A reflection on my 1st year as a CTO.

Vivek Desai
2 min readJan 18, 2024


Photo by Kelly Common on Unsplash

As just like that 1 year has passed. I wanted to share with others a few tidbits of knowledge.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work:

CTOs don’t work alone. They’re part of a team, just like when you and your friends build the coolest LEGO castle. I discovered that listening and sharing ideas with my team made our projects even more amazing. Teamwork is like a superpower!

Culture matters:

Setting the correct culture matters a lot. You want people to be empowered to make decisions, along with being accountable. Make sure you set the correct culture. This takes the most time so start sooner vs later. Also leading by example is key.

From Challenges to Opportunities:

In the dynamic sphere of a CTO, challenges are not obstacles but gateways to innovation. Adopting a puzzle-solving mindset, I appreciate that obstacles are inherent in any endeavor. The key lies in transforming these challenges into opportunities for growth and advancement.

The Ever-evolving Learning Curve:

The CTO’s journey is an odyssey of perpetual learning. Embracing a perpetual student ethos has been paramount. Much like acquiring new levels in a video game, continuous learning fortifies one’s intellectual arsenal and empowers effective decision-making and strategic planning.

Communication is Key:

Like superheroes need to talk to each other, CTOs need to communicate well. Whether it’s explaining a big idea or asking for help, clear communication helps everyone understand and work together smoothly.

Celebrating Milestones:

Acknowledging and celebrating achievements is integral to sustaining team morale and fostering a culture of accomplishment. As a CTO, recognizing and commemorating milestones, both big and small, contributes to a positive and motivated work environment.

