MongoDB Alchemist: Chapter #02 — Unveiling the Installation Magic ✨

Vivek Murali
9 min readSep 16, 2023

Welcome back to the second chapter of our MongoDB Alchemist series! In this instalment, we’ll dive into the exciting realm of MongoDB installation methods. 🌟

Photo by Agent J on Unsplash


MongoDB, the leading NoSQL database, is renowned for its flexibility and scalability. Whether you’re a developer, data scientist, or a DBA, having MongoDB at your fingertips is crucial. But how do you go about installing and running this powerful database? Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to explore 6different ways to do just that. 🚀

Method 1: MongoDB Official Installer

The MongoDB team offers a straightforward official installer for various platforms. To get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the MongoDB Download Center: Navigate to the MongoDB Download Center and choose the version suitable for your OS.
  2. Download & Install: Download the installer and follow the on-screen instructions. MongoDB Compass, a GUI tool, is often bundled, making it easier to manage your databases.
  3. Starting the Service: Once installed, MongoDB will be up and running as a service. You can interact with it through the command line or MongoDB Compass.

Method 2: Package Managers

For those who prefer the command line and package managers, this is your go-to method. MongoDB can be installed using package managers like Homebrew (macOS/Linux) or Chocolatey (Windows).

For instance, if you’re on macOS, open your terminal and run:

brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community

Method 3: Docker Magic — Running MongoDB in a Container 🐳

We’ll embark on an exciting journey through the realm of Docker magic, exploring how you can run MongoDB in a container. 🌟

Docker and MongoDB — A Powerful Combination

Docker is a revolutionary platform that enables developers to package applications and their dependencies into containers, which can then be executed consistently across different environments. MongoDB, as a NoSQL database, can also be containerized using Docker, bringing flexibility and convenience to your database management.

Setting Up MongoDB in a Docker Container

Here’s a detailed guide on how to summon MongoDB into a Docker container:


Before we begin, ensure you have Docker installed on your machine. You can download Docker Desktop for macOS and Windows or Docker Engine for Linux from the official Docker website.

Step 1: Pull the MongoDB Docker Image

In the world of Docker, everything begins with an image. An image is a lightweight, stand-alone, executable package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, runtime, libraries, and system tools.

To pull the official MongoDB image from the Docker Hub, open your terminal and execute the following command:

docker pull mongo

This command fetches the latest MongoDB image available, making it ready for use.

Step 2: Run a MongoDB Container

Now that you have the MongoDB image, it’s time to create and run a MongoDB container.

docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb mongo

Let’s break down this command:

  • docker run: This initiates the process of creating and running a new container.
  • -d: It runs the container in detached mode, allowing it to run in the background.
  • -p 27017:27017: This maps port 27017 on your host to port 27017 on the container, enabling you to connect to the MongoDB instance.
  • --name mongodb: This gives your container a name, in this case, "mongodb."
  • mongo: Specifies the name of the Docker image to use.

Congratulations! You now have a MongoDB instance running within a Docker container.

Step 3: Interact with MongoDB

To interact with your MongoDB container, you can use the mongo command-line client or connect to it from your application code.

For instance, to connect using the mongo shell, you can execute:

docker exec -it mongodb mongo

This command opens an interactive session with your MongoDB container, allowing you to run queries and manage your databases as if MongoDB were installed locally.

Method 4: Kubernetes Orchestration 🚢

Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source container orchestration platform that can manage the deployment, scaling, and operation of containerized applications. It’s a perfect fit for running MongoDB, especially in complex environments.

Setting Up MongoDB on Kubernetes


Before diving into the Kubernetes magic, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Kubernetes Cluster: You should have a running Kubernetes cluster. If you don’t have one, services like Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Amazon EKS, or Minikube (for local development) can help.
  2. kubectl: Ensure you have the kubectl command-line tool installed and configured to communicate with your cluster.

Deploying a MongoDB StatefulSet

A StatefulSet is the Kubernetes controller designed for stateful applications like databases. It ensures that each MongoDB pod has a stable and unique network identity.

