Not a big deal but I’m back.

Vivek narayan ⌚🏪
3 min readAug 18, 2016


Did I do something special yesterday ? Or the day before ? No. But something is happening.

I’m spending most of my time in the day doing what my dad and my mum insist me to do. Go to college! The one lame reason to just why I’m attending it. And I come home tired.

Okay let’s talk about……everything. Starting with money.

1) Yes. Money !

Many of us are still following the same old way of making money. Go to college, get a safe job and work your butt off until retirement kicks in.

Rich dad poor dad, choose yourself. These books were enough to understand how money works. You’ll never be rich if you’re at a job.

* What did I get to know ?

There are stock options. Passive income generating sources. Why don’t we talk about them for making money?

2) Acceptance.

There are 31 legally accepted gender identities in New York now ! Yes, 31. Don’t give up on Yourself.

3) Sanity.

When you get thoughts that can jeopardise almost everything in your life, it doesn’t take a moment to question your sanity. People will always relish the opportunity to find your faults.

People are of two types, the one who give advice and the one who mind their business.

4) Porn is not as bad as hard labor.

I read this article which revolves around telling that if you consider hard labor is better than doing porn, you need to expand your horizons as you’re selling your body in either ways.

5) Experience.

If teachers teach you coding, why aren’t they software professionals already? It pays more ! Doesn’t it?

6) Kim Kardashian.

She is much famous than the Miss. Universe. Hmmm…. Something to worry about.

7) Hillary Clinton.

Director James Comey of the FBI clearly stated that if the violation acts of Hillary Clinton were committed by a normal citizen, he would be indicted.

8) Sleep.

Only when you require it the most.

The world is not under obligation to make sense to you and me. Yet, it manipulates you through media.

People don’t know what they want and how to get it, that’s why they’re called people. You can be a jack off all trades ! Just go for it !

And those 31 gender identities in New York…..I don’t what the hell is going on there !!!



Vivek narayan ⌚🏪

Android apps,tech,learning. Approaching humor soon !!!! 😀