My Journey From Concrete To Code

4 min readAug 13, 2020


This is my first blog, so thought of starting with my personal story as it becomes a compulsion to write a blog when you take up a Programming career.

Old story

I graduated in the year 2017-July in Btech Civil Engineering. In the same year, the government had introduced GST which affected most of the civil projects and reduced the opportunities in the construction field. With a long hustle I landed in a job in October-2017. So in the span of two years, I had worked in three different companies and that’s when I realized “this is not for me”, considering factors like career growth, work environment and so on. Finally, I decided to switch my career and thought of jumping into programming on my brother’s advice(as he was in the same field).

New Story

The end of October-2019 is when I left my Civil Engineering job and decided to change my career to coding. I wondered and did some research on how to get started and that’s when I came across this platform called Bootcamps. Bootcamps — enable students with little coding proficiency to focus on the most important aspects of coding and immediately apply their new coding skills to solve real-world problems. Hence decided to join one of those.

My next mission was to find a good bootcamp in a long going list of boot-camps in Bangalore. Analysis began keeping various factors in mind, but trust me it is really difficult to judge the quality of bootcamps no matter how deep my analysis was, I was in a dilemma. That’s when I came across this wonderful program called “Foundation program” offered by Byte Academy. It was a 1-month course where they would teach the fundamentals of python programming for a fee of Rs.2000/-. I thought this would be a great chance for me to look into the quality of the Bootcamp and review myself, whether I will be able to take this career ahead or not. Finally with no hesitation I signed up for the program.

My journey with Byte Academy started in November 2019, when I signed up for the foundation course. The course went remarkably and that’s when I felt I was at the right place. I further joined the bootcamp and for the next three months I put all my mind and soul in learning things.


The Bootcamp is structured into three phases, the first phase covers the whole python content that is from the basics until you build a whole application using python in a span of a month.

We are qualified to the second phase only if we submit the first phase project. The second phase content covers the syllabus of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap. Javascript, Python frameworks like Django and Flask.

The third phase starts immediately after the first two phases and it involves topics like Restful APIs, Reacts and the final bootcamp project which should be submitted by us after the completion of the theoretical exposure.

Summarizing my experience in the bootcamp, the teaching quality is very good and there are insightful instructors whom we can completely rely on. The content and materials for learning are also very effective and lately they have introduced the LMS(Learning Management System) platform which has given an essence & ease of virtual learning. This being said, I believe an individual’s effort also plays a vital role in career progression. In my case, I was really consistent and honest towards it and I guess that’s what gave me an opportunity for an internship.


Here is the exciting part of my journey! I was fortunate enough to land up in an internship immediately after I graduated from the bootcamp. So, one more inspiring thing about Byte Academy is that they also take up projects and they have a separate channel to manage these parallelly and all the instructors dedicate some part of their time on these projects. So I got an opportunity to work on one of those projects as an intern, which got me a lot of exposure as well as hands-on experience on the latest tech stacks and grabbed some stipend.


The internship was scheduled for three months, which I completed successfully. Based on the performance I was offered a job which I gladly accepted as I was still working on the project. It has been three months since I started my job and I feel content in my career. I am glad that I made the right decision towards a coding career with Byte Academy. It has not only given me the right direction to build my foundation strong but also has boosted my confidence in the zenith. I would highly recommend anybody who’s in dilemma to consider Byte Academy if they are making a move to a programming career irrespective of what their career background is.

To wrap it up, this has been my journey so far and I will keep updating about my future endeavors, so do stay tuned…

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A migrated software developer, travel geek, loves reading, writing.