My Journey With Sqribble: A Revolution in eBook Creation

Vivek Sheth
3 min readJul 31, 2023


I’ve been a storyteller for as long as I can remember. I have always sought comfort in the quiet atmosphere of libraries and the lovely movement of words on book pages. And I couldn’t contain my joy when it came to penning my own story. But let’s just say that organizing and arranging those stories into a digital book was pretty difficult.

Then, as though in response to my annoyance, I discovered Sqribble.

Sqribble is a cloud-based application created to make the process of creating eBooks simpler for those who are not familiar with it. Sqribble did more than just relieve my discomfort; it completely changed my writing experience, transforming it from a difficult work into a fun adventure. You may see what I mean by clicking here.

One of the first things that interested me about Sqribble was its simple user interface. It made my job simple by letting me select from a variety of professionally designed and fully adjustable layouts and styles. No longer was it necessary to invest many hours in learning about design or navigating challenging software.

The second most significant advantage was the range of categories. Whether I was writing a technical book, a recipe book, or a fantasy novel, Sqribble had a template that matched the tone and theme. It was like having a personal designer at my fingertips.

Another game-changing feature for me was Sqribble’s automatic content generation. There were days when I was running low on inspiration or energy but still needed to meet my deadlines. During such times, Sqribble’s content generator became my best friend, automatically filling my pages with relevant content.

But wait, you ask, what about editing? Be at ease; Sqribble has you covered there too. It offers a straightforward yet effective drag-and-drop editor. It was simple to add, edit, and format text, and producing an eBook that looked professional was no longer out of reach.

The cherry on top was when Sqribble proved to be a true powerhouse when it came to generating eBook covers as well. The saying goes, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” but let’s be real, we all do. I was able to create stunning, captivating covers with Sqribble that connected with my readers and established realistic expectations for my content.

After my experience with Sqribble, I saw that making an eBook, especially one that is attractive and professional-looking, is not only feasible but can also be a fun experience. I highly recommended Sqribble if, like me, you enjoy writing but are a bit frightened by the technical aspects of creating an eBook. My writing journey has been completely transformed by it, and I think it can do the same for you.

Are you curious to experience this revolution yourself? Click here to check out Sqribble. It may just be the tool that turns your passion for writing into a successful eBook creation adventure. Happy writing!

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Vivek Sheth

Meet Vivek Sheth, a technology devotee and digital content creator. With a background in start-ups and digital marketing.