Metapilot and the future of metaverse

How Metapilot uses interoperablity as way into the mainstream

4 min readJun 20, 2022


The concept of metaverse promises an immersive and augmented experience of living in a realistic digital space by facilitating a convergence of the physical and real worlds. While the metaverse is meant to revolutionize not just the gaming sector but also to replace certain real-world activities, such as working and hanging out, certain issues create obstacles in the way.

One of them and beyond the most important is the lack of interoperability. In the absence of interoperability, transcending the boundaries of virtual worlds becomes challenging, and users fail to maintain continuity across different virtual platforms such as The Sandbox, Illuvium or Axie Infinity.

Since metaverse is meant be a reflection of the real world, interoperability is key to its success. We can move freely from one place to another in the physical world without restrictions. It is these qualities of continuity and interoperability that make the physical world possible to live in. And it is for this reason experts believe that a fully functional metaverse is only possible through the implementation of interoperability.

It’s worth noting here that a metaverse can only be habitable for human avatars when it successfully establishes itself as an interconnected virtual space. Let’s dive deeper into the concept of interoperability to understand its significance in realizing the idea of a metaverse.

Idea of Metaverse

There are different ways to describe what a metaverse is, and almost all of them come close to what the metaverse could actually entail. But all available explanations about the metaverse hinge on one of its pivotal ideas: a shared virtual environment accessible by all. This is a space where people can interact and participate in events using customized digital avatars. As virtual reality gets more mainstream, it is almost certain that we will all be part of the metaverse at some point in the future.

What is Metaverse Interoperability?

Let’s look at blockchain technology as an example to understand “interoperability”. In a blockchain ecosystem, we have both interoperable and non-interoperable platforms. However, interoperability is imperative if we desire to innovate and develop more advanced and high-utility solutions using blockchain technology.

Interoperability enables blockchain ecosystems to communicate, share arbitrary data, and use one another’s services and features.

Similarly, interoperability allows various metaverse projects to function in a unified way through the sharing of data, features, services, and experiences. It also facilitates cross-platform trading and other activities that are nearly impossible in siloed spaces.

Putting it simply, interoperability in metaverse doesn’t work much differently from how interoperability plays out within the blockchain ecosystem. Users don’t need multiple accounts or access for individual metaverse platforms and can store and transact across different metaverse projects with just one access.

But note that to make your metaverse interoperable, you either must build it on an interoperable blockchain ecosystem, or you must connect the different ecosystems.

And that’s where Metapilot comes in.

What is Metapilot and How Does it Work?

Metapilot is a decentralized interoperability protocol which was built on the Autobahn Network (Cross Chain Bridge). The latter makes it possible to bridge both tokens and NFTs between different blockchains and thus also between different metaverse projects. However, the focus here is on providing access to different metaverse projects and not on the direct connection of these. Metapilot serves as an interface with which users can switch seamlessly between various metaverse projects with just one click in the Metapilot UI.

Since the Internet is a layered structure it allows different networks and subnetworks to communicate.

We can browse through all kinds of websites using a browser, and webpages available over the Internet can be linked to one another. This creates an interoperable, interconnected system of networks called the Internet.

Metapilot works on the same principle, serving as a browser for the entirety of all metaverse projects.

There are 4 layers needed to make different metaverse platforms interoperable.

Layer 1 — Foundation Layer

The Internet forms the foundation layer and ensures connectivity to the metaverse.

Layer 2 — Infrastructure Layer

Infrastructural requirements form this layer. It includes technologies like blockchain, big data and IoT that help make metaverse a shared ecosystem. It also includes the Cross Chain Bridge of „Autobahn Network“.

Layer 3 — Content Layer

This layer contains various metaverse apps and platforms to create vivid and natural experiences.

Layer 4 — Metapilot Overlayer

This layer ist formed by Metapilot. It connects various metaverse platforms by using the Autobahn Network (Cross Chain Bridge). In addition, VR and AR devices can be connected to various metaverse networks and NFTs of individual platforms can be managed.

Metapilot Layers

Metapilot Key NFTs and Platform-Related NFTs

But to actually make metaverse interoperable you don’t just need to connect multiple platforms and blockchains. Similar to real life, where people move around carrying their identities along and take their assets with them anywhere without much hassle, these prerequisites must also be present in Metaverse.

In the crypto sector NFTs are used to provide immutable information and transport it on a blockchain. In this context, NFTs are not just simple images, but storage for information such as proof of identity, login data, abstract of title and many more.

Metapilot uses NFTs as keys, which contain all necessary data to use different metaverse platforms. The first time a user connects his Metapilot account to a metaverse platform, a new NFT is automatically minted and serves as an access key for future logins.

In addition, unique NFTs belonging to an metaverse platform can also be stored, managed and bridged on the Metapilot account (Metapilot NFT Manager).


While a true metaverse has so far been more of a vision, Metapilot makes it a concrete reality and thereby paves the way into the mainstream.

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Inspired by @leewayhertz




Metapilot is a decentralized interoperabilty procotol aiming to connect various metaverse platforms.