Here’s how you can deploy MongoDB as a StatefulSet:

Create a MongoDB Service YAML file: Create a YAML file, let’s call it mongo-statefulset.yaml, with the following content:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: mongo
serviceName: mongo
replicas: 3 # Set the desired number of replicas
app: mongo
app: mongo
- name: mongo
image: mongo
- containerPort: 27017
value: your_username
value: your_password
- name: mongo-persistent-storage
mountPath: /data/db
- metadata:
name: mongo-persistent-storage
accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
storage: 5Gi # Adjust storage size as needed

Apply the YAML file: Use kubectl to apply the configuration:

kubectl apply -f mongo-statefulset.yaml

This will create a StatefulSet with three MongoDB pods. It also sets up a persistent volume claim for data storage.

Accessing MongoDB

To access your MongoDB instances running on Kubernetes:

Port Forwarding: Use port forwarding to access a MongoDB instance directly from your local machine. Replace 0 with the pod number (0, 1, or 2):

kubectl port-forward mongo-0 27017:27017

MongoDB Clients: Connect to MongoDB using your preferred client, such as the MongoDB shell or MongoDB Compass, by specifying localhost and port 27017.

Scaling and Maintenance

Kubernetes simplifies scaling and maintenance:

  • Scaling: To scale your MongoDB cluster, simply modify the replicas field in the mongo-statefulset.yaml file and reapply it using kubectl.
  • Upgrades: You can perform rolling updates and upgrades of MongoDB versions with minimal downtime.

Backup and Disaster Recovery

For data safety, ensure that you implement proper backup and disaster recovery strategies. Options include:

  • Using a tool like Velero for cluster-wide backups.
  • Leveraging MongoDB’s built-in replication features for redundancy.
  • Storing backups in a separate storage system like Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

We Can achieve the similar implementation using Helm Charts. Imagine Helm as your trusty spellbook and Helm Charts as the magical spells that can be cast on your Kubernetes clusters. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies the deployment and management of applications, including databases like MongoDB.

To harness the power of Helm Charts for deploying MongoDB, follow these steps:


  1. Helm: Ensure you have Helm installed on your local machine. If not, you can get it from the official Helm website.
  2. Kubernetes Cluster: You should have a working Kubernetes cluster set up. Helm relies on Kubernetes to deploy applications.

Step 1: Add the MongoDB Helm Repository

Helm uses repositories to store and distribute Helm Charts. You need to add the MongoDB Helm repository to access the MongoDB Chart.

helm repo add bitnami

Step 2: Install MongoDB using Helm

Now that you’ve added the repository, you can install MongoDB into your Kubernetes cluster.

helm install mongodb bitnami/mongodb

This command tells Helm to fetch the MongoDB Chart from the Bitnami repository and install it as a release named “mongodb.”

Step 3: Accessing MongoDB

To access your MongoDB instance, you can use a port-forwarding trick similar to Kubernetes Port Forwarding:

kubectl port-forward svc/mongodb 27017:27017

Now you can connect to MongoDB on localhost:27017 using your MongoDB client.

Helm Charts Advantages

  • Reusability: Helm Charts are reusable and can be customized for your specific requirements.
  • Version Control: Helm allows you to manage different versions of your MongoDB deployment easily.
  • Upgradability: Updating your MongoDB instance is as simple as upgrading the Helm Chart.
  • Rollbacks: Helm enables you to roll back to a previous version of your MongoDB deployment if issues arise.
  • Helm Values: Customize your MongoDB deployment using Helm values, making it highly flexible.

Method 5: Robo 3T and DBeaver — MongoDB GUI Tools 🧰

We’re going to explore two fantastic GUI tools for interacting with MongoDB: Robo 3T and DBeaver. These tools add a layer of enchantment to your MongoDB journey. ✨

Robo 3T: The Magical MongoDB GUI

Robo 3T, previously known as Robomongo, is a cross-platform MongoDB GUI that simplifies database management and development. Here’s how you can conjure Robo 3T into your MongoDB workflow:


  1. Download Robo 3T: Visit the Robo 3T website and download the version suitable for your operating system.
  2. Installation: Install Robo 3T following the on-screen instructions. It’s a straightforward process.

