
Vitória M.
1 min readFeb 1, 2017


I hide myself behind the silence
every time words try,
in an insatiable and violent way,
to consume every piece of me.
Every time the little murmurs try,
sneakily, to unsettle
the remaining pieces I have left.
Silence does not haunt nor consume,
silence calms, rejuvenates the soul,
rebuilds and heals the wounds,
however deep they may be.
It is the merge of obscure with serenity,
the healing of suffering.
It is infinitely welcoming
becoming a vice, difficult,
impossible to let go.
Deception made me fall,
destroyed all that was good in me,
creating hatred and grudge.
It took happiness and hope in one breath,
merciless and haughty.
The only one by my side was it: silence,
pure and crystalline.
Holding me and not letting me falter,
calming me down, holding my hand and,
with a kiss on the forehead, telling me where to go,
showing me the way out,
clear and easy now.
I trust it, much more than myself,
for it seized me.
Opened my eyes.
And more importantly, it does not leave me alone.

