameworks Bootstrap is an open-source framework available for free. Its goal is to make responsive, mobile-first website easier by providing a set of syntax for template designs. Whereas Tailwind CSS is described as a utility- first framework. Tailwind is focused on how it should be presented. This makes it easy for the developer to experiment with various designs and layouts.

Whether be it Bootstrap or Tailwind the similarity between them is that they are both similar frameworks. They both have their own advantage like Using Tailwind CSS our site can be more customizable and by using Bootstrap our site can be responsive and have flawless design. Keeping it concise they both help us to reduce CSS code by the help of components.

As a Bootstrap developer, I find it simple to implement, however the one disadvantage is that sites follow a specific design pattern, which is not the case with Tailwind. We can experiment with several styles. JavaScript is more about programming and logic, which will take much more time than HTML and CSS if you are a newbie. If you have prior coding skills, it will be rather simple for you. Again, study from many places and practice to get a grasp on it. This was all about the fundamentals of the front-end part of web development.

The more you practice the more you become better!!Probably not like what it is shown below :

Keep Learning!

To connect the author:



Igniters Club, VIT Bhopal

“Potential is a priceless treasure, like gold. Everyone has gold hidden within, but we have to dig to get it out”