Connecting to MongoDB:

  1. Launch Robo 3T: After installation, launch Robo 3T.
  2. Create a Connection: Click on “Connect” to create a new connection. Provide the connection details, including the server address, port, and authentication credentials if necessary.
  3. Connect: Once you’ve filled in the details, click “Connect” to establish a connection to your MongoDB server.

Robo 3T offers a user-friendly interface for managing databases, collections, and documents. You can create, edit, and query data with ease. Additionally, it provides features like a built-in query editor, schema visualization, and the ability to import/export data.

DBeaver: A Universal Database Tool

DBeaver is a versatile database tool that supports multiple database management systems, including MongoDB. It offers a unified and intuitive interface for interacting with various databases. Here’s how you can integrate DBeaver into your MongoDB workflow:


  1. Download DBeaver: Visit the DBeaver website and download the version compatible with your OS.
  2. Installation: Install DBeaver as per your OS’s requirements.

Setting Up MongoDB in DBeaver:

  1. Launch DBeaver: Open DBeaver after installation.
  2. Create a New Connection: In the DBeaver main window, go to “Database” and select “New Database Connection.”
  3. Choose MongoDB: In the connection wizard, choose “MongoDB” as the database type.
  4. Configure Connection: Provide the connection details such as the server host, port, authentication settings, and database name.
  5. Test Connection: Click “Test Connection” to ensure your settings are correct, then click “Finish.”

Once connected, DBeaver provides a comprehensive environment for working with MongoDB. You can explore your databases, execute queries, manage indexes, and even visualize data in a tabular format.

Benefits of Using GUI Tools

  • User-Friendly Interface: These tools offer intuitive interfaces, making it easier for developers and administrators to manage MongoDB.
  • Visual Data Exploration: You can visually explore your MongoDB collections and documents, which can be especially helpful for those who prefer a more graphical approach.
  • Query Building: Both tools provide query builders that help you construct complex MongoDB queries without writing the code manually.
  • Data Import/Export: Importing and exporting data to/from MongoDB is simplified through these GUI tools.

Method 6: MongoDB Atlas

If you want a cloud-based solution that’s MongoDB-specific, MongoDB Atlas is your answer. Here’s how you can set it up:

  1. Visit MongoDB Atlas: Go to MongoDB Atlas and sign up for an account (if you don’t have one).
  2. Create a Cluster: Click on “Build a New Cluster,” and follow the guided setup process. You can configure various options like geographical region, instance size, and more.
  3. Connect to Your Cluster: Once your cluster is ready, you’ll receive a connection string. You can use this to connect to your MongoDB database from your application.

Tips and Tricks

No matter which method you choose, here are some handy tips:

  • Security: Always secure your MongoDB installation. Use authentication and configure access control.
  • Backups: Regularly back up your data to prevent data loss.
  • Monitoring: Use MongoDB’s built-in monitoring tools or third-party solutions to keep an eye on your database’s performance.
  • Scaling: As your application grows, consider horizontal scaling by adding more replica sets or shards.


Congratulations! You’re now well-versed in six distinct methods to install and run MongoDB. Each method has its advantages, so choose the one that best suits your needs and expertise. MongoDB’s versatility and scalability make it a top choice for various applications, and now, you have the power to harness it. 🌐

Stay tuned for the next chapter in our MongoDB Alchemist series, where we’ll explore advanced configurations and optimization techniques to unleash the full potential of MongoDB! 🧙‍♂️✨

We hope you found it informative and enjoyable. Feel free to drop your comments and questions below. Until next time, happy data wizardry! 🧙‍♀️📊🔮




Vivek Murali

Data Engineer @iVoyant | Machine Learning, Data Engineering & Data Enthusiast| Travel and Data insights only things amuses me.