Type Design Journal — Part 2

Vitória Neves
3 min readDec 11, 2016


I made some more progress since my last post. I worked mainly on the spacing and made some adjustments to the uppercase.

Even though, I went over all the lowercase and made adjustments to the spacing, I still feel I’m not quite there yet. But, I’m getting closer.

In the picture below you can see how the spacing looks like now.

I used the “n” and “o” as control characters (sometimes also “r” and “s”). However, in the pictures you can only see how I used the “n” as a control character but, I think you can get the idea. I also decided to change the “f” a bit. Now it also has an exit stroke. It is fully connected now for more consistency and harmony.

Another problem that I have to solve is “jj”. As you can see the loops jam into each other and it doesn’t look nice. When something makes your eye stop consistently you know that there is something wrong. That’s what happens here. I will have to fix this with a ligature though.

“x” and “z” also need some more love. I’m also not sure whether I prefer to have the “x” with or without an entrance stroke. Decisions…

The spacing is not quite done yet. The next step is to do a lot of specimens to test the spacing a bit further and make all the necessary adjustments.

This is a very slow process (at least for me) so there is not always much to show. You may not believe this, but I spent a whole day just adjusting the “x”. If you ever feel you want to test your patience just do a font. I’m surprisingly more patient than I have ever thought.

In the next story, I will show you the uppercase of this typeface and the adjustments I made to it.

