Memory Layout in C++

Vivek Kumar
3 min readJul 29, 2020


Memory Management In OS

We write a computer program in a text file and when we execute, OS allocates a process which performs all the task mentioned in the program.

Our program gets assigned a process and each process is allocated some memory and which is divided into below-mentioned segments:

  1. Text Segment
  2. Data Segment
  3. Stack
  4. Heap

This topic comes under Process and Process Management in the Operating System.

Hence when we run our C++ program the OS allocates a process that contains a block of memory.

  1. Text Segment:
    Also, know as Code segment, Contains executable instructions.
    Usually, Text segment is sharable and hence only a single copy exists as well as its read-only.
  2. Data Segment
    Divided into two parts
    Initialized Data Segment
    Contains Global and static variables that are initialized. Its not a read-only segment and hence the values can be modified.
    Uninitialized Data Segment
    This is usually called BSS segment.
    Data in this segment are initialized by the kernel to 0 before the program starts execution. This comes after the initialized Data segment in memory.
  3. Stack:
    Temporary variables are stored in this area. The virtual pointer is also stored here
    Stack Frame: A set of values pushed for one function call is called Stack Frame.
  4. Heap:
    Here dynamic memory allocation takes place

Memory Layout of objects in C++:

  1. Simple Object
  2. Object with virtual and static members
  3. Object with inheritance
  4. Object with Multiple inheritances and virtual functions

1. Memory Layout of Simple Object:

class Shape {
float area;
float perimeter;
float GetArea(float side);
float GetPerimeter(float side);

1. area
2. perimeter
Text Segment:
1. Shape()
2. ~Shape()
3. GetArea(float side)
4. GetPerimeter(float side)

2. Object with virtual and static members

class Shape {
float area;
float perimeter;
static double PI;
virtual ~Shape();
virtual float GetArea(float side);
float GetPerimeter(float side);
static double GetPI();

1. area
2. Perimeter
3. _vptr

Data Segment:
1. Static Shape::PI

Text Segment:
1. Shape()
2. ~Shape()
3. GetArea(float side)
4. GetPerimeter(float side)
5. Static Shape::GetPI()

  • Here as you can see the static member variable goes into the Data Segment.
  • The static function goes into the Same text segment as other function but here this pointer won't be passed.
  • In the case of virtual members, a virtual pointer is added to the stack which points to a virtual table which contains:
  1. type_info — Contains information related to the current class and other classes if it is derived from one.
  2. Address of virtual function:
  • ~Shape()
  • GetArea()

3. Object with inheritance

class Shape {
float area;
virtual ~Shape();
virtual float GetArea(float side);
class Square : Shape {
float area;
float GetArea(float side);

2. Shape::_vptr
3. Shape::area

Text Segment:
2. ~Squre()
3. Square::GetArea()
4. Shape()
5. ~Shape()
6. Shape::GetArea()

The virtual table will be created as part of a constructor call to base class Shape and the table will contain the address of virtual functions that are overridden.

Object with Multiple inheritances and virtual functions

class Shape {
float area;
virtual ~Shape();
virtual float GetArea(float side);
class Square {
float area;
virtual float GetArea(float side);
class TempShape : public Square, public Shape {
float area;
float GetArea(float side);

An object of TempSape class memory layout:

2. Square::area
3. TempShape::area
4. Shape::_vptr
5. Square::_vptr

2. ~TempShape()
3. Square()
4. ~Square()
5. Shape()
6. ~Shape()

Here if you see the object of TempSpace contains two vptr.
In multiple inheritance the no of vptr created will N-1, where N is the no of class.

